Trademark Status DEAD
Expiration 03.06.2021


Russian Federation







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GB, Эйвон Раббер плк, Хэмптон Парк Уэст, Семингтон Роуд, Мелкшэм, Уилтшир SN12 6NB, Великобритания


105062, Москва, Покровка,33, ООО "АИС ИНТЭЛС", Баглай Анна Александровна



NICE Classification

  • научные, навигационные, спасательные и учебные аппараты и инструменты;
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  • микрофоны;
  • головные телефоны и наушники;
  • дисплейные аппараты;
  • устройства для проецирования голоса для использования с защитными масками, капюшонами и дыхательными аппаратами;
  • принадлежности для защитных масок, капюшонов и дыхательных аппаратов;
  • футляры для хранения защитных масок, капюшонов и дыхательных аппаратов;
  • гидратационные трубки и емкости для жидкости для использования с защитными масками, капюшонами и дыхательными аппаратами;
  • части, фитинги и принадлежности для всех вышеуказанных товаров;

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News around "AVON" trademark

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Massachusetts State Police and other mutual aid partners are assisting the Avon first responders in the renewed missing persons search centered around an East High Street residence. The missing man is known to walk the neighborhood.
Nearly one in six women say they have had a partner control whether or not they wear makeup. The highest incidence was amongst the youngest age group surveyed, those 18 – 24 years old. Avon and global charity NO MORE have launched a powerful new video, the 'Reverse Makeup Tutorial'
Beauty giant forced to rethink sales strategy as more women go out to work. Avon will open a handful of shops initially which will be run as franchises by sales reps. The company was founded by a travelling book salesman in 1886.
Geoffrey Marshall used the two-and-half tonne truck to drive at his partner’s home. The 41-year-old then drove the green flatbed truck through a roadblock, destroying three Avon and Somerset Police vehicles and damaging many other cars parked nearby.
Far Away Beyond the Moon is a fragrance produced by Avon. Has created buzz online with blind testings of the scent. Shoppers are flocking to give their opinions on the budget friendly scent.
“Fourth Wing” by Rebecca Yarros (Red Tower) “Judgement Prey’ by John Sandford (G.P. Putnam’s Sons) ‘The Boys from Biloxi’ By John Grisham (Vintage) � “Bad Luck Vampire” By Lynsay Sands (Avon) “The Whittiers“ by Danielle Steel (Dell)
Sue Potter, 54, from Sunderland, was previously working long hours at M&S. She launched her Avon business as ‘a means to an end’ for some extra earnings. But after pushing her monthly income up by £2,000 a month, Mrs Potter has been able to make it her full-time job. She can now treat her family to "multiple holidays" a year.
Avon have launched five advent calendars this year. The 24-day gift option is brimmed with anti-ageing skincare and makeup goods worth over £190. You'll find some of the brand's best-selling products inside.
Avon products will land in 100 UK Superdrug stores, 11 of them in Scotland. Products will be available to buy via the Superdrug website from October 9. Includes award-winning Anew Renewal Protinol Power Serum.
More than 150 Avon products, ranging from serums to foundations and lip oils to moisturisers, will be available in store at Superdrug. Avon, which was bought by Brazilian beauty giant Natura in 2019, said the move will help it “embrace a wider customer base”
More than 150 Avon products, ranging from serums to foundations and lip oils to moisturisers, will be available in store at Superdrug. Avon, which was bought by Brazilian beauty giant Natura in 2019, said the move will help it “embrace a wider customer base”
Beauty business will sell items from 100 Superdrug shops across the UK. More than 150 Avon products, ranging from serums to foundations and lip oils to moisturisers, will be available in store.
Senior officers at the force are accused of waiting seven years before telling the woman about the identity of her fiance. Her family say Avon and Somerset have for years put pressure on them to stay silent over the matter.
Natura & Co bought The Body Shop from L'Oréal in 2017 for an estimated $1.1 billion. The Brazilian beauty conglomerate owns the Avon and Natura brands.
Natura &Co, which owns The Body Shop and Avon brands, said it had authorised bosses to explore "strategic alternatives" This also included a potential sale of the business. The filling noted that there was "no assurance" that it would result in a sale. Brazillian beauty conglomerate also said that it was not going to comment or provide any updates on the move until an update was required.
Becky Rider, 37, works as a paediatric sister at her local A&E department. She runs her Avon business with her husband, Kevin, 46, around her full-time job. Ms Rider said she has been able to clear her debts, pay for Christmases and even purchase a prom dress for her daughter.
Avon Skin So Soft is a mosituriser-cum-mosquito repellent. It's become a firm favourite among mums desperate to keep their kids bite-free. A 100ml travel-sized bottled can be purchased for as little as £4.
A Russian man who ordered perfume for his wife went to police after finding “extremely aggressive information about Russia’s actions in Ukraine” in the package. The fliers also reportedly expressed support for the Russian Volunteer Corps, a militia fighting for Ukraine against their own country. Avon paused new investments in Russia after Moscow's full-scale invasion of Ukraine last year.
"Demon Copperhead" by Barbara Kingsolver (Harper) "Twisted Games" by Ana Huang (Bloom) "Unfortunately Yours" by Tessa Bailey (Avon) "Private Moscow" by Patterson/Hamdy (Grand Central Publishing)
Pupils from Avon, Pembroke, Stratford and St Joseph’s schools visited Stratford Library to decorate stars for Puanga, the start of the Māori New Year. Puanga rises to the left of Mount Taranaki at this time of the year, while Matariki is often still obscured.

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