Zest Group

Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A








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LVenture Group S.p.A., IT, (EPOID: 973746)



NICE Classification

  • Business acquisitions;
    Commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others;
    Management administration of commercial undertakings;
    Assistance to industrial or commercial enterprises in the running of their business;
    Assistance to industrial enterprises in the conduct of their business;
    Operational business assistance to enterprises;
    Consultancy relating to tax accounting;
    Cost management accounting;
    Business accounts management;
    Business accounting advisory services;
    Forensic accounting services;
    Accounting services for mergers and acquisitions;
    Acquisitions (Advice relating to -);
    Assistance and advice regarding business organisation and management;
    Business consultancy to firms;
    Business consultancy to individuals;
    Business advice relating to marketing management consultations;
    Business advice relating to strategic marketing;
    Business consulting services for start-up companies;
    Professional business consultation relating to the operation of businesses;
    Professional business consultation relating to the setting up of businesses;
    Advice and information concerning commercial business management;
    Management advice;
    Business management consultancy, also via the Internet;
    Consultancy relating to business efficiency;
    Business management and enterprise organization consultancy;
    Business planning consultancy;
    Business merger consultation;
    Consultancy relating to the establishment and running of businesses;
    Counselling on business matters;
    Corporate management consultancy;
    Corporate image development consultation;
    Business appraisal consultancy;
    Consultations relating to business disposals;
    Advice relating to the sale of businesses;
    Business acquisitions consultation;
    Risk management consultancy [business];
    Business management consultancy in the field of executive and leadership development;
    Assistance, advisory services and consultancy with regard to business management;
    Advisory services (Business -) relating to the management of businesses;
    Business consultancy services for digital transformation;
    Analysis of market research data;
    Analysis of market research data and statistics;
    Economic analysis for business purposes;
    Analysis relating to marketing;
    Strategic business analysis;
    Assistance, advisory services and consultancy with regard to business analysis;
    Conducting of business research;
    Conducting of business feasibility studies;
    Consultancy relating to business analysis;
    Direct marketing consulting;
    Marketing consulting;
    Consultations relating to business advertising;
    Business advice relating to marketing;
    Marketing assistance;
    Consultancy regarding advertising communication strategies;
    Professional consultancy relating to marketing;
    Consultations relating to business promotion;
    Provision of information and advisory services relating to e-commerce;
    Marketing advice;
    Advisory services relating to sales promotion;
    Consulting services in the field of development of advertising concepts.;

NICE Classification

  • Crowdfunding;
    Arranging business fundraising activities;
    Fundraising and financial sponsorship;
    Financing services for sponsoring businesses;
    Financial sponsorship and patronage;
    Financial data analysis;
    Investment analysis;
    Financial investment analysis and stock research;
    Financial evaluation and analysis;
    Financial and investment consultancy services;
    Financial advice relating to investment;
    Financial advice relating to share option schemes;
    Financial consultancy in relation to the buying and selling of businesses;
    Financial advisory services for companies;
    Capital investment consultation;
    Investment consultancy;
    Consultancy concerning financing of energy projects;
    Provision of financial information for professionals in the field of portfolio management, for portfolio management;
    Financial information and advisory services;
    Financial information for investors;
    Investment performance monitoring;
    Preparation of financial analyses relating to securities;
    Financial forecasting;
    Recording the transfer of shares;
    Recording of inter parties transactions in respect of finance;
    Financial research;
    Investment research;
    Financial advisory services provided for controllers;
    Investment risk assessment services;
    Acquisition for financial investment;
    Administration of capital investment services;
    Mutual funds;
    Arranging investments, in particular capital investments, financing services and insurance;
    Crowdinvesting services;
    Investment management;
    Investment of money (Services for -);
    Arranging of investments;
    Arranging of financial investments;
    Administrative services relating to investments;
    Investment portfolio management services;
    Stock option valuation services;
    Financial services relating to investment;
    Investment account services.;

NICE Classification

  • Editorial consultation;
    Creation [writing] of educational content for podcasts;
    Multimedia publishing;
    Providing on-line publications;
    Provision of an online magazine featuring information in the field of computer games;
    Publishing, reporting, and writing of texts;
    Publication of year books;
    Publishing of documents;
    Publishing of scientific papers;
    Publication of books relating to information technology;
    Publication of multimedia material online;
    Publication of instructional literature;
    Publishing of reviews;
    Multimedia entertainment software publishing services;
    Publication of printed matter relating to intellectual property rights;
    Publication of printed matter relating to education;
    Multimedia publishing of books;
    Provision of translation services.;

NICE Classification

  • Computer rental and updating of computer software;
    Design, maintenance, rental and updating of computer software;
    Leasing computer facilities;
    Advisory services relating to the rental of computers or computer software;
    Information technology support services;
    Technical support services relating to computer software and applications;
    Advice relating to the development of computer systems;
    Computer security consultancy;
    Information technology consulting;
    Computer software consultancy;
    Artificial intelligence consultancy;
    Consultancy services for designing information systems;
    Professional consultancy relating to computer security;
    Technology consultation in the field of artificial intelligence;
    Consultancy relating to the updating of software;
    Consultancy relating to the creation of homepages and Internet pages;
    Provision of information relating to information technology;
    Provision of reports relating to computing;
    Expert consultancy services in connection with computing equipment;
    Consultancy and information services relating to the design, programming and maintenance of computer software;
    Consultancy services relating to software used in the field of e-commerce;
    Information technology [IT] consultancy;
    Technical advisory services relating to data processing;
    Technological consultancy services for digital transformation;
    Information technology [IT] support services [troubleshooting of software];
    Encryption of digital images;
    Conversion of CDs into digital formats;
    Conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media;
    Conversion of texts to digital format;
    Copying of computer software;
    Digitization of documents;
    Duplication of computer programs;
    3D scanning services;
    Computer aided scientific analysis services;
    Forensic advice relating to damage assessment;
    Consultancy in the field of industrial research;
    Consultancy in the field of scientific research;
    Consultancy in the field of office and workplace automation;
    Professional consultancy relating to technology;
    Consultancy services relating to technological research;
    Engineering consultancy relating to computer programming;
    Providing information about industrial analysis and research services;
    Providing online information about industrial analysis and research services;
    Providing on-line information in the field of technological research from a computer database or the Internet;
    Provision of information relating to scientific research;
    Provision of information relating to technological research;
    Providing science technology information;
    Expert opinion relating to technology;
    Preparation of technological research reports;
    Design and development of industrial products;
    Scientific and technological design;
    Research and development of new products;
    Research in the field of communications technology;
    Industrial research;
    Research in the field of telecommunications technology;
    Technological services relating to manufacture;
    Updating of computer programs;
    Advisory services relating to computer software used for graphics;
    Advisory services in the field of product development and quality improvement of software;
    Consultancy in the field of software design;
    Professional advisory services relating to computer software;
    Consultancy relating to the design and development of computer software programs;
    Building and maintaining websites;
    Software creation;
    Creation of computer programmes for data processing;
    Writing of control programs;
    Provision of information relating to computer programs;
    Providing information in the field of computer software development;
    Providing information in the field of computer software design;
    Providing information about the design and development of computer software;
    Provision of information relating to computer programming;
    Providing information about the design and development of computer hardware and software;
    Rental and maintenance of computer software;
    Designing computer codes;
    Homepage and webpage design;
    Design of games.;

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GROUP 7123
ZET 25