Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A








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Λουτρά Λουτρακίου Μονομετοχική Δημοτική Ανώνυμη Εταιρία Αξιοποίησης Δημοτικών Ακινήτων Λουτρών Λουτρακίου", GR, (EPOID: 1273522)



NICE Classification

  • Business management of visitor attractions;
    Business management of entertainment venues;
    Business management of hotels;
    Hotel management service [for others];
    Business management assistance in the establishment and operation of restaurants;
    Business management assistance in the operation of restaurants;
    Business consultancy and advisory services;
    Hotel management for others.;

NICE Classification

  • Providing temporary accommodation;
    Services for providing food and drink;
    Temporary accommodation information, advice and reservation services;
    Information, advice and reservation services for the provision of food and drink;
    Hotel services;
    Hotel services for preferred customers;
    Arranging of accommodation for tourists;
    Rental of holiday accommodation;
    Providing temporary trailer park facilities;
    Provision of hotel accommodation;
    Providing accommodation in hotels and motels;
    Providing temporary accommodation in boarding houses;
    Providing temporary lodging for guests;
    Providing hotel and motel services;
    Bed and breakfast services;
    Hotel accommodation services;
    Resort hotel services;
    Tourist hostels;
    Boarding house services;
    Take-away restaurant services;
    Snack-bar services;
    Delicatessens [restaurants];
    Café services;
    Bar services;
    Preparation of meals;
    Preparation and provision of food and drink for immediate consumption;
    Services for the preparation of food and drink;
    Food preparation services;
    Providing accommodation for functions;
    Providing food and drink for guests in restaurants;
    Restaurant services incorporating licensed bar facilities;
    Hotel restaurant services;
    Restaurant services provided by hotels;
    Services for providing food;
    Services for providing drink;
    Banqueting services;
    Take-away food and drink services;
    Grill restaurants;
    Hospitality services [food and drink];
    Hotels, hostels and boarding houses, holiday and tourist accommodation;
    Provision of event facilities and temporary office and meeting facilities;
    Event facilities and temporary office and meeting facilities;
    Rental of rooms for social functions;
    Rental of rooms as temporary living accommodations;
    Temporary room hire;
    Arranging temporary housing accommodations;
    Arranging and providing temporary accommodation;
    Provision of caravan park facilities;
    Provision of temporary furnished accommodation;
    Accommodation bureau services;
    Reception services for temporary accommodation [management of arrivals and departures];
    Hospitality services [accommodation];
    Reception services for temporary accommodation [conferment of keys];
    Arranging of meals in hotels;
    Self-service cafeteria services;
    Providing food and drink in restaurants and bars;
    Providing food and drink in Internet cafes;
    Providing food and drink in bistros;
    Providing food and drink for guests;
    Pizza parlors;
    Serving of alcoholic beverages;
    Serving food and drinks;
    Serving food and drink in restaurants and bars;
    Serving food and drink in Internet cafes;
    Serving food and drink for guests;
    Serving food and drink for guests in restaurants;
    Restaurant services;
    Take-away food services.;

NICE Classification

  • Spas;
    Public bath services for hygiene purposes;
    Providing bath houses;
    Providing public bath facilities;
    Providing hot tub facilities;
    Providing hot-spring facilities;
    Provision of public bath facilities for personal hygiene;
    Providing information about public bath facilities;
    Health spa services for health and wellness of the body and spirit;
    Cosmetic body care services provided by health spas;
    Hygienic care for human beings;
    Beauty care for human beings;
    Beauty care;
    Turkish bath services;
    Providing information about Turkish bath facilities;
    Providing information about beauty;
    Consultancy services relating to beauty;
    Beauty care services provided by a health spa;
    Medical treatment services provided by a health spa.;

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