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Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Атлантик Карго Сервис" Москва (RU)


129010, Москва, ул.Б.Спасская, --, стр.3, ООО "ЮРИДИЧЕСКАЯ ФИРМА ГОРОДИССКИЙ И ПАРТНЕРЫ"



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News sentiment analysis powered by
Lee Cowan revisits a man who has beaten the odds on his diagnosis of ALS. Robert Costa interviews Atlantic writer Tim Alberta about his book on evangelical Christians and politics. Martha Teichner checks out the art of gourd carving.
The Atlantic published a piece Wednesday titled "Why Americans Hate a Good Economy" The article cited a recent Financial Times poll showing the majority of voters saying they are financially worse under President Biden.
During the 2016 GOP primary, Donald Trump reportedly called Ted Cruz's evangelical supporters “real pieces of shit” A forthcoming book by Atlantic staff writer Tim Alberta claims the remark was made during an event gone wrong at Liberty University.
Macy's is offering 700-plus deals on suitcases and sets of all sizes. Atlantic is offering 30% off sitewide with code BLACK30. Paravel is having its biggest sale of the year.
A new book reports that former President Donald Trump made disparaging comments about evangelical Christians during the 2016 Republican primary. The then-GOP candidate described evangelicals backing Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) as “so-called Christians” and “some real pieces of shit,” The Atlantic’s Tim Alberta wrote in his upcoming “The Kingdom, The Power, And The Glory”
A new book reports that former President Donald Trump made disparaging comments about evangelical Christians during the 2016 Republican primary. The then-GOP candidate described evangelicals backing Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) as “so-called Christians” and “some real pieces of shit,” The Atlantic’s Tim Alberta wrote in his upcoming “The Kingdom, The Power, And The Glory”
The ad is based on an anonymously-sourced Atlantic article that claimed Trump had disparaged fallen World War II soldiers while visiting a cemetery overseas. Biden’s post was immediately met by a string of criticism for releasing a political ad on Veterans Day and posts reminding him of moments he showed callousness towards troops. “The fact that you make a day remembering vets into a political ads is absolutely disgusting,” said one commenter.
Billionaire Peter Thiel is scaling back his political spending ahead of next year's presidential election. Thiel told the Atlantic that he hopes his comments will "lock me out of the cycle for 2024" Thiel has given tens of millions to GOP candidates in recent years.
A New York trial centered on hush payments to a porn star would interrupt the presidential primaries, according to a new book. 'That's in the middle of the primaries! If I lose the presidency, you are going to be the reason!' Trump screamed to his attorney, Todd Blanche. The reported outburst, excerpted in the Atlantic, came before Trump settled on a strategy of turning four criminal trials to his advantage.
Hamas' 'hostage-taking handbook' recovered by the Israeli army detailed plans for the 10/7 attack, according to Atlantic Staff Writer Graeme Wood. Wood: "This manual says it in black and white...they were expecting to kill people"
“Romney: A Reckoning’ by McKay Coppins, a political writer for the Atlantic, is a scoop-rich biography. Romney had saved reams of personal journals, texts and emails to write his own memoir.
Oprah Winfrey suggested a unity ticket with Sen. Mitt Romney, according to a report. The revelation is from a soon-to-be-released memoir Romney: A Reckoning by Atlantic writer McKay Coppins. While Romney canned the idea, a source told Axios Winfrey was never serious about the idea.
Retired Gen. Mark Milley recently spoke at some length with The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg about his tenure as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Trump had already taken a variety of ugly rhetorical shots at Milley — calling the general a “dumbass” and an “idiot” — but 10 days ago, he took matters to new extremes. “[I]n times gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH!” Trump wrote.
Donald Trump once belittled a disabled veteran at a military ceremony, The Atlantic reported. The veteran had been asked by Gen. Mark Milley to sing "God Bless America" at an event in 2019. Milley was reportedly disturbed by Trump's "repugnant" attitude towards veterans.
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Gen. Mark Milley is the subject of a major new Atlantic cover story. Rep. Matt Gaetz said at least seven House Republicans would never vote for a continuing resolution. Arizona Republican KARI LAKE will jump into the Senate race as early as October.
Kevin McCarthy recently announced an impeachment inquiry into president Joe Biden. Atlantic staff writer David A. Graham pointed out how similar this process is to the Benghazi scandal that helped to tank Hillary Clinton's poll numbers.
Romney reveals McConnell left him on read about January 6 text. CNN's Jake Tapper discusses new excerpts from Atlantic journalist McKay Coppins' biography "Romney: A Reckoning" CNN Legal analyst says Hunter Biden case is 'inadvisable'
Sen. Mitt Romney spoke at great length with The Atlantic’s McKay Coppins for a book. A lengthy excerpt was published online this week that generated a lot of attention. In a healthy society, elected officials don’t cast votes out of fear that their families might be killed.
The Atlantic writer Franklin Foer's latest book, "The Last Politician," revealed that Biden had cut the administration's goal after meeting with American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten. "For the sake of avoiding conflict, especially conflict with an ally, the Biden administration trimmed its goal," Foer wrote.
In The Last Politician: Inside Joe Biden's White House and the Struggle for America's Future, The Atlantic's Franklin Foer wrote that Biden felt like he was being babied after he quipped that Putin 'cannot remain in power' During Tuesday's press briefing, Fox News' Peter Doocy pointed out that Biden, at age 80, is the 'oldest president in U.S. history' and then asked why White House staff treated him like a 'baby' 'No one treats the president of the United States, the commander-in-chief, like a baby,' Jean-Pierre answered. 'That's ridiculous'

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