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RU, Марченко Дмитрий Алексеевич, 152908, Ярославская область, г. Рыбинск, ул. Буксирная, --, кв. --.


191123, Санкт-Петербург, а/я --, ООО "ЮСК Групп Юридические решения" (для Марченко Д.А



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Arnold Dix is working with multiple agencies in a four pronged approach to the rescue op. PM Narendra Modi had a telephonic conversation with Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami. BRO has already started approach road for mobilization machines of ONGC and SJVNL.
The government has decided to work on all fronts to save the lives of the labourers trapped in the tunnel at Silkyara. ONGC, SJVNL, and RVNL have been assigned one option each for the rescue. Border Roads Organisation (BRO) and the construction wing of the Indian Army have also been assisting in the rescue operation.
The Indian Army troops of Trishakti Corps, in collaboration with the Border Roads Organization (BRO), have successfully completed the construction of a Bailey bridge over the Teesta River. This crucial infrastructure was washed away after a glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) in the Lhonak Lake upstream, severing the connection between North Sikkim and the mainland on October 3. The 200-feet long bridge is an engineering marvel in itself as it is the longest and heaviest single span Bailey bridge.
It is the fourth year when the Indian Army is stationed in Eastern Ladakh to counter the Chinese transgression that started in May 2020. The Indian Army, the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) and the Indian Air Force have really upgraded the entire military infrastructure along the LAC.
Border Roads Organisation (BRO) clarifies that the ongoing road project to the Amarnath cave shrine was to widen the tracks for pedestrian traffic. The BRO termed the reports of access to the cave shrine through vehicular road as “factually incorrect”
Border Roads Organisation (BRO) clarifies that the ongoing road project to the Amarnath cave shrine was to widen the tracks for pedestrian traffic. The BRO termed the reports of access to the cave shrine through vehicular road as ‘factually incorrect’
National Conference (NC) vice president Omar Abdullah on Tuesday asked the government to rethink a project for motorable roads up to the Amarnath cave shrine in Kashmir. Abdullah’s remarks come a day after the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) posted pictures and videos of vehicles driving to the shrine from Sonamarg.
Border Roads Organisation (BRO) has achieved a significant milestone by extending road connectivity to the Amarnath shrine. First vehicles have reached the shrine, and officials have praised the BRO for this historic achievement.
Border Roads Organisation (BRO) announced the completion of the formidable task. The widening of the road from Dumail to the Amarnath cave via Baltal base camp in Ganderbal district of central Kashmir has been completed, with the first set of vehicles reaching the shrine.
Border Roads Organisation (BRO) has achieved a significant milestone by extending road connectivity to the Amarnath shrine. The road widening has been completed, making the pilgrimage more comfortable and accessible for devotees. Sri Lanka and Bangladesh clashed at the Arun Jaitley Stadium.
BRO put out a video of its trucks moving through newly constructed Baltal-Cave shrine road on X. Kashmiri Pandits fear adverse impact of the road on cave shrine and fragile ecology of the area.
The home ministry released a circular allowing foreigners to stay overnight in Hanle, 254 km from Leh. The BRO has already started the construction of a new 64 km road connecting Likaru to Fukche situated 3 km away from the LAC.
The floods started around 1.30 am in which 30 Army personnel went missing and 41 vehicles submerged. The Border Road Organisation (BRO) has launched rescue operations and 80 locals have been safely evacuated. The main highway connecting Sikkim to West Bengal state fell apart and Gangtok was totally cut off by road.
A sudden cloud burst over Lhonak Lake in North Sikkim has resulted in a flash flood in the Teesta River in Lachen valley. The Border Road Organisation (BRO) has launched rescue operations and 80 locals have been safely evacuated so far.
A cloud burst over Lhonak Lake in North Sikkim has resulted in a flash flood in the Teesta River in Lachen Valley. Twenty-three army personnel have been reported missing and 41 vehicles submerged under the slush. Border Road Organisation (BRO) has launched rescue operations.
Nearly 96 per cent work of the strategically crucial Sela Tunnel is complete. The tunnel will enable "all-weather" connectivity to Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh. It is likely to be inaugurated by the year-end, BRO officials said.
Lt Gen Raghu Srinivasan, VSM took over the reins of Border Roads Organisation as 28th Director General on September 30, 2023. BRO was raised on May 7, 1960 to secure India's borders and develop infrastructure in remote areas of the North and North-Eastern states.
Lieutenant General Raghu Srinivasan on Saturday took over as the Director General of the Border Roads Organisation. He took charge of BRO at a time when it is executing a raft of critical projects along India’s disputed frontier with China.
Lieutenant General Raghu Srinivasan assumed charge as the 28th director general (DG) of the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) on Saturday. His appointment to the top post in the BRO follows the superannuation of Lt Gen Rajeev Chaudhry.
Lieutenant General Raghu Srinivasan took over as the Director General of the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) He replaces Lieutenant General Rajeev Chaudhry. BRO has completed around 300 projects, including roads, tunnels and bridges, in forward areas.

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