Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 01.04.2026








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AR Packaging Sweden AB, SE, (EPOID: 87500)



NICE Classification

  • Packaging materials;
    packaging materials in the form of metal foils;
    all included in Class 6.;

NICE Classification

  • Machines for producing bags, drinking vessels, containers, packages and closing devices for all the aforesaid products;
    machines for filling, loading, opening, closing or sealing containers and packages;
    machines for moulding, pressing, cutting, stamping or printing;
    machines for folding, stacking or binding;
    machines for producing or treating wrapping and packaging materials;
    machines for producing packaging containers and packaging container blanks;
    machines for the wrapping, stacking and packing of filled and sealed containers;
    machines for preparing, treating and producing wrapping and packaging materials in sheet, web, strip or tube form;
    machines for the mechanical handling of materials, packaging, products, containers and container blanks and of pallets;
    machines for the storage and mechanical handling of packaged goods;
    apparatus for lifting, transferring, distributing and lowering goods;
    loaders for packing goods in, or on, trays, trolleys, transport apparatus or pallets;
    apparatus for packing drinking straws and spoons in bands or in strips and for attaching drinking straws and spoons to filled packages;
    spraying machines;
    motors (not for land vehicles);
    machine couplings, machine belting;
    apparatus for washing and cleaning all the aforesaid machines;
    printing machines (not for office use);
    parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods;
    all included in Class 7.;

NICE Classification

  • Paper, cardboard;
    paper articles and cardboard articles, all for packaging purposes;
    bags of plastic for foodstuffs;
    wrapping and packaging materials;
    containers, packages, bags, cartons and enclosures, all for packaging purposes;
    paste board;
    plastics or plastics sheet;
    laminates of plastics with paper or with cardboard;
    adhesive materials (stationery);
    loose-leaf binders, paper tapes and cards, instructional and teaching materials (other than apparatus);
    printed matter, printed publications, books, magazines;
    all included in Class 16.;

NICE Classification

  • Plastics in the form of foils and of laminates, all for use in manufacture;
    plastics in the form of sheets, blocks, tubes and piping;
    semi-manufactured articles of plastics material for packaging;
    blanks for forming containers made of plastic or laminated plastic;
    all included in Class 17.;

NICE Classification

  • Bottles, baskets, trays, boxes, tubes and containers;
    caps and closure devices for all the aforesaid goods;
    articles made of plastics for use in packaging;
    all made of plastics or of laminated plastics materials and all for packaging purposes;
    all included in Class 20.;

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ÅR 3