Trademark Status DEAD
Expiration 02.11.2020


Russian Federation






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RU, Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "РУССКОЕ ПОЛЕ", 141407, Московская область, г. Химки, кварт. Ивакино, Садовое некоммерческое товарищество "ОТДЫХ ПЛЮС", --.


143532, Московская область, г. Дедовск, ул. Панфилова, --, кв. --.



NICE Classification

  • желе, варенье, компоты;
  • консервированные, сушенные и подвергнутые тепловой обработке;
  • масла и жиры пищевые;
  • мясо, рыба, птица и дичь;
  • овощи и фрукты;
  • экстракты мясные;
  • яйца, молоко, сыр, масло, йогурт и другие молочные продукты;

NICE Classification

  • кофе, чай, какао и заменители кофе;
  • лед для охлаждения;
  • макароны и лапша;
  • мороженое, сорвет и другие продукты из съедобного льда;
  • мука и продукты зерновые;
  • сахар, мед, сироп из патоки, дрожжи, порошки пекарные;
  • соль, приправы, специи, консервированные травы;
  • тапиока (маниока) и саго;
  • уксус, соусы, приправы;
  • хлеб, выпечка и изделия кондитерские;
  • шоколад;

NICE Classification

  • животные живые;
  • зерно и семена, необработанные и непереработанные;
  • корма и напитки для животных;
  • луковицы, саженцы и семена;
  • продукты сельскохозяйственные, аквакультуры, садово-огородные и лесные, в сыром виде и необработанные и непереработанные;
  • солод;
  • фрукты, овощи и ароматические травы свежие, растения и цветы живые;

Domain names similar "DELICIOUS"

News around "DELICIOUS" trademark

News sentiment analysis powered by
My Kitchen Rules judge Colin Fassnidge reveals his vicious feud with a notorious food critic - and the chilling threat he dished out to him. Irish chef, 50, explained that before the internet a bad review from a The Australian's food writer John Lethlean could 'close [the restaurant] down' Lethlean wrote a review of Perth restaurant Shui for popular food magazine Delicious which was later taken off the website.
negative has taken its sweet time to issue a mea culpa over that restaurant review by veteran critic John Lethlean. Lethlean’s piece on a Perth eatery that included this gem “the maitre d’/meet and greeter wears an outfit that threatens to expose more than just her inexperience when she bends over to set a table”, sparked a storm of protest in the industry. Delicious’ online post, directing traffic towards its site, has had 360 responses – and counting – and it looks like the poor reception might cost more than a bit of grief.
Food site has taken its sweet time to issue a mea culpa over that restaurant review by veteran critic John Lethlean. Delicious’ online post, directing traffic towards its site, has had 360 responses and counting. Fashion designer Camilla Freeman-Topper is planning a $5.2 million demolition and rebuild of former PM Billy McMahon’s historic Bellevue Hill mansion.
negative has taken its sweet time to issue a mea culpa over that restaurant review by veteran critic John Lethlean. Lethlean’s piece on a Perth eatery that included this gem “the maitre d’/meet and greeter wears an outfit that threatens to expose more than just her inexperience when she bends over to set a table”, sparked a storm of protest in the industry. Delicious’ online post, directing traffic towards its site, has had 360 responses – and counting – and it looks like the poor reception might cost more than a bit of grief.
John Lethlean wrote a review of Perth restaurant Shui for popular food magazine Delicious which has since been taken off the website. A post from Mr Lethlean's own Instagram feed promoting his piece has been shared widely, and provides an indication as to why the review suddenly disappeared. Legendary Perth chef Colin Wood, who has worked with some of the world's best culinary names, led the backlash against Lethlean and Delicious.

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