Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A








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Steiner-Mantei, Eric, DE, (EPOID: 1201773)



NICE Classification

  • Computer programs for use in trading stocks and bonds;
    Document automation software;
    Business technology software;
    Financial management software.;

NICE Classification

  • Updating of business information on a computer data base;
    Business research;
    Research of business information;
    Commercial intermediation services;
    Collecting information for business;
    Analysis of business statistics;
    Analysis of market research statistics;
    Analysis of business information;
    Analysis of market research data;
    Analysis of company behaviour;
    Analysis of business trends;
    Business data analysis services;
    Analysis of marketing trends;
    Market study and analysis of market studies;
    Market research;
    Market research and business analyses;
    Commercial information research studies;
    Market research by means of a computer data base;
    Marketing research and analysis;
    Business analysis and information services, and market research;
    Computerised market research;
    Market research for advertising;
    Business and market research;
    Market analysis and research;
    Market research services for publishers;
    Market research and marketing studies;
    Provision of market research information.;

NICE Classification

  • Stock trading;
    Brokerage of shares and other securities;
    Share management;
    Stock exchanges for dealing in shares and other financial securities;
    Underwriting of shares (Services for the -);
    Brokerage of share subscriptions;
    Provision of financial information relating to shares;
    Financial services related to dealing in shares;
    Registration of shares;
    Financial management of stocks;
    Administration of shares;
    Custodian services for stocks;
    Share underwriting;
    Stock exchange quotation and listing services;
    Professional consultancy relating to finance;
    Financial information;
    Advisory services relating to investments and finance;
    Financial risk management services;
    Computer information services relating to financial management;
    Recording the transfer of securities;
    Recording of inter parties transactions in respect of finance;
    Recording of inter parties transactions in respect of investments;
    Recording of inter parties transactions in respect of stocks;
    Automatic recording services for financial transactions;
    Investment analysis;
    Financial data analysis;
    Financial advisory services relating to securities;
    Management of securities;
    Securities deposit services;
    Registration of securities;
    Agency services for securities;
    Securities investment services for personal investors;
    Securities investment services;
    Management of portfolios comprising securities;
    Comparison of performance of securities;
    Management of listed securities;
    Automated securities brokerage;
    Mortgaging of securities;
    Stocks and bonds brokerage;
    Investment services relating to transferable securities;
    Securities advisory services;
    Securities exchange services.;

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