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Expiration 13.03.2030








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Walhalla Kalk GmbH & Co. KG, DE, (EPOID: 132521)



NICE Classification

  • Chemical products for use in industry, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry (excluding fungicides, herbicides and pesticides), chemical fertilizers and products for soil amendment not included in other classes;
    Industrial chemicals based on calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, dolomite, calcium oxide, magnesium oxide, dolomitic lime, calcium hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, hydrated dolime, milk of lime and/or dolime, calcium and/or magnesium salts and mixtures out of the above mentioned materials;
    Chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs;
    Chemical products for environmental applications such as treatment of gases (desulphurisation, dechlorination, defluorination) for collecting heavy metals and adsorbing organic pollutants such as dioxins, furans and hydrocarbons, treatment of waste water, sludges, manures and organic/mineral wastes, treatment of drinking, industrial, municipal and process waters;
    Chemical products for metallurgical processes with mineral/artificial additives based on the above mentioned substances for slag formation and/or cleaning steps in ferrous and non-ferrous metal-production;
    Chemical products for use in industry with or without the addition of additives such as silica, soda, caustic soda, boron or others, used as raw materials in the production of different types of glass;
    Ready-to-use lime and prepared liquid mixtures and calcium aluminate and mixtures for wastewater treatment and waste gas purification.;

NICE Classification

  • Non-metallic construction materials in form of aggregates-, grain-, sand-fractions, powders or suspension out of lime, hydrated lime, limestone, dolime, dolomite, hydrated dolime and mixtures out of the above mentioned materials;
    Lime, limestone;
    Sand lime bricks, aerated concretes, mortars, plasters, lime-based materials for improving and stabilising soils, asphalt, and road foundations, not included in other classes;
    Fired and unfired lime goods including limestone flour for building purposes;
    Lime ready mixes being building materials and binding agents for structural and civil engineering and ground engineering.;

NICE Classification

  • Lime for animal forage;
    Food for cattle and poultry;
    Limestone and dolomite for animal forage.;

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