Trademark Status DEAD
Expiration 25.09.2013


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Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ТОРГОВЫЙ ДОМ КАМЕЛОТ" Москва (RU)



NICE Classification

  • плавки;
  • платки шейные;
  • платья;
  • повязки для головы [головные уборы];
  • подкладки готовые [элементы одежды];
  • подошвы;
  • подтяжки;
  • блузы;
  • боа;
  • бриджи;
  • воротники для одежды;
  • воротники съемные;
  • вставки для рубашек;
  • галоши;
  • голенища сапог;
  • головные уборы;
  • жилеты;
  • каблуки;
  • камзолы;
  • капюшоны;
  • карманчики;
  • карманы для одежды;
  • кашне;
  • козырьки для головных уборов;
  • комбинезоны [одежда];
  • костюмы маскарадные;
  • костюмы пляжные;
  • манжеты;
  • манто;
  • меха [одежда];
  • муфты [одежда];
  • набойки для обуви;
  • наушники [одежда];
  • носки;
  • обувь;
  • обувь купальная;
  • обувь пляжная;
  • обувь спортивная;
  • одежда;
  • одежда верхняя;
  • одежда готовая;
  • одежда из искусственной кожи;
  • одежда кожаная;
  • одежда трикотажная;
  • одежда форменная;
  • окантовка металлическая для обуви;
  • пальто;
  • парки;
  • перчатки [одежда];
  • пижамы;
  • полуботинки на шнурках;
  • полуверы;
  • пояса [одежда];
  • пояса-кошельки;
  • приспособления, препятствующие скольжению обуви;
  • ранты для обуви;
  • рубашки;
  • сабо[обувь];
  • сандалии;
  • сапоги;
  • сари;
  • свитера;
  • союзки для обуви;
  • стельки;
  • трусы;
  • туфли;
  • туфли комнатные;
  • фартуки [одежда];
  • чулки;
  • шали;
  • шапочки купальные;
  • юбки;

NICE Classification

  • агентства по импорту-экспорту;
  • агентства по коммерческой информации;
  • аренда площадей для размещения рекламы;
  • аудит;
  • деловая экпертиза;
  • демонстрация товаров;
  • информация деловая;
  • обзоры печати;
  • обновление рекламных материалов;
  • организация выставок в коммерческих или рекламных целях;
  • организация торговых ярмарок в коммерческих или рекламных целях;
  • оформление витрин;
  • оценка коммерческой деятельности;
  • помощь в управлении комерческими или промышленными предприятиями;
  • продвижение товаров [для третьих лиц];
  • прокат рекламного времени на всех в средствах массовой информации;
  • публикация рекламных текстов;
  • распространение образцов;
  • реклама;
  • снабженческие услуги для третьих лиц [закупка товаров и услуги предприятиям];
  • услуги манекенщиков для рекламы или продвижения товаров;

NICE Classification

  • арбитраж;
  • исследования в области права;
  • консультации по вопросам интеллектуальной собственности;

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Lanarkshire man has scooped a £1million Lotto prize. Camelot will only say he is known as Mr M from Lanarkshire. He matched five main numbers plus the Bonus Ball in draw on October 28. Now plans to buy a new home with his winnings.
The draw was made on October 31, but the winner is yet to come forward and claim their prize. Players based in North Lanarkshire in particular are being urged to check and double-check their unique code. Anyone not in possession of their ticket, for whatever reason, but who believes they have a genuine claim, can still make a claim in writing to Camelot.
A total of 24 families lost everything after two buildings burned at Camelot condos. Only six of them got their insurance money, according to police. A retired veteran says he might not be able to afford his planned retirement home.
The Lotto draw has taken place and the Thunderball has also been drawn. The winning numbers are 1, 7, 12, 17, 46, 53 and the bonus ball is 24. Camelot has revealed the most amazing reactions of people who were told they had won a huge prize on the National Lottery.
James Briggs, 42, and wife Sally, 40, didn't open the messages from Camelot for a month after the winning numbers were drawn. But after the fourth email, James finally gave them a ring and discovered he would be given £10,000 a month for the next year. The lucky pair, from Walsall, matched the five main numbers in the ‘Set For Life’ draw and say they are now going to spend some of their winnings on a holiday, a laptop and a new front door.
James and Sally Briggs from Walsall, West Midlands, won £120,000. Couple ignored four emails from Camelot before checking their inbox. They matched five main numbers and the Life Ball to win £10,000 a month. Now plan to spend part of winnings on a'she shed' for Sally, a holiday and a laptop.
James Briggs, 42, and wife Sally, 40, waited a month to open the messages from Camelot. The pair, of Walsall, West Mids., said they were still in shock after matching the five main numbers in the 'Set For Life' draw on August 3. They plan to spend some of their £120,000 winnings on a "she shed" for Sally, a holiday, a laptop - and a new front door.
Dean Smethurst had his lotto card checked on Wednesday, May 8 2019. He was told by the checkout girl he had won on the Saturday, May 4, game. But the machine said she could not pay out his winnings and he would have to contact Camelot. This prompted Dean to check the terms and conditions of the Camelot website.
Dean Smethurst had his national lotto card checked in Tesco on May 8. He was told by the woman on the checkout he had won on the Saturday game. The machine said she could not pay out his winnings and he would have to instead contact Camelot. This prompted Dean to check the terms and conditions of the Camelot website.
Dean Smethurst had his national lotto card checked in Tesco. He was told by the woman on the checkout he had won on the Saturday game. She said she could not pay out his winnings on the machine and he would have to instead contact Camelot. After realising this message was usually given for wins of at least £50k he dashed home before telling all of his friends and family the news.
Winning numbers were 7, 10, 23, 29, 31, 42 and the Bonus Ball was 6. The unsuspecting ticket-holder has until 11 March 2024 to claim their prize. Anyone not in possession of their ticket can still make a claim in writing to Camelot.
A £7.4 million EuroMillions jackpot has been claimed but there are still three £1 million prizes up for grabs. The lucky winner still has to have the claim validated by officials at Camelot. Players have been urged to check their tickets to see if they have unknowingly become a millionaire. It comes after a lucky punter scooped an eye-watering £286,000 and revealed how he'd splash the cash.
The life-changing win was confirmed by Camelot, with another ticket holder from Austria. Between them, the winners will equally split the £47million prize. A total of 10 UK winners will also take home £1 million following a special edition of the Millionaire Maker draw. Tuesday's jackpot is expected to be around £14 million.
Ministers gave IGT, a US gaming corporation, a clean bill of health. The company previously reported significant potential slavery risks in its supply chain. IGT is the technology partner to the National Lottery operator, Camelot.
The winner from the EuroMillions draw on August 22, 2023 has still to check their ticket and claim their prize. Anyone not in possession of their ticket, for whatever reason, but who believes they have a genuine claim can still make a claim in writing to Camelot.
Aspiring millionaires up and down the country will be dismayed to find out how their odds vary from scratchcard to scratchcard. Remember that you're never guaranteed a win so it's important to not spend more than you can afford. Camelot has revealed which £1 scratchies have the best chances of winning.
Camelot has withdrawn a legal challenge over its failure to win the fourth lottery licence. IGT, which is majority-owned by De Agostini, of Italy, has continued to press for compensation.
It takes just 48 hours for winnings to be transferred, revealed Andy Carter, Camelot's Senior Winners Adviser in Cardiff. But to avoid your happy news leaking, he recommends you open a special account. His advice comes after a UK ticket holder claimed the £77.7million jackpot.
EuroMillions UK Millionaire Maker guarantees to create a millionaire in every draw. The lucky winner from the EuroMillions draw on 28 July 2023 has still to check their ticket and claim their prize. Anyone not in possession of their ticket, for whatever reason, can still make a claim in writing to Camelot.
John Stembridge, 51, from Trowbridge, Wiltshire, scooped the cash prize. He spotted the ticket behind the sun visor and went to check the numbers. After calling Camelot to get it confirmed, he quit his plastering job.

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