Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 27.11.2030









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NICE Classification

  • Advertising, marketing and promotional services;
    Rental of advertising space;
    Provision of advertising space;
    Provision of advertising space on electronic media;
    Provision of advertising space on a global computer network;
    Provision of space on web-sites for advertising goods and services;
    Trade show and commercial exhibition services;
    Organisation of promotions using audiovisual media;
    Advice on the analysis of consumer buying habits and needs provided with the help of sensory, quality and quantity-related data;
    Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship;
    Distribution of products for advertising purposes;
    Dissemination of advertising via online communications networks;
    Dissemination of advertising and promotional materials;
    Dissemination of advertisements;
    Dissemination of advertising matter online;
    Distribution of samples;
    Direct mail advertising to attract new customers and to maintain the existing customer base;
    Exhibitions (Conducting -) for advertising purposes;
    Exhibitions (Conducting -) for business purposes;
    Conducting of trade shows;
    Shows (Conducting business -);
    Arranging of exhibitions for advertising purposes;
    Arranging of displays for commercial purposes;
    Arranging and conducting of exhibitions for business purposes;
    Arranging and conducting trade fairs;
    Arranging and conducting of fairs and exhibitions for advertising purposes;
    Arranging and conducting of commercial exhibitions and shows;
    Organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes;
    Organisation of events for commercial and advertising purposes;
    Organisation of exhibitions and trade fairs for business and promotional purposes;
    Organisation of exhibitions for business or commerce;
    Product demonstrations and product display services;
    Arranging and conducting of displays for advertising purposes;
    Demonstration of goods for promotional purposes;
    Demonstration of goods and services by electronic means, also for the benefit of the so-called teleshopping and homeshopping services;
    Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes;
    Presentation of goods and services;
    On-line promotion of computer networks and websites;
    Advertising of business web sites;
    Arranging and conducting marketing promotional events for others;
    Provision of marketing reports;
    Market campaigns;
    Arranging advertising and promotional contracts for others;
    Promotion of special events;
    Internet marketing;
    Advertising services to promote the sale of beverages.;

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