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Expiration 30.04.2024








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CEDOK, a.s., CZ, (EPOID: 191145)



NICE Classification

  • Traveling and promotional brochures and books, magazines, catalogs of services of travel agencies, traveling manuals, leaflets, posters, casings for documents and passports, billboards classified into this class.;

NICE Classification

  • Promotional activities, advertising, mailing of promotional and advertising literature to customers, publishing of advertising, promotional and advertising texts, help in managing business activities, consulting in business activities, trade administration, clerk works, organizing of exhibitions and trade fairs for business and advertising purposes.;

NICE Classification

  • Providing of traveller's letter of credits and traveller's letters of credit and travellers checks, providing and arranging of travel insurance of persons and luggage, providing of currency exchange, emitting vouchers for transport, catering and accommodation, providing vouchers for transport, catering and accommodation.;

NICE Classification

  • Providing transport of foreign visitors and inland customers and of their luggage, sale and booking of tickets, seat reservation tickets and other valuable things for railway, automobile, air and ship traveling in the Czech Republic and abroad, sale and booking of bed vouchers for international and local transport, organizing and arranging of trips and of traveling by transport means, arranging transport of tourists and their luggage, arranging and mediation of coach and automobile transport providing information regarding traveling and coach, railway, air and ship transport, arranging guiding of tourists, organizing and arranging of trips, arranging of sightseeing tours and sightseeing voyages for tourists, providing of other services in the field of transport related to traveling, providing of recreational stays in the Czech Republic and abroad in the field of tourist transport, arranging and providing of car and coach renting, arranging of ship, coach automobile renting, arranging of visas, travel agency services.;

NICE Classification

  • Organizing visits of museums, cultural collections, libraries, castles, and cultural institutes, visits of theatre, concerts, cinemas, all cultural, entertaining and sport events, organizing of conferences , congresses, symposiums, seminars, advance booking of tickets for cultural and sport events, providing of interpreters and translators, organizing of exhibitions and trade fairs for cultural purposes.;

NICE Classification

  • Arranging of accommodation and boarding, providing hotel services, providing transitional accommodation, booking of accommodation in hotels, boarding houses and other accommodation facilities in the Czech Republic and abroad, providing of recreation stays in the Czech Republic and abroad in the field of accommodation and boarding for tourists.;

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