Мама и Аз
Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 29.09.2032








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Commercial League - Global Pharma Center, BG, (EPOID: 835574)



NICE Classification

  • Vehicles and conveyances.;

NICE Classification

  • Packaging and storage of goods;
    Vehicle parking and storage;
    Distribution by pipeline and cable;
    Transport information, advice and reservation services;
    Rental services related to vehicles, transportation, and storage;
    Parking and vehicle storage, mooring;
    Rental services related to transportation and storage;
    Labelling services;
    Advisory services relating to the repacking of goods;
    Advisory services relating to the storage of goods;
    Consultancy services relating to storage;
    Packaging services;
    Wrapping and packaging of goods;
    Packaging articles to the order and specification of others;
    Wrapping of goods;
    Providing information relating to warehousing services;
    Storage information;
    Provision of warehousing services and facilities;
    Subdividing and repackaging of goods;
    Storage of goods;
    Storage of documents;
    Wrapping and packaging services;
    Security storage services [transport];
    Rental of garages and parking places;
    Rental of garage parking places;
    Garage rental;
    Rental of vehicle parking spaces;
    Parking place rental;
    Rental of parking places and garages for vehicles;
    Car parking;
    Vehicle parking;
    Providing information relating to vehicle parking services;
    Parking garages services;
    Provision of car parks and car parking services;
    Transportation and delivery of goods;
    Navigation (positioning, and route and course plotting);
    Car transport;
    Ambulance transport;
    Provision of data relating to methods of transport;
    Provision of data relating to timetables;
    Road transport services;
    Transportation logistics;
    Transport services;
    Motor vehicle transport services;
    Driving services;
    Services for arranging transportation by road;
    Information services relating to traffic;
    Information services relating to the movement of cargo;
    Information services relating to the transportation of goods;
    Travel information;
    Providing road and traffic information;
    Providing information relating to vehicle driving services;
    Providing information relating to removal services;
    Providing online information relating to travel;
    Seat reservations for various forms of transport;
    Travel consultancy and information services;
    Travel arrangement and reservation services;
    Agency services for arranging the transportation of goods;
    Rental of means of transportation.;

NICE Classification

  • Human hygiene and beauty care;
    Human healthcare services;
    Agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry services;
    Animal grooming services;
    Animal healthcare services;
    Rental of equipment for human hygiene and beauty care;
    Hygienic care for human beings;
    Hygienic and beauty care;
    Consultancy in the field of body and beauty care;
    Services for the care of the skin;
    Rental of equipment for human healthcare;
    Pharmaceutical services;
    Midwife services;
    Medical services;
    Health care in the nature of health maintenance organizations;
    Dietetic advisory services;
    Health screening;
    Health counselling;
    Health care services offered through a network of health care providers on a contract basis;
    Preparation of reports relating to health care matters;
    Information services relating to health care;
    Health advice and information services;
    Consulting services relating to health care;
    Advice relating to the personal welfare of elderly people [health];
    Health care consultancy services [medical];
    Health risk assessment;
    Health assessment surveys;
    Providing health care information by telephone;
    Providing online medical record services other than dentistry;
    Providing long-term care facilities;
    Health risk assessment surveys;
    Professional consultancy relating to health care;
    Professional consultancy relating to health;
    Lifestyle counseling and consultancy for medical purposes;
    Therapy services;
    Therapeutic treatment of the body;
    Health assessment services;
    Lactation consulting services;
    Stem cell therapy services;
    Health centre services;
    Nursing home services;
    Home health care services;
    Health clinic services;
    Managed health care services.;

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