synevo СИНЕВО
Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A








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Medicover Holding (Cyprus) Limited, CY, (EPOID: 686976)



NICE Classification

  • Encoded cards;
    encoded loyalty cards;
    encoded gift cards;
    encoded membership cards;
    computer software applications, downloadable;
    programs for computers;
    electronic publications;
    electronic publications, downloadable;
    electronic data carriers;
    databases (electronic);
    data storage devices;
    data loggers and recorders;
    Data processing equipment and accessories (electrical and mechanical).;

NICE Classification

  • Hospital management;
    administrative management of hospitals;
    medical billing services for hospitals;
    administrative services relating to hospital referrals;
    loyalty, incentive and bonus program services;
    customer club services, for commercial, promotional and/or advertising purposes;
    administration of a discount program for enabling participants to obtain discounts on goods and services through use of a discount membership card;
    providing online marketplaces for sellers of goods and or services;
    maintaining personal medical history records and files;
    computerized management of medical records and files.;

NICE Classification

  • Issuing of tokens of value in relation to incentive schemes;
    issuing tokens of value as part of a customer membership scheme;
    providing rebates at participating establishments of others through use of a membership card;
    administration of insurance plans;
    provision of finance for health care;
    savings schemes relating to health care;
    health insurance;
    medical insurance;
    medical insurance underwriting;
    health insurance underwriting;
    financial management services relating to medical institutions;
    fundraising and financial sponsorship;
    venture capital funding services to emerging and start-up companies;
    providing financing to emerging and start-up companies.;

NICE Classification

  • Biochemistry consultancy;
    Analytical laboratory services;
    Design and development of medical technology;
    Research of pharmaceuticals;
    Conducting clinical trials for pharmaceutical products;
    Toxicity testing for research purposes;
    Biological research;
    Research and development services in the field of bacteriology;
    Services for the development of methods of testing;
    Scientific research relating to bacteriology;
    Scientific investigations for medical purposes;
    Provision of information and data relating to medical and veterinary research and development;
    Biomedical research services;
    Design and development of computer software for use with medical technology;
    Research on the subject of pharmaceuticals;
    Provision of scientific information;
    Development of pharmaceutical preparations and medicines;
    Research and development services in the field of immunology;
    Preparation of immunohistological samples for analysis in research laboratories;
    Design and development of medical diagnostic apparatus;
    Biochemical research and development;
    Product research and development;
    Conducting clinical trials;
    Research and development services in the field of cytology;
    Providing scientific information in the field of medical disorders and their treatment;
    Provision of information relating to scientific research;
    Medical research;
    Laboratory research in the field of gene expression;
    Development of new technology for others;
    Laboratory services relating to the production of monoclonal antibodies;
    Preparation of biological samples for analysis in research laboratories;
    Scientific research in the field of social medicine;
    Provision of research services;
    Research and development services in the field of immunohistology;
    Genetic research;
    Cell separation research services;
    Bacteriology consultancy;
    Medical laboratories;
    Consultancy relating to research in the field of pharmacogenetics;
    Providing medical and scientific research information in the field of pharmaceuticals and clinical trials;
    DNA screening for scientific research purposes;
    Medical research laboratory services;
    Consultancy relating to biotechnology;
    Scientific services;
    Stem cell research;
    Testing of pharmaceuticals;
    Research and development services in the field of antibodies;
    Design services;
    Biological research, clinical research and medical research;
    Analysis of human tissues for medical research;
    Medical and pharmacological research services;
    Computer programming in the medical field;
    Research and development in the field of diagnostic preparations;
    Research relating to medicines;
    Scientific research for medical purposes;
    Research in the field of pharmacogenetics;
    Biochemistry research services;
    Consultancy in the field of scientific research;
    Chemical research and analysis;
    Research relating to pharmaceuticals;
    Information technology services for the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries;
    Providing information relating to scientific research in the fields of biochemistry and biotechnology;
    Research services;
    Medical laboratory services;
    Advisory services relating to gene therapy research;
    Laboratory analysis in the field of bacteriology;
    Research and development in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology fields;
    Research laboratories;
    Research relating to biotechnology;
    Scientific research in the field of genetics and genetic engineering;
    Research in the field of gene therapy;
    Bacteriological research and testing;
    Consultancy relating to research and development in the field of therapeutics;
    Providing information about the results of clinical trials for pharmaceutical products;
    Scientific research;
    Research relating to molecular sciences;
    Scientific research and development;
    Consultancy relating to pharmaceutical research and development;
    Blood analysis services for scientific research purposes;
    Scientific research for medical purposes in the area of cancerous diseases;
    Scientific consultancy;
    Hosting online web facilities for others for sharing online content;
    Hosting of computerized data, files, applications and information;
    Hosting platforms on the Internet;
    Platform as a service [PaaS];
    Software development;
    Providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable operating software for accessing and using a cloud computing network;
    Software engineering;
    Providing scientific research information and results from an online searchable database;
    Smartphone software design.;

NICE Classification

  • Advice relating to dentistry;
    dietary guidance;
    consulting services relating to health care;
    psychological counseling;
    services for the provision of medical care information;
    medical clinic services;
    medical advisory services;
    dental consultations;
    medical services;
    medical examination of individuals;
    medical care;
    nursing, medical;
    health centers;
    services for the provision of medical facilities;
    conducting of medical examinations;
    performing diagnosis of diseases;
    preparation of reports relating to medical matters;
    psychiatric services;
    psychotherapy services;
    holistic psychotherapy;
    Physical rehabilitation;
    physician services;
    telemedicine services;
    pharmaceutical services;
    trans-telephone heart monitoring services;
    sports medicine services;
    medical health assessment services;
    health care services offered through a network of health care providers on a contract basis;
    services for the testing of blood;
    services for the testing of urine;
    psychological counselling;
    medical information;
    medical consultations;
    emergency medical assistance;
    medical treatment services;
    medical spa services;
    ambulant medical care;
    medical imaging services;
    nutrition consultancy;
    medical testing;
    medical and healthcare services;
    palliative care;
    health centre services;
    health resort services [medical];
    residential medical advice services;
    plastic surgery;
    leasing of medical equipment;
    hiring of medical instruments;
    genetic testing for medical purposes;
    psychological testing for medical purposes;
    psychometric testing for medical purposes;
    drug screening for medical purposes;
    alcohol screening for medical purposes;
    medical counseling relating to stress;
    medical assistance consultancy provided by doctors and other specialized medical personnel;
    providing medical support in the monitoring of patients receiving medical treatments;
    medical services, namely, in vitro fertilization;
    charitable services, namely providing medical services;
    medical advice for individuals with disabilities;
    preparation of psychological profiles for medical purposes;
    provision of medical information relating to poisons;
    analysis of human serum for medical treatment;
    analysis of human tissues for medical treatment;
    providing laser therapy for treating medical conditions;
    medical services in the field of nephrology;
    medical services in the field of oncology;
    providing medical information in the healthcare sector;
    medical advice in the field of pregnancy;
    medical services in the field of diabetes;
    medical screening services relating to cardiovascular disease;
    medical analysis services relating to the treatment of persons provided by a medical laboratory;
    Providing online medical record services other than dentistry;
    medical screening services in the field of asthma;
    providing medical advice in the field of dermatology;
    providing medical advice in the field of geriatrics;
    providing medical information in the field of geriatrics;
    medical clinic day care services for sick children;
    medical analysis services for cancer diagnosis and prognosis;
    consultancy and information services relating to medical products;
    medical analysis for the diagnosis and treatment of persons;
    medical services in the field of treatment of chronic pain;
    medical and health services relating to DNA, genetics and genetic testing;
    pregnancy testing;
    consultancy services relating to surgery;
    physiotherapy services;
    opticians' services.;

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