Trademark Status DEAD
Expiration 09.07.2020


Russian Federation







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RU, Акционерное общество "Серман", 127238, Российская Федерация, г. Москва, Дмитровское шоссе, дом 71Б, этаж --, комната --.


121151, 123112, г. Москва, Пресненская набережная, дом --, строение --, этаж --, пом I, комната --., Понамарев Олег Владимирович



NICE Classification

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  • держатели для режущих инструментов машин, станков;
  • диафрагмы для насосов;
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  • механизмы зубчатые машин;
  • механизмы подающие [детали машин];
  • нагнетатели;
  • насосы вакуумные [машины];
  • насосы воздушные;
  • перфораторы бурильные;
  • пистолеты для экструдирования мастик пневматические;
  • пневмотранспортеры;
  • пневмоуправление машинами, моторами и двигателями;
  • полотна пильные [детали машин, станков];
  • поршни [детали машин или двигателей];
  • поршни цилиндров;
  • регуляторы давления [детали машин];
  • сальники [детали машин];
  • станки деревообрабатывающие;
  • станки долбежные;
  • станки шлифовальные;
  • устройства воздухоотсасывающие;
  • цилиндры пневматические;
  • шкивы [детали машин];

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News around "BLOCK" trademark

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Block is getting rid of annual performance reviews and performance-improvement plans. Business Insider's Tim Paradis says Dorsey is swimming against the tide. Some HR experts are calling for the exact opposite of Dorsey's new approach.
The Block's serial bidder Adrian 'Mr Lambo' Portelli made series history earlier this month when he bought Steph and Gian's house for a whopping $5million. The entrepreneur, 34, took to Instagram on Monday to celebrate Steph's success, by posting a gallery of truly bizarre photos at his newly acquired house. One photo captured Adrian and Gian cuddling in bed together while a furious Steph burst into the room and attempted to separate them.
Jack Dorsey says Block will no longer do performance reviews or performance-improvement plans. Business Insider's Tim Paradis says Dorsey is swimming against the tide when it comes to eliminating the plans.
Three weeks ago, Block announced that it would be cutting the number of employees by 10 percent to get the headcount down to 12,000. In a letter sent to staff on Tuesday, Dorsey criticized the company's former method of evaluating employee performance. He announced that Block would no longer run 'performance improvement plans,' or 'PIPs' These plans are intended to give workers a detailed explanation of their shortcomings and a roadmap of ways to improve. Dorsey also announced the appointment of Dhanji Prasanna to the new CTO role.
Sam Altman is set to return to OpenAI as its CEO. Binance's CEO will step down and plead guilty in anti-money-laundering probe. Jack Dorsey told Block employees he's changing the way their performance is tracked.
Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey tells Block employees he's ending performance reviews, PIPs in favor of 'parting ways immediately' Dorsey also named Dhanji Prasanna, a longtime Block employee, as the company's new CTO.
Block, formerly known as Square, is investing $3 million into First Australians Capital. The fund lends between $100,000 and $2 million to Indigenous owned and led businesses. Dorsey, the former CEO of Twitter, was in Melbourne last week to meet the FAC team and finalise the investment.
Block, formerly known as Square, is investing $3 million into First Australians Capital. The fund lends between $100,000 and $2 million to Indigenous owned and led businesses. Dorsey, the former CEO of Twitter, was in Melbourne last week to meet the FAC team and finalise the investment.
Leah and Ash's House 2 failed to go under the hammer during The Block's finale on Sunday, passing in at $2.9million. Now the couple appears to have a ready buyer prepared to spend $3.1million on the sprawling five-bedroom, four-bathroom pad. If the sale goes ahead, the couple will walk away with $130,000 profit. The Block buyer's agents predicted big things for the couple after the luxury home was listed.
The Block: Leah and Ash's house expected to sell for $3.1million after auction disappointment. It comes after their sprawling pad was passed in for $2.9million during The Block's auction last weekend. If the sale goes ahead, the couple will walk away with $130,000 profit. The Block buyer's agents predicted big things for the couple after the luxury home was listed.
Twitter founder and Block CEO Jack Dorsey warned employees of job cuts in a note sent last Thursday. Block owns digital Point of Service (POS) system Square which powers many iPad checkouts that prompt users to tip.
Block's shares jumped nearly 16% at open to their highest since mid-September. Analysts lauded the payments firm's sharpened focus on profitability and a $1 billion stock buyback plan. CEO Jack Dorsey promised to keep an "absolute cap" on the number of employees.
U.S. job growth weaker than expected in Oct. Jobs data boosts hopes that the Federal Reserve is done with its interest rate hiking campaign. Apple falls on weak quarterly sales forecast. Block jumps 10.7% after raising its annual adjusted profit forecast.
Block's shares jumped nearly 18% before the bell on Friday and were set to open at their highest since mid-September. If premarket gains hold, the company could add nearly $5 billion to its market value. Block said on Thursday it expects adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization of $2.4 billion.
Jack Dorsey, the CEO and founder of Block, said the company's growth has not matched its number of employees. Staff were told in a separate internal company announcement that headcount would shrink by about 10%.
Shares of fintech firm Block surged as much as 19% in after-hours trading Thursday. The company reported third-quarter earnings that beat analyst estimates on the top and bottom line and showed strong growth in both Cash App and Square revenue.
The Block's Sarah-Jane and Tom Calleja have shared the first photos of their newborn son Drew. The pair ditched an exclusive magazine deal to share the first images. In the candid photos from the hospital, the couple's older daughter Cleo, two, could be seen kissing baby Drew on the forehead as Tom nursed him.
The Block has partnered with Spanish-based manufacturer Cosentino. The company supplies a manufactured stone product called Silestone for contestants homes. Experts have raised concerns about the show's decision to promote engineered stone as it contains a percentage of a potentially dangerous substance called crystalline silica. If inhaled, the silica dust from cutting such benchtops can lead to the incurable and deadly disease silicosis as well as lung cancer.
Square Messages can now suggest "sophisticated" AI responses. The push, it might be said, is an attempt by Square -- and parent company Block -- to reinvigorate the Square platform.
The comedian, 42, joined the show's fans and potential buyers at the inspections in Melbourne's Hampton East. It comes as the show faces drama, controversy and bullying claims. The Block is potentially looking at some major changes next year following complaints from viewers and declining ratings.

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