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Expiration 13.02.2027


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Дзе Файнэншэл Таймс Лимитед, Нумбер Оне, Соутварк Бридге, Лондон SE1 9HL, Великобритания (GB)


107078, Москва, Красноворотский пр-д, --, стр.1, к.18, ООО ППФ "Искона-II", Е.А.Гавриловой



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NICE Classification

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NICE Classification

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NICE Classification

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NICE Classification

  • конференции;
  • конференции, касающиеся бизнеса и финансов, услуг в сфере бизнеса и финансов, экономики, политики и текущих дел;
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  • услуги образовательно-воспитательные;
  • услуги образовательно-воспитательные, касающиеся бизнеса и финансов, услуг в сфере бизнеса и финансов, экономики, политики и текущих дел;
  • планирование, организация и проведение воспитательных и образовательных мероприятий;
  • обучение;
  • обучение, касающееся бизнеса и финансов, услуг в сфере бизнеса и финансов, экономики, политики и текущих дел;
  • планирование, организация и проведение мероприятий в сфере обучения;
  • публикации;
  • производство кинофильмов, телевизионных и радио программ;
  • развлекательные услуги;
  • спортивные развлекательные услуги;
  • информационные и консультационные услуги, касающиеся вышеуказанных услуг;

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The Guardian and The Times both cover the hostage releases in the Middle East. The Daily Telegraph concentrates on the UK’s Equalities and Human Rights Commission, which could be stripped of accreditation with the UN. The Metro opts for a piece on the death of 16-year-old Brianna Ghey.
The Financial Times reported that the United States had foiled an Indian plot to murder US and Canadian national Gurpatwant Singh Pannun. US Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken has said publicly in Washington that India should cooperate with Canadians.
Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani told the Financial Times that some of the hostages were “missing” Infobae reported that the jihadist terrorist organization Hamas does not know the location of some of its hostages.
The Guardian and The Times both cover the hostage releases in the Middle East. The Times reports that Hamas wants to raise the toll for the safe return of Israeli soldiers. The Daily Mail focuses Omid Scobie’s tell-all royal book which hit the shelves on Tuesday.
Investors are selling US dollar positions at the fastest rate in a year, the Financial Times reports. Asset managers are poised to sell 1.6% of their open dollar positions this month. November marked the worst monthly performance of the American currency in ayear.
The Financial Times report comes two months after Canada alleged Indian agents were linked to another Sikh separatist leader’s murder. Gurpatwant Singh Pannun is the target of the allegedly foiled plot, the report said.
US officials have foiled a bid to assassinate pro-Khalistan leader Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, claimed a report in The Financial Times. US officials have also reportedly warned the Indian government amid concerns about its involvement in the matter. This report comes just months after Canada made similar allegations against India.
The Metro and The Sun have already begun celebrating the new year. The i and the Financial Times honed in on the UK’s tax burden. The Independent asked “who are they kidding?”
Kiev is “nervous” that Ukraine is losing Western support after the failure of this summer’s counteroffensive, editors of the Financial Times said. Russian President Vladimir Putin “may feel for now that the odds have shifted in his favor in his gamble that he can outlast the West,” they said.
Gurpatwant Singh Pannun is said to be the legal advisor and spokesperson for Sikhs for Justice (SFJ), which aims to promote the idea of Khalistan, a separate Sikh state. Officials related to the case told the Financial Times that US authorities had foiled a plot to assassinate ‘a Sikh separatist on American soil’
Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, a US citizen and a leader of the breakaway Khalistan movement, was identified by the Financial Times as the target of the foiled plot. It is unclear whether Washington’s complaint to New Delhi caused the would-be assassins to abort the plan.
Daily Express, The Sun, The Metro, and The Mirror all lead with the story of the discovery of the bodies of four teenage boys who vanished on a trip to Snowdonia. The i, The Guardian, The Times and the Financial Times opted for fronts on Jeremy Hunt’s incoming tax cuts for their front pages.
The U.S. government says it asked Indian authorities about allegations of a foiled assassination plot. Gurpatwant Singh Pannun is an organizer of a series of Sikh separatist votes in Canada and the United States. The Financial Times report says the American authorities issued a warning to India’s government over the alleged plot. India has vigorously denied the allegations.
The Financial Times report comes two months after Canada alleged Indian agents were linked to another Sikh separatist leader’s murder. Gurpatwant Singh Pannun is the target of the allegedly foiled plot, the report said.
The U.S. government says it asked Indian authorities about allegations of a foiled assassination plot. It expects anyone deemed responsible to be “held accountable.” A report in the Financial Times alleges a plan to assassinate Sikhs for Justice general counsel. India's High Commission in Ottawa did not immediately return messages.
U.S. authorities thwarted a plot to kill a Sikh separatist in the United States, the Financial Times reported. The report identified Gurpatwant Singh Pannun as the target of the foiled plot. There was no immediate response from India's foreign ministry to requests for comment. The protest to New Delhi was registered after Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was welcomed on a state visit.
The White House says it has raised the issue with the Indian government "at the senior-most levels" Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, the chief of banned outfit Sikhs for Justice, is the target of the foiled plot. The Financial Times reported, citing unnamed sources, that US authorities thwarted a plot to kill a Sikh separatist.
The White House has raised the issue with the Indian government "at the senior-most levels" Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, who says he is a dual citizen of the United States and Canada, is the target of the foiled plot. The Financial Times reported, citing unnamed sources, that US authorities thwarted a plot to kill a Sikh separatist.
Blackstone plans to close a fund that exposes investors to a variety of hedge funds and trading strategies. Assets fell almost 90% in four years, the Financial Times reported.
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will use autumn statement to start a “Thatcherite tax-cutting drive’ The Times reports he will aim to force more benefit claimants to look for work. Ukrainian president says Russia has tried to assassinate him ‘five or six times’

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