Елма Троян

Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 04.05.2027








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Мондешки, Момчил, BG, (EPOID: 796735)



NICE Classification

  • Current generators;
    Sweeping, cleaning, washing and laundering machines;
    Machines and machine tools for treatment of materials and for manufacturing;
    Moving and handling equipment;
    Pumps, compressors and fans;
    Industrial robots;
    Dispensing machines;
    Wheels and tracks for machines;
    Catalytic converters for motors and engines;
    Ram air turbines [other than for land vehicles];
    Aeroplane engines;
    Automotive exhaust pipe;
    Automotive intake manifolds;
    Automotive engine blocks;
    Automobile oil pans;
    Adapters for machine tools;
    Adaptors for tool bits [parts of machines];
    Adaptors for pipes [parts of machines];
    Plain thrust bearings;
    Alternators for land vehicles;
    Shock absorber plungers [parts of machines];
    Dampers [parts of machines];
    Shock absorbers for machines;
    Damping rollers being parts of machines;
    Anti-lock brake apparatus for machines;
    Pressure regulating apparatus being parts of machines;
    Elevator motors;
    Drives for elevators;
    Elevator gears;
    Exhausters being suction ventilators;

NICE Classification

  • Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity;
    Diving equipment;
    Recorded content;
    Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers;
    Information technology and audio-visual, multimedia and photographic devices;
    Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers;
    Scientific and laboratory devices for treatment using electricity;
    Optical devices, enhancers and correctors;
    Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators;
    Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices;
    Safety, security, protection and signalling devices.;

NICE Classification

  • Refrigerating and freezing equipment;
    Regulating and safety accessories for water and gas installations;
    Burners, boilers and heaters;
    Flues and installations for conveying exhaust gases;
    Industrial treatment installations;
    Food and beverage cooking, heating, cooling and treatment equipment;
    Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning and purification equipment (ambient);
    Lighting and lighting reflectors;
    Personal heating and drying implements;
    Sanitary installations, water supply and sanitation equipment;
    Drying installations;
    Sun tanning appliances;
    Filters for industrial and household use.;

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