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Quantum Holding U.K. Bidco Limited


Marc Phillip Bodner, Adv. (מרק בדנר, עו"ד)



NICE Classification

  • Non-downloadable software, software development, software consulting services and software engineering services for quality assurance, quality engineering, digital engineering, artificial intelligence, software performance reporting, all for the industries of healthcare, pharmaceutical, medical devices, technology, retail and consumer goods, banking and financial services, insurance, telecommunications, utilities, media and entertainment, gaming, aerospace and defense, credit unions, education, fashion, legal, government, public sector;
    computer software consulting;
    consulting services in the field of hosting computer software applications;
    consulting services in the field of platform as a service (PAAS), database testing, database migration, database quality testing, front-end web testing, computer systems testing, software text scripting, virtualization testing;
    consulting services in the fields of selection, implementation and use of computer hardware and software systems for others;
    advisory services in the field of product development and quality improvement of software, testing of computer software;
    consulting services for others in the field of design, planning, and implementation and project management of computer software testing;
    providing quality assurance services in the field of software quality testing;
    software engineering services;
    consulting in the field of information technology;
    consulting services related to education and online content management;
    consulting services related to software for quality assurance testing of software, information technology systems, databases, content management systems, software security testing, internet of things device and software testing;

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