Trademark Status DEAD
Expiration 22.07.2021








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harfi, stephane, FR, (EPOID: 436638)



NICE Classification

  • Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes;
    Animal skins, hides;
    Trunks and travelling bags;
    Umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks;
    Whips, harness and saddlery.;

NICE Classification

  • Clothing, footwear, headgear.;

NICE Classification

  • Games and playthings;
    Gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes;
    Decorations for Christmas trees.;

News around "SEAL TEAM 6" trademark

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Robert O’Neill, the former Navy SEAL who claims to have killed Osama bin Laden, was arrested last week in Texas after he allegedly assaulted and racially abused a hotel security guard. O'Neill turned violent and hit the guard in the chest with his right palm and used racial slurs. He was charged with assault causing bodily injury, a Class A misdemeanor, and public intoxication. The former Navy Seal denied the allegations and said he never used a racial slur against anyone.
Robert O’Neill, the former Navy SEAL who claims to have killed Osama bin Laden, was arrested last week in Texas after he allegedly assaulted and racially abused a hotel security guard. O'Neill turned violent and hit the guard in the chest with his right palm and used racial slurs. The guard managed to escape and reported the incident to his co-workers. The former Navy Seal denied the allegations made by the guard and said he never used a racial slur.
Robert O’Neill, the former Navy SEAL who claims to have killed Osama bin Laden, was arrested last week in Texas after he allegedly assaulted and racially abused a hotel security guard. O'Neill turned violent and hit the guard in the chest with his right palm and used racial slurs. He was charged with assault causing bodily injury, a Class A misdemeanor, and public intoxication.
Robert O'Neill, 47, was booked into jail in Frisco on Wednesday. He was released later that day on a $3,500 bond. Mr O’Neill was a member of SEAL Team 6 during the famed 2011 mission. He claimed that he fired the shots which killed the al Qaeda leader.
Robert O'Neill, 47, was booked into jail in Frisco on Wednesday. He was released later that day on a $3,500 bond. Mr O’Neill was a member of SEAL Team 6 during the famed 2011 mission. He claims he fired the shots which killed the al Qaeda leader.
U.S. officials have released few details on this weekend's evacuation. Elements of SEAL Team 6 – which rose to fame for killing Osama Bin Laden – and the Army’s 3rd Special Forces Group took part in the evacuation.
Rob O'Neill was part of the SEAL Team 6 mission to kill Osama bin Laden. He said he knew he was going to die on the mission to Abbottabad, Pakistan. But he remained steadfast, as all his comrades did in the face of death. "There was no fear involved with this mission," he said.
@yukaikayako is a member of the U.S. Navy SEAL Team 6. “I don’t know what the point is, but I’d like to know.”
ISIS leader killed by SEAL Team 6 was responsible for Kabul bombing that claimed lives of 13 US troops - commandos took off from unassuming ship and killed terror leader in hour-long firefight. Al-Sudani was killed with 10 ISIS fighters in a raid that was approved by Biden.
Retired Army Master Sergeant Kevin Holland spoke about Hussein's December 13, 2003 arrest - the first time an American has done so in nearly 20 years. Holland is the only known soldier to serve in both the Navy's elite SEAL Team 6 and the Army's Delta Force. He revealed how he and his brothers-in-arms came to find the eight-foot-deep hole, and how they found a haggard Hussein armed with a gun inside. Holland - - a 20 year vet who left the SEALS in 1999 only to join the army after the attacks on the World Trade Center - said the gun, a Glock-15, is now in the possession of ex-President George W. Bush. He then described how he, himself, descended in the underground den after one of his fellow soldiers failed to fit in the now exposed opening.
Retired Army Master Sergeant Kevin Holland spoke about Hussein's December 13, 2003 arrest - the first time an American has done so in nearly 20 years. Holland is the only known soldier to serve in both the Navy's elite SEAL Team 6 and the Army's Delta Force. In 1999, he found himself badly wounded, after being stuck by a piece of shrapnel in an IED explosion that saw one of his fellow Delta Force members killed.

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