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Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 09.04.2030








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Hype Me spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, PL, (EPOID: 1079291)



NICE Classification

  • Mobile apps;
    Computer programs, downloadable;
    Data communications software;
    Computer e-commerce software;
    Communications processing computer software;
    Computer software for recording sound;
    Computer software for entertainment;
    Audio visual recordings;
    Sound records;
    Multi-media recordings;
    none of the aforementioned goods relating to banking services and related payment and money transfer software and services.;

NICE Classification

  • Promoting the goods and services of others;
    Promoting the goods and services of others over the Internet;
    Advertising and marketing;
    Advertising services provided via the internet;
    On-line advertising and marketing services;
    Advertising, including on-line advertising on a computer network;
    Blogger outreach services;
    Online ordering services;
    Ordering services for third parties;
    Provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services;
    Retail services in relation to downloadable music files;
    Retail services in relation to downloadable electronic publications;
    Online retail services for downloadable digital music;
    Providing consumer information relating to goods and services;
    Data processing;
    Providing and rental of advertising space on the internet;
    Provision of space on web-sites for advertising goods and services;
    none of the aforementioned services relating to banking services and related payment and money transfer software and services.;

NICE Classification

  • Providing films, not downloadable, via video-on-demand services;
    Organisation of Webinars;
    Entertainment services;
    Entertainment provided via the internet;
    Video entertainment services;
    Entertainment services provided by on-line streams;
    Production of audio entertainment;
    Production of video recordings;
    Production of sound recordings;
    Production of audio-visual recordings;
    Providing video entertainment via a website;
    none of the aforementioned services relating to banking services and related payment and money transfer software and services.;

NICE Classification

  • Software as a service [SaaS];
    Online data storage;
    Hosting multimedia entertainment content;
    Hosting computer sites [web sites];
    Hosting of mobile applications;
    Hosting of multimedia content for others;
    none of the aforementioned services relating to banking services and related payment and money transfer software and services.;

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