Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 02.12.2030








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Gräfe und Unzer Verlag GmbH, DE, (EPOID: 1690)



NICE Classification

  • Data carriers and apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images, In particular recorded data carriers, including interactive storage media;
    Computers and data-processing apparatus;
    CDs, CD-ROMs, DVDs;
    Operating, control and user programs for data processing, data processing equipment and peripheral devices therefor for stationary and mobile use, Radio navigation apparatus and systems;
    Digital travel guides and navigation apparatus;
    Electronic publications, downloadable, Namely electronic guidebooks.;

NICE Classification

  • Advertising;
    Business management;
    Business administration;
    Office functions;
    Online and information services, Namely compilation of news and information of all kinds in sound and image form in computer databases;
    Management of computerised files, organisational project management in the field of electronic data processing, maintenance, systematisation and collating of data in computer databases;
    Collating, compiling, systemisation and updating of tourist data in computer databases;
    Gathering, updating and systematic ordering of data, information, messages, images, films and documents, in particular in the field of e-commerce;
    Cost price analysis based on data, information, messages, images, films and documents, in particular in the field of e-commerce;
    Statistical analysis of data for market research and advertising purposes (data mining);
    Rental of advertising space on the internet;
    Rental of advertising space;
    Marketing research for advertising space (including on the Internet);
    Market research.;

NICE Classification

  • Broadcasting services;
    Providing access to portals on the Internet;
    Rental of telecommunication facilities;
    Computer aided transmission of messages and images;
    Providing access to computer programs on data networks;
    Providing of access to cartographic data;
    Providing of access to information relating to restaurants and hotels.;

NICE Classification

  • Information relating to journeys provided by intermediaries or travel agencies;
    Information relating to tourist data, information relating to tourism, in particular travel, travel agencies, tariffs, timetables, methods of transport, countries, travel destinations, tourist and cultural attractions and tourist goods including cruises, city breaks, golfing holidays, wellness and musicals;
    Online tourist information from a computer database or the internet;
    Providing of internet portals relating to travel information.;

NICE Classification

  • Entertainment services;
    Sporting and cultural activities;
    Information relating to online tourism courses.;

NICE Classification

  • Computer programming, creating software for generating routes and tours;
    Cartography services, namely converting data with a spatial reference to electronic media;
    Graphic portrayal of data with a spatial reference to an electronic or conventional paper map;
    Geocoding and digitising of data using GIS systems for use in electronic applications or conventional printed maps;
    Technical analysis of geographic distribution of data;
    Measurement of distances.;

NICE Classification

  • Providing information on restaurants and hotels.;

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