
Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A








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NICE Classification

  • Price comparison services;
    Auctioneering services;
    Providing on-line auction services;
    On-line auctioneering services via the Internet;
    Commercial intermediation services;
    Mediation of advertising;
    Mediation of trade business for third parties;
    Mediation and conclusion of commercial transactions for others;
    Mediation of contracts for purchase and sale of products;
    Mediation of agreements regarding the sale and purchase of goods;
    Negotiation of business contracts for others;
    Negotiation and conclusion of commercial transactions for third parties;
    Negotiation of contracts relating to the purchase and sale of goods;
    Negotiation and conclusion of commercial transactions for third parties via telecommunication systems;
    Online ordering services;
    Provision of commercial information;
    Providing commercial information to consumers;
    Providing online commercial directory information services;
    Provision of on-line business and commercial information;
    Provision of commercial information from online databases;
    Commercial information services, via the internet;
    Providing an on-line commercial information directory on the internet;
    Provision of commercial business information by means of a computer database;
    Providing a directory of third party web sites to facilitate business transactions;
    Compilation and provision of trade and business price and statistical information;
    Provision of computerised data relating to business;
    Market intelligence services;
    Provision of information relating to commerce;
    Business information;
    Providing consumer product information;
    Providing commercial information relating to companies;
    Provision of business and commercial information;
    Data search in computer files for others;
    Advertising the goods and services of online vendors via a searchable online guide;
    Data entry and data processing.;

NICE Classification

  • Mail services utilising the internet and other communications networks;
    Computer communication and Internet access;
    Communication by electronic means;
    Communication of information by electronic means.;

NICE Classification

  • Storage of goods;
    Storage and delivery of goods;
    Goods warehousing;
    Postal services;
    Transportation and delivery of goods;
    Collection, transport and delivery of goods;
    Arranging transport services by land, sea and air;
    Transport brokerage;
    Transport services;
    Freight and cargo services;
    Services for the arranging of transportation.;

NICE Classification

  • Development of computer based networks;
    Development of data processing apparatus;
    Development of systems for the storage of data;
    Design and development of data storage systems;
    Creation of computing platforms for third parties;
    Operating search engines;
    Providing Internet search engines with specific search options;
    Search engine design services;
    Providing search engines for the internet;
    Providing search engines for obtaining data via communications networks;
    Providing search engines for obtaining data on a global computer network;
    Development of systems for the processing of data;
    Design services for data processing systems;
    Designing of data processing programmes;
    Programming of data processing programs;
    Maintenance of data processing software;
    Writing of programs for data processing;
    Programming of EDP software;
    Design and development of data processing systems;
    Design and development of data processing software;
    Design of data storage systems;
    Technical data analysis services;
    Computer services for the analysis of data.;

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