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Trademark Status DEAD
Expiration 06.11.2018








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Holzmann Medien GmbH & Co. KG, DE, (EPOID: 904838)



NICE Classification

  • Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes;
    Printed matter, publications, periodicals, newspapers, books;
    operating and user instructions in printed form;
    handbooks and other written accompanying material for computers, computer programs and/or other technical apparatus and equipment;
    stickers (statonery);
    calendars (stationery);
    signboards and architectural models of paper and cardboard;
    bookbinding material;
    adhesives for stationery or household purposes;
    artists' materials;
    paint brushes;
    typewriters and office machines (except furniture);
    instructional and teaching material (except apparatus);
    packaging materials of paper, cardboard or plastic, not included in other classes;
    printers' type;
    printing blocks.;

NICE Classification

  • Advertising, in particular television advertising, online advertising on computer networks, radio advertising, advertising by mail order, bill-posting, print and Internet advertising;
    advertising via mobile radio networks;
    advertising on mobile phone television;
    advertising on the Internet, for others;
    advertising agency services;
    planning and design of advertising activities;
    presentation of companies on the Internet and other media;
    distribution of samples;
    sales promotion, public relations;
    marketing (market research), including in particular for others, on digital networks (webvertising);
    telemarketing services;
    market research and analysis services;
    organization of fairs and exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes;
    organisation of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes;
    providing and operating service hotlines for Internet users, namely product advice (advertising) and/or order placement, invoice management and/or claims management (e-commerce) via service hotlines;
    call centre services, namely product advice (advertising) and/or order placement, invoice management and/or claims management (e-commerce) via call centres;
    conducting research in computer data files, on the Internet and on computer netowrks, for others;
    maintenance and compilation of data and information in computer databases;
    systematic ordering of data in computer databases;
    operating databases, namely compilation, storage, analysis, administration, indexing and retrieval of data and information;
    creating indexes of information, websites and other information sources;
    multimedia database services, namely gathering, administration and electronic storage of data, in particular image, audio and/or video data in computer databases.;

NICE Classification

  • Publication of printed matter, books, newspapers and/or periodicals (other than for advertising purposes);
    publication of newspapers, periodicals and books, and of printed instructional and information material, in electronic form and/or on the Internet, including all in the form of recorded sound and image information;
    rental of printed publications;
    online publishing, in particular of electronic books and periodicals (not downloadable);
    editing of (mobile) websites, namely editing texts for publication on the Internet;
    digital picture service;
    services of a sound and television studio, namely production of sound and image recordings;
    showing and rental of sound and image recordings;
    rental of data carriers of all kinds for entertainment purposes, in particular video rental, DVD rental and film rental;
    production of television, mobile phone television and radio programmes;
    production of television, mobile phone television and radio programmes;
    production of multimedia presentations;
    entertainment, in particular radio and television entertainment;
    conducting entertainment events, live cultural and sporting events, training events, cultural and entertainment events in connection with the allocation of certification marks;
    educational events and cultural and sporting events, included in class 41;
    arranging and conducting of conferences, congresses, concerts and symposiums, seminars, training courses, instructional and lecture events;
    organisation of exhibitions for cultural purposes;
    organisation of entertainment shows;
    entertainment through IP-TV;
    entertainment through mobile phone television;
    online games services (on computer networks);
    conducting games on the Internet, including on the mobile Internet;
    arranging poker games and tournaments;
    computer animation;
    multimedia services, namely production of multimedia presentations.;

NICE Classification

  • Consultancy in the field of computers;
    software consultancy;
    computer programming;
    graphic-design services;
    graphic design of homepages and websites;
    consultancy with regard to the design of homepages and Internet pages;
    updating of Internet pages;
    providing or rental of electronic memory space on the Internet (webspace);
    updating, maintenance and installation of software;
    computer software design;
    design of computer systems;
    installation and maintenance of software for Internet access;
    rental of computer databases (software);
    computer software rental;
    providing search engines for the Internet, including specific search functions;
    implementation of computer programs on networks;
    services in the field of quality testing, namely promoting the use of marks of origin and certification trade marks, and the development of new products, product variations and product programmes through the development of criteria for quality assurance and the monitoring thereof.;

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