Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 04.01.2030








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uTorrent Inc., VG, (EPOID: 396385)



NICE Classification

  • Software for the delivery of other software and of a wide variety of digital content on the Internet;
    software for providing access to on-line directories, indices and searchable databases relating to a wide variety of information and data available on the Internet;
    computer software;
    data processing equipment and computers;
    digital content delivered via the Internet;
    on-line directories, indices and searchable databases relating to a variety of information and data available on a global computer network;
    electronic, optical and downloadable information, instruction and user guide materials relating to the aforesaid.;

NICE Classification

  • Technical support, information and help-line services relating to computer software and hardware and to the downloading of digital content via the Internet;
    design, development and research relating to computer software and hardware;
    installation, maintenance and upgrading of computer software;
    operation of a website providing technical information relating to computer hardware and software and to the downloading of digital content via the Internet;
    hosting of digital content, namely, on-line blogs, chat rooms and journals about searching for and downloading digital content on the Internet;
    providing of temporary use of non-downloadable software.;

NICE Classification

  • Licensing of technology, source code, computer software and other intellectual property;
    licensing of software for the delivery of other software and of a wide variety of digital content on the Internet;
    licensing of software for providing access to on-line directories, indices and searchable databases;
    provision of information, and advisory and consultancy services, all relating to the aforesaid.;

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