SIMOLINE.FR mes idées à coudre
Trademark Status DEAD
Expiration 15.06.2020








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ACTIVA France SARL, FR, (EPOID: 417172)



NICE Classification

  • Advertising and promotion;
    business management assistance in connection with the Internet sale of consumer goods in the creative leisure activities sector;
    advertising, promotion, marketing and communication assistance and consultancy for companies;
    Internet sale of articles relating to DIY, sewing, embroidery, weaving, sculpture, modelling, painting, calligraphy, engraving, floral art, silkscreen printing and basket-making in the creative leisure activities sector;
    organisation of Internet sale of articles relating to DIY, sewing, embroidery, weaving, sculpture, modelling, painting, calligraphy, engraving, floral art, silkscreen printing and basket-making in the creative leisure activities sector;
    mail order sale of articles relating to DIY, sewing, embroidery, weaving, sculpture, modelling, painting, calligraphy, engraving, floral art, silkscreen printing and basket-making in the creative leisure activities sector;
    organisation of events, trade fairs and shows for commercial, promotional or advertising purposes;
    dissemination of advertisements and advertising and promotional materials (prospectuses, catalogues, printed matter, samples);
    sales promotion on one's own behalf and for others;
    rental of advertising space;
    rental of advertising time on all means of communication;
    dissemination of commercial and/or advertising information by electronic means, in particular via global (Internet) or private access (intranet) communications networks.;

NICE Classification

  • Telecommunications;
    communication and transmission of data by communication networks, namely providing online catalogues for goods and services in the field of creative leisure activities accessible to consumers via telephone, computer, data transmission, electronic and digital networks and enabling the placement of orders;
    transmission of information by means of electronic catalogues via the Internet;
    transmission of information contained in computer databases or data banks;
    services providing access by telecommunications and connection to computer or data transmission databases, including the Internet;
    electronic mail and electronic information dissemination, notably via world-wide communications networks (such as the Internet);
    exchange of messages by computerised transmission, exchange of computer documents.;

NICE Classification

  • Education;
    providing of training;
    organisation of events, exhibitions, shows and trade fairs of a cultural, didactic and pedagogical nature in the field of creative leisure activities;
    arranging competitions for recreational, educational or entertainment purposes in the field of creative leisure activities;
    arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, congresses, seminars and symposiums in the field of creative leisure activities;
    publication, editing and dissemination of books, newspapers and periodicals in the field of creative leisure activities, including electronic publication of books and periodicals online in the field of creative leisure activities;
    production of radio and television programmes in the field of creative leisure activities.;

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