ZARF CoPilot

Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A









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ZARF CoPilot s. r. o., SK, (EPOID: 1452068)



NICE Classification

  • Design and development of computer hardware;
    Computer programming;
    Computer software design;
    Updating of computer software;
    Consultancy in the design and development of computer hardware;
    Rental of computer software;
    Recovery of computer data;
    Maintenance of computer software;
    Computer system analysis;
    Computer system design;
    Duplication of computer programs;
    Design and maintenance of web sites for others;
    Hosting web sites;
    Installation of computer software;
    Conversion of computer programs and data, other than physical conversion;
    Computer software consultancy;
    Rental of web servers;
    Computer virus protection services;
    Monitoring of computer system operation by remote access;
    Web site design consultancy;
    Software as a service [SaaS];
    Information technology [IT] support services [troubleshooting of software];
    Server hosting;
    Off-site data backup;
    Electronic data storage;
    Providing information on computer technology and programming via a web site;
    Providing virtual computer systems through cloud computing;
    Computer technology consultancy;
    Computer security consultancy;
    Monitoring of computer systems to detect breakdowns;
    Creating and designing website-based indexes of information for others [information technology services];
    Data encryption services;
    Monitoring of computer systems for detecting unauthorized access or data breach;
    Electronic monitoring of personally identifying information to detect identity theft via the internet;
    Electronic monitoring of credit card activity to detect fraud via the internet;
    Software development;
    Platform as a service [PaaS];
    Development of computer platforms;
    User authentication services using single sign-on technology for online software applications;
    Writing of computer code;
    Technological consultancy services for digital transformation;
    Computer programming services for data processing;
    Software engineering services for data processing;
    Graphic arts design;
    Graphic design of promotional materials;
    Software design and development.;

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