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Expiration 05.04.2022


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RU, Скорик Алёна Алексеевна, 195297, Санкт-Петербург, Ушинского ул., 22/97, кв. --.


195297, Санкт-Петербург, Ушинского ул., 22/97, кв. --, А.А. Скорик



NICE Classification

  • коврики для детского манежа;
  • коврики напольные для сна/маты для сна;
  • кроватки детские;
  • манежи для детей;
  • ящики для игрушек;

NICE Classification

  • автомобили [игрушки]/средства транспортные [игрушки];
  • бассейны [изделия для игр и спорта];
  • батуты;
  • безделушки для вечеринок [знаки внимания];
  • боди-борды;
  • бутылочки с соской для кукол;
  • вело тренажеры;
  • велосипеды трехколесные для детей младшего возраста [игрушки];
  • воланы для игры в бадминтон;
  • волчки [игрушки];
  • головоломки из набора элементов для составления картины/пазлы;
  • домики для кукол;
  • домики игровые для детей;
  • домино;
  • доски для плавания поддерживающие;
  • доски для сапсёрфинга;
  • доски шахматные;
  • доски шашечные;
  • дроны [игрушки];
  • дротики;
  • елки новогодние из синтетических материалов;
  • емкости для игральных костей/стаканы для игральных костей;
  • железные дороги деревянные конструкторы;
  • змеи бумажные;
  • игрушки;
  • игрушки для домашних животных;
  • игрушки мягкие;
  • игрушки плюшевые;
  • игрушки с подвижными частями/мобайлы [игрушки];
  • игры;
  • игры комнатные;
  • игры настольные;
  • игры с кольцами;
  • игры-конструкторы;
  • карусели ярмарочные;
  • катушки рыболовные;
  • качалки-лошади [игрушки];
  • качели;
  • кегли;
  • клюшки хоккейные;
  • коврики развивающие детские;
  • комнаты для кукол;
  • кубики строительные [игрушки];
  • куклы;
  • маджонг;
  • макеты [игрушки]/модели [игрушки];
  • пистолеты игрушечные;
  • погремушки [игрушки];
  • самокаты [игрушки];
  • сани [товары спортивные];
  • средства транспортные игрушечные с дистанционным управлением;
  • сумки для крикета;
  • сумки на колесах или без них для клюшек для гольфа;
  • фигурки [игрушки];

NICE Classification

  • услуги по розничной, оптовой продаже товаров 20, 28 классов мкту;
  • демонстрация товаров 20, 28 классов мкту;
  • презентация товаров 20, 28 классов мкту на всех медиасредствах с целью розничной продажи;
  • продвижение продаж для третьих лиц;
  • услуги розничной продажи товаров 20, 28 классов мкту с использованием телемагазинов или интернет-сайтов;
  • услуги снабженческие для третьих лиц [закупка и обеспечение предпринимателей товарами];

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'Welcome to The O.C.' serves as a definitive look-back at the 20-year-old Fox drama. Book devotes a chapter to the behind-the-scenes intrigue that led to Mischa Barton's exit.
The Rams (4-6) will push for their second consecutive win when they play the Cardinals (2-9) Sunday. Kickoff is at 1:05 p.m. PST and will air on Fox. After a four-game absence while on injured reserve, running back Kyren Williams returns to the lineup.
The Fox series ran for seven seasons. The series even brought in a few iconic guest stars like Jamie Lee Curtis.
Avengers Secret Wars has major roles for Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man, Hugh Jackman's Wolverine and Tom Hiddleston's Loki, according to new leaks. MCU is currently in the middle of its Multiverse saga with stars of 2000s Fox and Sony Marvel movies reprising their roles.
The O.C. captured the early 2000s alternative music scene like no other show. Fox executives were initially hesitant about a notable Season 1 interaction. Two buzzy bands who were approached for the soundtrack wanted no association with the show.
Britney, 41, reportedly finds it'sad' that her estranged younger sister continues to use her stardom to make money. In January, Jamie Lynn broke down in tears while discussing her sister on Fox's Special Forces: World's Toughest Test.
L.A. Chargers face Green Bay Packers on Sunday at 10 a.m. PST (TV: Fox) Chargers have been sliding downhill and climb back begins or ends in Green Bay. Chargers looking to stay in the thick of the playoff picture.
Los Angeles Chargers (4-5) at Green Bay Packers (3-6) Sunday, 1 p.m. EST, Fox. Chargers lost 41-38 at home to Detroit Lions; Packers lost 23-19 at Pittsburgh.
Lachlan Murdoch is taking over Fox at a time when the company faces several lawsuits. Rupert Murdoch will this week cede direct control of his media empire to his son Lachlan.
FM broadcaster Fox has claimed the biggest increase in audience share in the seventh radio ratings survey of 2023. 3AW* has retained its position at the top of the ladder despite a significant drop. ABC Melbourne fell to a record low of 5.8 per cent in the first survey of this year. In Melbourne, Radio National increased by 0.2 points to 2.1 per cent.
FM broadcaster Fox has claimed the biggest increase in audience share in the seventh radio ratings survey of 2023. 3AW* has retained its position at the top of the ladder despite a significant drop. ABC Melbourne fell to a record low of 5.8 per cent in the first survey of this year. In Melbourne, Radio National increased by 0.2 points to 2.1 per cent.
FM broadcaster Fox has claimed the biggest increase in audience share in the seventh radio ratings survey of 2023. 3AW* has retained its position at the top of the ladder despite a significant drop. ABC Melbourne fell to a record low of 5.8 per cent in the first survey of this year, the broadcaster has climbed 0.6 points from the previous survey.
FM broadcaster Fox has claimed the biggest increase in audience share in the seventh radio ratings survey of 2023. 3AW* has retained its position at the top of the ladder despite a significant drop. ABC Melbourne fell to a record low of 5.8 per cent in the first survey of this year, the broadcaster has climbed 0.6 points from the previous survey.
Tucker Carlson’s extreme views were behind his ousting from Fox: Brian Stelter reveals in new book. 'We have a responsibility to measure our words': Schneider on voting in favor of censuring Tlaib08:23Joy: When voters get the chance to protect abortion rights they're going to do it.
Tucker Carlson’s extreme views were behind his ousting from Fox: Brian Stelter reveals in new book. Fmr. State Dept. official who resigned over U.S. arming Israel: 'Ceasefire is number one priority'
This 1959 Chevrolet Apache Fleetside is a sleeper restomod truck. It was built on a 2500 chassis with 4WD. Detroit Trutrac axles were added to the front and rear. Fox shocks with remote reservoirs were added for all four corners.
CBS is the first of the major networks to announce the return of new scripted television episodes. The actors union reached a tentative agreement to end their strike last week. ABC, Fox and NBC are expected to announce their lineups in the coming days.
The long-running gag appeared to have been phased out of the Fox show. patriarch Homer declared he had stopped strangling Bart because ‘times have changed’ Co-creator James L Brooks said ‘nothing’s getting tamed’ on The Simpsons.
After Jimbo Fisher's firing, here are 5 candidates for Texas A&MRife with mega-boosters and aggressive spenders. How to watch the New York Giants vs. Dallas Cowboys this afternoon on Fox.
The Chargers (4-4) face the Detroit Lions (6-2) at SoFi Stadium on Sunday at 1:05 p.m. PT. The game will be shown on Fox. The Lions have yet to see any opposing back rush for more than 64 yards in a game.

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