УикипедиЯ свободната енциклопедия
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Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., US, (EPOID: 902159)



NICE Classification

  • Downloadable software providing access to a collaboratively created and maintained multilingual encyclopedia;
    downloadable mobile application to view, edit, and contribute to an encyclopedia;
    downloadable software for website development and the creation and editing of web pages by users;
    downloadable software for transmitting, receiving, publishing, encoding, and organizing data in conjunction with a global computer network;
    computer hardware and downloadable or recorded software used for interconnecting, managing, and operating local area networks.;

NICE Classification

  • Printed publications, namely, books and manuals regarding an online encyclopedia.;

NICE Classification

  • Charitable fundraising services;
    charitable fundraising services for the support of free knowledge and the collecting, developing, and sharing of educational content;
    providing grants for the dissemination and promotion of free knowledge and educational content.;

NICE Classification

  • Electronic transmission of data and documents via the Internet;
    electronic transmission of text and multimedia;
    telecommunication services, namely, providing online electronic bulletin boards and messaging services for the transmission of messages among users concerning encyclopedia articles and the administration of an encyclopedia project;
    providing access to online databases of encyclopedic knowledge, dictionaries, quotations, books, textual sources, catalogues, travel guides, news, media files, and other educational content by means of hand-held devices creating wireless hotspots.;

NICE Classification

  • Providing a collaboratively created and maintained online multilingual encyclopedia in the field of a wide variety of topics and subjects;
    providing online publications in the nature of articles, reference guides, brochures, and manuals on the use of and contribution to an online encyclopedia;
    educational services, namely, conferences and workshops about an online encyclopedia;
    arranging and conducting contests and incentive award programs for educational purposes;
    providing collaboratively created and maintained online databases of encyclopedic knowledge, dictionaries, quotations, books, textual sources, catalogues, travel guides, news, media files, and other encyclopedic content;
    providing online publications in the nature of articles, manuals, brochures, and reference guides on the use of and contribution to online databases of encyclopedic knowledge, dictionaries, quotations, books, textual sources, catalogues, travel guides, news, media files, and other educational content;
    educational services, namely, conferences and workshops about online databases of encyclopedic knowledge, dictionaries, quotations, books, textual sources, catalogues, travel guides, news, media files, and other educational content;
    providing educational information related to organizing community activities to support open source technology and the dissemination of free knowledge and educational content;
    providing information related to organizing educational events comprising hackathons in the nature of collaborative computer programming sessions to support open source technology and the dissemination of free knowledge and educational content, not for commercial, promotional or advertising purposes.;

NICE Classification

  • Hosting a website featuring open source technology that enables users to read, discuss, write, edit, and contribute to an online encyclopedia;
    computer services, namely, maintaining websites for others featuring an interactive, multilingual encyclopedia;
    design and development of computer software;
    hosting a website featuring open source technology that enables users to read, discuss, write, edit, and contribute to online databases of encyclopedic knowledge, dictionaries, quotations, books, textual sources, catalogues, travel guides, news, media files, and other educational content;
    providing temporary use of non-downloadable software for website development and the creation and editing of web pages by users;
    providing temporary use of non-downloadable software for transmitting, receiving, publishing, encoding, and organizing data in conjunction with a global computer network;
    hosting of digital content on the Internet;
    computer services, namely, hosting interactive websites that allows users to contribute to and edit online databases of encyclopedic knowledge, dictionaries, quotations, books, textual sources, catalogues, travel guides, news, media files, and other educational content, and to publish texts and media files;
    providing websites in relation to open source technology that enables users to view, discuss, write, edit, and contribute to online databases of encyclopedic knowledge, dictionaries, quotations, books, textual sources, catalogues, travel guides, news, media files, and other educational content;
    providing websites featuring open source technology that enables users to upload and share information on a wide variety of topics and subjects in an interactive, multilingual encyclopedia.;

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