
Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A









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NICE Classification

  • Marketing information;
    Arranging and conducting of marketing events;
    Marketing services relating to esports events;
    retail services for works of art provided by art galleries;
    Arranging and conducting marketing promotional events for others;
    Retail services in relation to art materials;
    Organization of art exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes;
    Arranging and conducting of art exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes;
    Promoting the artwork of others by means of providing online portfolios via a website;
    Retail services in relation to musical instruments;
    Production of sound recordings for marketing purposes;
    Organisation of promotions using audio-visual media;
    Retail services in relation to festive decorations;
    Management of performing artists;
    Business management of performing artists;
    Promotion of sports competitions and events.;

NICE Classification

  • Museum exhibitions;
    Museum curator services;
    Presenting museum exhibitions;
    Providing museum facilities;
    Music festival services;
    Organisation of festivals;
    Conducting of film festivals;
    Conducting of performing arts festivals;
    Arranging of festivals for entertainment purposes;
    Arranging of festivals for cultural purposes;
    amusement park services;
    arranging and conducting of concerts;
    arranging and conducting of entertainment events;
    arranging and conducting of seminars;
    arranging and conducting of sports events;
    arranging and conducting of workshops [training];
    Movie theater presentations;
    cultural, educational or entertainment services provided by art galleries;
    Organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes;
    directing of shows;
    disc jockey services;
    entertainment services;
    Escape game [entertainment];
    lighting technician services for events;
    nightclub services [entertainment];
    organization of competitions [education or entertainment];
    sound engineering services for events;
    Conducting of cultural events;
    Organizing cultural and arts events;
    Ticket reservation for cultural events;
    Organization of events for cultural purposes;
    Art exhibitions;
    Art education;
    Artistic direction of performing artists;
    Artistic management of performing artists;
    Art exhibition services;
    Art gallery services;
    Organisation of artistic competitions;
    Art exhibitions using virtual reality;
    Conducting of performing arts entertainment;
    Rental of theater arts facilities;
    Artistic management of entertainment venues;
    Artistic management of music venues;
    Instruction in the field of the performing arts;
    Instruction in the field of the visual arts;
    Art gallery services provided on-line via a telecommunications link;
    Booking of performing artists for events (services of a promoter);
    Rental of musical instruments;
    Hire of musical instruments;
    Sound recording services;
    Sound recording studio services;
    Hire of sound recording apparatus;
    Production of sound and video recordings;
    Production of sound and music recordings;
    Rental of sound and image recordings;
    Rental of sound and video recording apparatus;
    Sound recording and video entertainment services;
    Production of video and/or sound recordings;
    Editing or recording of sounds and images;
    Audio-visual display presentations;
    Rental of audio equipment;
    Audio recording and production services;
    Providing audio or video studios;
    Rental of audio-visual apparatus;
    Digital video, audio and multimedia entertainment publishing services;
    Rental of audio/visual and photographic equipment and facilities;
    Rental services relating to equipment and facilities for education, entertainment, sports and culture;
    Rental of amusement machines;
    Rental of stage sets;
    Rental of theatre scenery;
    Rental of concert halls;
    Performance hall rental services;
    Rental of entertainment halls;
    Rental of stage lighting equipment;
    Rental of performing arts facilities;
    Rental of amusement machines and apparatus;
    Music performances;
    Theatrical performances;
    Live music performances;
    Production of live performances;
    Production of theatrical performances;
    Organisation of musical performances;
    Organisation of live performances;
    Entertainment in the nature of dance performances;
    Entertainment services in the form of cinema performances;
    Entertainment services in the form of concert performances;
    Entertainment services in the nature of live performances of roller skating exhibitions and competitions;
    Organising of sports competitions and sports events;
    Organization of electronic sports competitions;
    Entertainment in the nature of e-sports competitions;
    Providing facilities for sporting events, sports and athletic competitions and awards programmes.;

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