Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A








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Burren Talk Limited, IE, (EPOID: 1454633)



NICE Classification

  • All printed materials;
    educational and training materials;
    teaching and instructional materials;
    bookbinding materials;
    publications, articles, journals, magazines, books, user guides, learning tools, manuals, case studies, guidelines strategies, prospectus, documents, leaflets, pamphlets, brochures, posters, portfolios and circulars;
    photographs, graphic representations, instructional and teaching materials (except apparatus);
    and any other printed materials, included in Class 16.;

NICE Classification

  • Advertising, marketing and promotional services;
    business research and evaluations;
    business advisory and consultancy services including bespoke advisory and consultancy services tailored to meet the needs of individual clients and businesses including government departments, public sector agencies, not-for-profit organisations, European Institutions and EU-funded projects;
    the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods and services namely the selling of educational and training courses, masterclass series, retreats, bootcamps, field trips, books, journals, magazines, games, clothes, stationery, accessories and consumers can conveniently view and purchase such goods and services in person or online;
    providing subscriptions services and community membership services;
    loyalty scheme services;
    organization of trade fairs, exhibitions and marketing events for commercial purposes;
    market research;
    collection and systematization of business data;
    business networking services for the purposes of connecting individuals, businesses, corporations, public organisations, government departments, public sector agencies to a wide range of expert specialists and industry leaders in the Sustainable and Regeneration tourism industry;
    provide in-person and/or online MC speaking services, facilitator services, guest speaker at conferences and events.;

NICE Classification

  • Provide education, training, facilitation, coaching and advisory services;
    provide education and training courses both in-person and online;
    provide educational and learning tools;
    educational and training strategies;
    provide accredited training and professional development coaching courses, programs and supports;
    provide leadership programs;
    strategic facilitator;
    provide a 12-week Destination Sustainability Training programme;
    provide a 12-week Waymarked Destination Development Training Programme;
    provide a 12-week Certificate in Sustainable Tourism Destinations;
    Executive coaching;
    provide coaching and mentoring services;
    provide coaching and mentoring of research projects for academics and researchers in Educational Institutions;
    provide consultancy, advisory, leadership and coaching services in the field of regeneration and sustainable tourism;
    provide one-two-one mentoring supports from expert practitioners;
    provide bespoke online course library for training recording and materials;
    provide expert online and in-person facilitation and hosting services;
    providing entertainment services including games, online games, board games, video games;
    organization of conferences, online webinars, seminars, congresses, symposiums. provide articles, reviews, surveys, ratings, opinions via podcast, online electronic publications, PDF documentation, blogs, commentary, webinars, seminars, conferences, workshops, digital and multimedia content;
    and all such services provided via a global communications networks across the world wide web, email, mobile, mobile app, call centre and other digital communication.;

NICE Classification

  • Design and development of computer hardware and software, computer programs and databases to facilitate education, training, coaching and facilitation services, consultancy and advisory services related thereto;
    Technological consultation services;
    scientific and technological services, research and design;
    industrial analysis research services;
    design and development of computer software applications to provide community hosting and subscription services for all clients to obtain through an online portal;
    and all such services provided via a global communications networks across the world wide web, email, mobile, mobile app, call centre and other digital communications.;

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