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RU, Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Престиж-Трэйд", 115563, Москва, ул. Генерала Белова, д. 23А, эт.1, пом. I, ком. --.


107061, Москва, Преображенская пл., д. --, ООО "Вахнина и Партнеры", Вахнин Алексей Михайлович



NICE Classification

  • развлечения;
  • дискотеки;
  • организация досуга;
  • организация и проведение развлекательных мероприятий;
  • постановка шоу;
  • предоставление информации по вопросам развлечений;
  • прокат аудиооборудования;
  • прокат декораций для шоу-программ;
  • прокат звукозаписей;
  • услуги артистов;
  • услуги диск-жокеев;
  • услуги звукорежиссеров для мероприятий;
  • услуги караоке;
  • услуги ночных клубов [развлечение];
  • услуги по распространению билетов [развлечение];
  • услуги развлекательные;
  • услуги светотехников для мероприятий;
  • шоу-программы;
  • выступления театральные и музыкальные на дискотеках и в ночных клубах;

NICE Classification

  • услуги домов престарелых;
  • услуги по обеспечению пищевыми продуктами и напитками;
  • обеспечение временного проживания;
  • агентства по обеспечению мест [гостиницы, пансионы];
  • аренда временного жилья;
  • аренда диспенсеров для питьевой воды;
  • аренда жилья для отдыха;
  • аренда жилья на время отпуска;
  • аренда кухонных раковин;
  • аренда мебели;
  • аренда офисной мебели;
  • аренда переносных кабинок для переодевания;
  • аренда помещений для проведения встреч;
  • бронирование мест в гостиницах;
  • бронирование мест в пансионах;
  • бронирование мест для временного жилья;
  • информация и консультации по вопросам приготовления пищи;
  • пансионы для животных;
  • предоставление временного жилья в придорожных гостиницах;
  • прокат кухонного оборудования;
  • прокат мебели, столового белья и посуды;
  • прокат осветительной аппаратуры;
  • прокат палаток;
  • прокат передвижных строений;
  • прокат роботов для приготовления напитков;
  • службы приема по временному размещению [управление прибытием и отъездом];
  • создание кулинарных скульптур;
  • украшение еды;
  • украшение тортов;
  • услуги баз отдыха;
  • услуги баз отдыха [предоставление жилья];
  • услуги баров;
  • услуги детских садов [яслей];
  • услуги закусочных;
  • услуги кальянных;
  • услуги кафе;
  • услуги кафетериев;
  • услуги кемпингов;
  • услуги личного повара;
  • услуги мотелей;
  • услуги пансионов;
  • услуги по обзору продуктов питания [предоставление информации о пищевых продуктах и напитках];
  • услуги по приготовлению блюд и доставке их на дом;
  • услуги по приему на временное проживание [передача ключей];
  • услуги по размещению в гостинице;
  • услуги приютов для животных;
  • услуги ресторанов;
  • услуги ресторанов вашоку;
  • услуги ресторанов лапши удон и соба;
  • услуги ресторанов с едой на вынос;
  • услуги ресторанов самообслуживания;
  • услуги столовых;

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Many of these alarms, mine included, are controlled via an app on your phone. Screwfix also sells a similar product from ERA, which is a little more at £30.99.
Carrington Resort on Northland’s Karikari Peninsula has been ordered by the Employment Relations Authority (ERA) to pay out more than $100,000 to four employees after their unjustified terminations. Manager William Tan was found responsible for illegally firing Toni Maheno, Iva Grant, Paula Knight and Stacey Roy. Tan challenged the decision recently in the employment court to which the ERA presented a ‘good faith’ report.
Carrington Resort on Northland’s Karikari Peninsula has been ordered by the Employment Relations Authority to pay out more than $100,000 to four employees after their unjustified terminations. Manager William Tan was found responsible for illegally firing Toni Maheno, Iva Grant, Paula Knight and Stacey Roy. Tan challenged the decision recently in the employment court to which the ERA presented a ‘good faith’ report, which noted multiple incidents of concern.
Iva Grant has won her case against the Carrington Resort. She worked as a housekeeper for almost three years between the resort and its campsite property, Whatuwhiwhi Top 10 Holiday Park. The ERA found she was, without doubt, a permanent employee.
Energy Resources of Australia (ASX:ERA) increased its cash burn by 282% in the last twelve months. The company saw operating revenue decrease by a whopping 89% over the last year, suggesting the company is going through some sort of dangerous transition. Its increasing cash burn has us a bit worried, and if we held shares we'd be watching like a hawk for any deterioration.
Tas Marine Construction Pty Limited was contracted to construct a breakwater for a marina extension near Picton. Bryce Farmer moved with his family from Tauranga to Marlborough in early 2021 after getting a job on the project. He said he was demoted from his primary role in July 2022, and was to be placed on the "tools" Tas Marine director Thomas Wilcox, based in Australia, told the ERA that Farmer was an “incompetent crane driver who tipped over one of my cranes costing me over 100k in losses”
A Bay of Plenty man was unfairly dismissed for what the company said was serious misconduct, the ERA ruled. Rotorua company Damar Industries, a manufacturer and supplier of chemical products, dismissed employee Jonathan Collier in January 2022. Collier, who had worked for the company for 11 years, was well regarded, a health and safety representative and fire warden, and lined up for a leadership role.
Christine Rankin has won a ruling in the ERA confirming she was an employee of the Transforming Justice Foundation. Rankin was hired by the foundation's CEO Scott Guthrie in 2020 to be the new organisation’s child abuse spokeswoman. The board said it had no money to pay anyone in such a role as one Rankin says she was hired for. No timesheets or records of hours worked by Rankin.
Sumier Foster-Shah, product and customer support manager at ERA has shared exclusively with “simple and affordable ways’ to protect homes from break-ins while on holiday. He said one of the ‘simplest’ ways to improve a home’s security is to improve the front door.
Elliot Park and Myunghee Jeon were employees of The Korean Society of Auckland under a previous president. They claimed they were forced to resign from their jobs. The ERA found the pair were unjustifiably dismissed and ordered KSA to pay one month’s salary as lost wages.
Sandra Mulqueen was fired from The Merino Story (TMS) clothing store in Milton in October 2021. The dismissal occurred following a complaint from a customer saying Mulquean had been “ramming anti-vaccine info” at them during a visit to the shop the previous month. The Employment Relations Authority (ERA) released its decision last week.
Energy Resources of Australia Ltd (ASX:ERA) share price dropped 93% in the last half decade. The falls have accelerated recently, with the share price down 86% in last three months. The company's revenue and earnings (over time) are depicted in the image below.
Three days of bargaining last week between the Post Primary Teachers’ Union (PPTA) and the Ministry of Education failed to reach a settlement. The Employment Relations Authority (ERA) has stepped in to recommend independent arbitration.
The Eanchakkal Residents’ Association (ERA) organised a drive on Wednesday to clear the bushes and weeds growing close to the Parvathy Puthanar. The drive was conducted to rid the area of snakes and other reptiles, the association said.
The Eanchakkal Residents’ Association (ERA) organised a drive on Wednesday to clear the bushes and weeds growing close to the Parvathy Puthanar along Puthenpalam Road at Vallakkadavu.
Kirsty Hilford had her unjustified disadvantage personal grievance claim against the school declined by the Employment Relations Authority (ERA) in August last year. She filed an application in the Employment Court court to challenge the ERA’s order in June last year that she destroy three particular documents which described the health and personal circumstances of certain students. The Employment Court ruled she had successfully challenged the order.
Kirsty Hilford is challenging an Employment Relations Authority ruling that she did not. The ERA did rule she raised within 90 days an unjustified dismissal personal grievance which will be investigated. Hilford’s employment began in October 2019 when she was appointed as a part-time learning support assistant (LSA)
Jason Joyce was dismissed by Traffix (2020) Limited after a night of drinking onsite during work hours. He later went to the Employment Relations Authority (ERA) claiming it was in fact his supervisor who was drunk and had “seriously assaulted” him. However, the recently released ERA decision has declined Joyce’s application for raising a personal grievance.
Anup Gautam has been awarded $43,984.78 in remedies by the Employment Relations Authority. He was employed by Wellington-based Repair Plus Limited as an information and communication technology (ICT) technician from May 2018 to August 2021. After leaving, he turned to the ERA with a claim he had been underpaid 12 hours every week.
Dr Christina Stachurski was dismissed for serious misconduct in October 2020. The Employment Relations Authority found she subcontracted some of her lecturing responsibilities to another university employee. Canterbury University said it was pleased the ERA ruling was in its favour.

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