Trademark Status DEAD
Expiration 19.05.2021








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Squirrel Media, S.A., ES, (EPOID: 459507)



NICE Classification

  • Business management;
    Business administration services;
    Business management assistance in the audio-visual sector;
    Television advertising services, Rental of advertising space;
    Dissemination of advertisements;
    Import and export of films, television programmes and series and video and audio programmes produced on magnetic data carriers of all kinds.;

NICE Classification

  • Services relating to the broadcasting of radio and television programmes;
    Communication services and Telecommunications, computer terminal communications and Digital communications via computer networks and Data transmission.;

NICE Classification

  • Entertainment, rental of radio and television sets;
    Rental of video cassette recorders;
    Rental of movie projectors and accessories;
    Rental of video cameras;
    Rental of video cassettes;
    Show scenery (rental of-);
    Rental of audio equipment, Rental of lighting apparatus for theatrical sets or television studios;
    Rental of sound recordings;
    Film rental being cine-film rental;
    Rental of video cameras;
    Rental of public address systems;
    The organisation of contests, Dancing, Educational activities and Recreational;
    Organization of cultural;
    Arranging and management of concerts;
    Show business entertainment services, Arranging and conducting of colloquiums;
    Organization of sports competitions;
    Layout services, other than for advertising purposes;
    Conducting and organizing of beauty pageants;
    Fashion shows for entertainment purposes;
    Organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes;
    Organisation of cultural or sporting awards;
    Organisation of trade fairs for cultural purposes;
    Film distribution;
    Cultural and sporting awareness campaigns;
    Music publishing services;
    Record publishing;
    Music via global computer networks;
    Exhibition of motion pictures;
    Recording studio services, Movie studios;
    Entertainer services;
    Orchestra services;
    Artistic drawers;
    Artistic painters;
    Music competition services;
    Literary writing;
    Stage setting;
    Lighting for theatres;
    Artistic models;
    Recording, Film editing and production;
    Recording, Production and editing of radio and television programmes;
    Radio and television entertainment broadcasts/programmes;
    Digital image processing;
    Photographic reporting;
    News reporter services;
    Information about entertainment activities;
    Entertainment information;
    Game services provided on-line from a computer network;
    Karaoke services;
    Ticket agency services (entertainment);
    Operating of lotteries;
    Cultural and sporting activities;
    Phonographic productions;
    Cultural promotion;
    Publication of books;
    Publication of texts, except publicity texts;
    Online electronic publications (not down loadable);
    Publication of electronic books and journals on-line;
    Screenplay editing;
    Copywriting, not for advertising purposes;
    Theatre performances;
    Film dubbing;

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