Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A









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NICE Classification

  • Production and Distribution of Sound Recordings, Video Recordings and Non-Film music;
    Recording Studio Services;
    Production of Radio and Television Programmes;
    Music Publication;
    Production of Non-films;
    Editing, Recording, Dubbing, Re-Recording, Duplicating and Transferring of Sound and Images and Video and Data relating to Non-films;
    Video and Audio Tapes and Compact Discs Editing and Production, Entertainment services in the nature of the production and distribution of prerecorded musical sound recordings and prerecorded musical and non-musical video recordings;
    film distribution, publishing of music;
    Entertainment Services, namely, providing a web site featuring musical performances, Musical videos and other multimedia materials;
    Entertainment services, namely, providing prerecorded music, Information in the field of music and commentary and articles about music, all on-line via a global computer network, Music concerts, Musical concerts, Musical publication, Composition of music, providing video podcasts in the field of music, Music recording services, Music instruction services, Music arranging services, Arranging music concerts, Organizing music concerts, Organising music concerts, Live music performances, Live music concerts, Music production services, Music publishing services, Publication of music, Music concert services, Production of music, Music performance services, Music entertainment services, Music transcription services, Music composition services, Providing musical entertainment, Providing musical events, Arranging musical concerts, Organizing musical concerts, Organising musical concerts, Live musical concerts, Musical concert services, Musical performance services, Musical entertainment services, Providing facilities for music, Music video production services, Providing information about music, Production of music recordings, Multimedia publishing of music, Organization of music concerts, Arranging of music concerts, Publishing of sheet music, Music recording studio services, Presentation of music concerts, Publication of sheet music, Arranging of music shows, Organisation of music concerts, Production of music concerts, Provision of musical events, Live musical entertainment services, Arranging of musical shows, Organization of musical events, Publishing of musical texts, Providing live musical entertainment, Presentation of musical concert, Arranging of musical concerts, Organization of musical concerts, Production of musical concerts, Organisation of musical events, Arranging of musical events. Arranging of musical entertainment, Organisation of musical concerts, Directing of musical shows, Publication of musical texts, Provision of musical entertainment, Presentation of musical performances, Live musical theatre performances, Production and publishing of music, Organisation of pop music concerts, Providing information relating to music, Arranging and conducting music concerts, Arranging of pop music concerts, Organization of pop music concerts, Providing online music, not downloadable, Organization of live musical performances, Provision of live musical entertainment, Organizing events for musical purposes,, Organising events for musical purposes, Organisation of live musical performances, Music composition and transcription for others;

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