Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 23.05.2030








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PROADS LTD, CY, (EPOID: 1089730)



NICE Classification

  • Advertising;
    Dissemination of advertising matter;
    Online advertising on a computer network;
    Advertising by mail order;
    Pay per click advertising;
    Radio advertising;
    Television advertising;
    Web site traffic optimization;
    Search engine optimization for sales promotion;
    Publication of publicity texts;
    Web indexing for commercial or advertising purposes;
    Business administration;
    Business management;
    Filing documents or magnetic-tapes [office functions];
    Advertising and marketing;
    Word processing;
    Telemarketing services;
    Advertising services relating to newspapers;
    Advertising in periodicals, brochures and newspapers;
    Providing advertising space in periodicals, newspapers and magazines;
    Magazine advertising;
    Writing of publicity texts;
    Rental of advertising time on communication media;
    Media relations services;
    Sales promotion;
    Sales promotion for others;
    Sponsorship search;
    Online community management services;
    Presentation of companies and their goods and services on the Internet;
    Personnel recruitment;
    Collection of data;
    Writing of curriculum vitae for others;
    Electronic publication of printed matter for advertising purposes.;

NICE Classification

  • Telecommunication services;
    Transfer of information and data via online services and the Internet;
    Video-on-demand transmission services;
    Message sending via a website;
    Computer aided transmission of messages;
    Transmission of digital files;
    Providing online forums;
    Providing access to a global computer information network;
    Providing access to computer networks;
    Provision of access to computer networks and the internet;
    Providing access to data in computer networks;
    Providing user access to global computer networks;
    Computerised telephony services;
    Providing internet chatrooms;
    Communications by computer terminals;
    Paging services [radio, telephone or other means of electronic communication];
    Teleconferencing services;
    Transmission of electronic mail;
    Streaming of data;
    Radio communications;
    News agency services;
    Information about telecommunication;
    Communications by cellular phones;
    Communications by fibre optic networks;
    Cable television broadcasting;
    Satellite transmission;
    Computer aided transmission of messages and images;
    Videoconferencing services;
    Wireless broadcasting;
    Telecommunications routing and junction services;
    Radio broadcasting of information and other programs;
    Television broadcasting;
    Transmission of podcasts;
    Electronic bulletin board services [telecommunications services];
    Delivery of digital music by telecommunications;
    Digital transmission of data via the Internet;
    Internet service provider services;
    Providing user access to search engines;
    Internet telephony services;
    Providing Internet chatrooms and Internet forums;
    Telecommunication services provided via Internet platforms and portals;
    Providing user access to platforms on the Internet;
    Providing access to information on the Internet;
    Providing access to Internet chatrooms;
    Providing access to platforms and portals on the Internet;
    Providing access to e-commerce platforms on the Internet;
    Provision of telecommunication access to video and audio content provided via an online video-on-demand service;
    Providing on-line chatrooms and electronic bulletin boards for transmission of messages amongst users;
    Providing online chatrooms for the transmission of messages, comments and multimedia content among users;
    Video-on-demand transmission;
    Providing access to databases;
    Providing access to web sites on the internet.;

NICE Classification

  • Education information;
    Instructional and training services;
    Production of radio and television programmes;
    Recreation information;
    Publication of books;
    Online publication of electronic newspapers;
    Newspaper publication;
    Multimedia publishing of newspapers;
    Publication of texts;
    Providing online electronic publications, not downloadable;
    Radio entertainment;
    Photographic reporting;
    Television entertainment;
    Production of shows;
    Film production, other than advertising films;
    Publishing of web magazines;
    Publication of texts, other than publicity texts;
    Writing and publishing of texts, other than publicity texts;
    Electronic publication of texts and printed matter, other than publicity texts, on the Internet;
    Publication of printed matter, other than publicity texts, in electronic form;
    Preparation of texts for publication;
    Electronic text publishing services;
    Publication of photographs;
    Online publication of electronic books and journals;
    Translation and interpretation;
    Provision of translation services;
    Writing of texts;
    Providing digital music from the internet;
    Dissemination of educational material;
    Publication of instructional literature;
    Educational seminars;
    Provision of on-line entertainment;
    Internet radio entertainment services;
    Distance learning services provided online;
    Publishing a newspaper for customers on the Internet;
    Providing on-line publications;
    Entertainment services in the nature of webcam television programmes;
    News reporters services;
    Lending library services;
    Electronic library services;
    Presentation of variety shows;
    Academies [education];
    Publication of multimedia material online;
    Publication of printed matter in electronic form;
    University education services.;

NICE Classification

  • Installation of computer software;
    Updating of computer software;
    Software as a service [SaaS];
    Providing search engines for the internet;
    Platform as a service [PaaS];
    Computer software design;
    Maintenance of computer software;
    Computer programming;
    Providing information on computer technology and programming via a web site;
    Digitization of documents [scanning];
    Providing temporary use of online, non-downloadable computer software for language translation;
    Graphic arts design;
    Computer aided graphic design;
    Graphic design for the compilation of web pages on the internet;
    Installation of Internet access software;
    Design and development of Internet security programs;
    Design and creation of homepages and Internet pages;
    Hosting online web facilities for others for sharing online content;
    Consultancy relating to the design of homepages and Internet pages;
    Internet security consultancy;
    Technical writing;
    Rental of web servers;
    Computer rental.;

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