Δ Καϊζερ
Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 19.05.2031








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Neamonitis, Dimitrios, GR, (EPOID: 910762)



NICE Classification

  • Information technology and audio-visual, multimedia and photographic devices;
    Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity;
    Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices;
    Measuring, detecting, monitoring and controlling devices;
    Safety, security, protection and signalling devices;
    Optical devices, enhancers and correctors;
    Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers;
    Recorded content;
    Scientific and laboratory devices for treatment using electricity;
    Diving equipment;
    Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators.;

NICE Classification

  • Advertising, marketing and promotional services;
    Business assistance, management and administrative services;
    Mediation of trade business for third parties;
    Mediation of agreements regarding the sale and purchase of goods;
    Import-export agencies in the field of energy;
    Price comparison rating of accommodations;
    Procurement of contracts for the purchase and sale of goods and services;
    Purchasing of goods and services for other businesses;
    Sales management services;
    Online retail services for downloadable ring tones;
    Online retail services for downloadable digital music;
    Online retail services for downloadable and pre-recorded music and movies;
    Online retail services relating to luggage;
    Online retail services relating to toys;
    Retail of third-party pre-paid cards for the purchase of multimedia content;
    Retail of third-party pre-paid cards for the purchase of telecommunication services;
    Retail of third-party pre-paid cards for the purchase of entertainment services;
    Retail services in relation to stationery supplies;
    Retail services in relation to domestic electrical equipment;
    Retail services in relation to domestic electronic equipment;
    Retail services relating to batteries;
    Retail services relating to accumulators;
    Retail services in relation to smartphones;
    Retail services in relation to computer hardware;
    Retail services in relation to wearable computers;
    Retail services in relation to computer software;
    Retail services in relation to downloadable electronic publications;
    Wholesale services in relation to printed matter;
    Wholesale services in relation to navigation devices;
    Wholesale services in relation to stationery supplies;
    Wholesale services in relation to information technology equipment;
    Wholesale services in relation to computer hardware;
    Wholesale services in relation to computer software;
    Wholesale services in relation to domestic electronic equipment.;

NICE Classification

  • Telecommunication services;
    Provision and rental of telecommunications facilities and equipment.;

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