Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A








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Creativesapp Ltd, GB, (EPOID: 1433625)



NICE Classification

  • Standalone and plug-in software and mobile applications facilitating a digital marketplace platform for use by creative industry professionals, creative agencies, and advertisers;
    standalone and plug-in software and mobile applications facilitating interaction between users of a network;
    standalone and plug-in software and mobile applications facilitating automation of tasks within the creative process;
    standalone and plug-in software and mobile applications facilitating uploading, downloading, storing, distributing, editing, or sharing photos, artwork, and videos with other users of a network;
    standalone and plug-in software and mobile applications facilitating the sharing and exchange of legal contracts between users of a network;
    standalone and plug-in software and mobile applications facilitating the commissioning and management of creative work;
    standalone and plug-in software and mobile applications facilitating creation and management by advertisers and creative agencies of job offers to creative industry professionals;
    standalone and plug-in software and mobile applications facilitating payment transactions by electronic means;
    artificial intelligence and machine learning software;
    video recordings.;

NICE Classification

  • Database management;
    data management;
    data processing;
    business advisory services provided to advertisers, creative agencies, and creative professionals.;

NICE Classification

  • Electronic payment services;
    financial advice services for creative industry professionals.;

NICE Classification

  • Provision of electronic bulletin board services, online chat rooms, electronic message services, instant messaging services, and telecommunications by means of a global computer network for facilitating a digital marketplace platform for use by creative industry professionals, agencies, and advertisers;
    provision of electronic bulletin board services, online chat rooms, electronic message services, instant messaging services, and telecommunications by means of a global computer network for facilitating interaction between users of a network.;

NICE Classification

  • Providing temporary use of a non-downloadable web or mobile platform for uploading, downloading, storing, distributing, editing, or sharing photos, artwork, and videos with other users of a network;
    providing temporary use of a non-downloadable web or mobile platform for facilitating a digital marketplace platform for use by creative industry professionals, creative agencies, and advertisers;
    providing temporary use of a non-downloadable web or mobile platform facilitating creation and management by advertisers and creative agencies of job offers to creative industry professionals;
    providing temporary use of a non-downloadable web or mobile platform facilitating the commissioning and management of creative work;
    providing temporary use of a non-downloadable web or mobile platform facilitating automation of tasks within the creative process;
    providing temporary use of a non-downloadable web or mobile platform facilitating the sharing and exchange of legal contracts between users of a network;
    providing temporary use of a non-downloadable web or mobile platform facilitating payment transactions by electronic means;
    providing temporary use of a non-downloadable web or mobile platform facilitating interaction between users of a network;
    artificial intelligence consultancy;
    software as a service [SaaS] featuring computer software platforms for artificial intelligence;
    providing artificial intelligence computer programs on data networks.;

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Trademark catalog

СА 1