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Блумберг Л.П., партнерство с ограниченной ответственностью штата Делавэр, состоящее из Блумберг, Инк., главного партнера, Мерилл Линч, Пиерс, Феннер энд Смит Инкорпорейтед и Бродкорт Капитал Корп. (US)



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Biden has spent about $12 million on swing state TV ads since mid-August. Trump leads Biden in six of seven swing states surveyed by Morning Consult and Bloomberg News.
BASF stock was up 1.2% at 0855 GMT, with traders pointing to a Bloomberg News report late on Thursday on interest from ADNOC. Any deal could value Wintershall Dea at more than 10 billion euros ($11 billion), Bloomberg reported. UK-listed Harbour Energy Plc is also among suitors evaluating the business.
ICBC partners wary to resume trading with bank after cyberattack - Bloomberg News. Attack impeded trading in the $26 billion Treasury market. ICBC did not immediately respond to Reuters' request for a comment.
Stuart Seldowitz, 64, was acting director of the National Security Council South Asia Directorate from February 2009 to January 2011 under President Obama. He has also worked as a journalist - editing for Bloomberg News briefly - a strategist and a life insurance agent, according to his LinkedIn page.
The Justice Department is seeking more than $4 billion from Binance Holdings Ltd. CZ worked at Bloomberg LP, the parent company of Bloomberg News, from 2002 to 2005.
Apple to make messaging between iPhones and Androids easier - Bloomberg News. The company has been pushing back on the Rich Communication Services (RCS) standard for more than a year.
Benko's Signa unit seeks $2.2 bln funding amid property crisis - Bloomberg News. Signa Prime requires 500 million euros to meet obligations this year alone. Benko this month handed over control of Signa to restructuring expert Arndt Geiwitz.
Italy's Nexi in talks to sell 800 mln euros of assets to F2i fund - Bloomberg News. The assets are a part of the company's DBS digital solutions unit. Nexi declined to comment when contacted by Reuters.
Megacap growth stocks were a big drag, as the benchmark U.S. 10-year Treasury yield rose. Eight of the 11 major S&P 500 sectors were in the red, with rate-sensitive real estate stocks down 1.2%. Boeing climbed 5.1% after Bloomberg News reported that China is considering resuming purchases of 737 Max aircraft. Traders have priced in a nearly 86% chance the Fed will hold interest rates in December.
Dubai government will sell a 25% stake in Dubai Taxi Co. in the domestic listing. The IPO could raise about $300 million, Bloomberg News has reported. It will be the first share sale by the government in more than 12 months.
The main U.S. stock indexes were mixed on Monday as investors awaited a crucial inflation reading this week. The cautious mood followed a strong session on Wall Street on Friday. Boeing climbed 4.6% after Bloomberg News reported that China is considering resuming purchases of 737 Max aircraft. Dubai's Emirates placed an order for 90 more Boeing 777X jets.
Dubai Taxi's IPO will be the first share sale by the government in more than 12 months. The IPO could raise about $300 million, Bloomberg News has reported. Dubai paused the listings this year, contributing to a drop in the overall IPO volumes in the Middle East.
Dubai government will sell a 25% stake in Dubai Taxi Co. in the domestic listing. The IPO could raise about $300 million, Bloomberg News has reported. Dubai paused the listings this year, contributing to a drop in the overall IPO volumes in the Middle East.
A Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll shows that 68 percent of respondents in seven swing states support increased funding for border protection. That topped the poll’s support for increased aid to Israel, which 61 percent of swing state voters support, or aid to Ukraine, which was supported by 58 percent. The swing state poll found a preference for former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden.
A new poll shows that former President Donald Trump has an edge over President Biden in most of the battleground states that decided the 2020 election. The poll, conducted by Bloomberg News and Morning Consult, also reveals that the presence of two independent candidates, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West, does not significantly alter the outcome of the race.
A new poll shows that former President Donald Trump has an edge over President Biden in most of the battleground states that decided the 2020 election. The poll, conducted by Bloomberg News and Morning Consult, also reveals that the presence of two independent candidates, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West, does not significantly alter the outcome.
EU says UAE to curb key re-exports to Russia used in war - Bloomberg News. Turkey is also considering a similar measure. U.S. last week cracked down on sanctions evasion in the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and China.
The 10-year bonds will be auctioned on Thursday and are rated AAA with a stable outlook by rating companies Crisil and CareEdge. The transaction, once concluded, would be the biggest rupee sale ever for Reliance, Bloomberg-compiled data show. It would also be the conglomerate’s first domestic bond since 2020.
Bill Holdings nears $1.95 billion payments deal for Melio - Bloomberg News. Bill Holdings' shares were down more than 13% at $54 in extended trading.
SpaceX eyes $15 bln in sales next year on Starlink strength - Bloomberg News. Sales for Starlink, in particular, are expected to outpace and exceed the launch business next year.

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