TL TechnoLogica
Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A








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TechnoLogica EAD, BG, (EPOID: 1404472)



NICE Classification

  • Software;
    application software;
    computer software;
    business software;
    software suites;
    computer software applications;
    computer software downloadable from global computer networks;
    computer software, recorded;
    software for monitoring, analysing, controlling and running physical world operations;
    software for remote diagnostics;
    satellite imagery photo-interpretation software;
    environmental control software;
    environmental monitoring software;
    software for processing of satellite images;
    software for analysing of satellite images;
    software for geographic information systems;
    software for business analysis, project management and cyber security;
    software for remote monitoring, analysing and processing of satellite images for the purposes of energetics, agriculture, environment, national security, natural resources management, crisis management and the consequences of natural disasters;

NICE Classification

  • Retail and wholesale services in relation to software products, hardware products and products, systems for cryptographic protection and software for geographic information systems;
    retail and wholesale services via the internet in relation to software and hardware products.;
    business analysis;
    business assistance, management and administrative services;
    administrative support and data processing services;
    business management and consulting services;

NICE Classification

  • Design, development, installation and maintenance of software;
    computer systems integration services;
    configuration of computer software;
    computer programming services for data processing;
    computer programming for data processing and communication systems;
    design, development, installation and maintenance of software for processing of satellite images;
    design, development, installation and maintenance of software for analysing of satellite images;
    design, development, installation and maintenance of software for control and monitoring of the environment;
    design, development, installation and maintenance of software for remote diagnostics;
    design, development, installation and maintenance of software for geographic information systems;
    design, development, installation and maintenance of software for human resource management and project management;
    design, development, installation and maintenance of software for products and systems for cryptographic protection;
    design, development, installation and maintenance of software for remote monitoring, analysing and processing of satellite images for the purposes of energetics, agriculture, environment, national security, natural resources management, crisis management and the consequences of natural disasters;
    design of information systems;
    design of information technology infrastructure for others;
    consultancy and information services in the field of information technology architecture and infrastructure;
    cloud servers;
    cloud computing services;
    consulting services in the field of cloud computing;

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