Trademark Status DEAD
Expiration 23.11.2011


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NICE Classification

  • духи и парфюмерные изделия;
  • туалетные принадлежности [препараты для гигиенических целей;
  • относящиеся к категории парфюмерно-косметических];
  • мыла;
  • эфирные масла;
  • косметические средства;
  • лосьоны для волос;

NICE Classification

  • оптические приборы и инструменты;
  • оптические изделия;
  • очки [оптика];
  • солнцезащитные очки;
  • оправы для очков и боковые части очков;
  • стекла для очков;
  • футляры для очков;

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The trunk show also features a range of women’s wear from designers like Mrunalini Rao, Geethika Kanumalli and Siddhartha Bansal. The show also displays luxury watch brands such as Franck Muller, Breguet and Helvetica. Dr Adityan Guhan, director of AGs Healthcare and Sangeetha Peter, jewellery curator jointly brought the show to the city.
Amir Khan was robbed of his £72,000 Franck Muller watch in April 2022. The former world light welterweight champion was with wife Faryal Makhdoom. Two men were jailed for 17 years after admitting conspiracy to rob and possessing an imitation firearm. Khan posted a video on social media showing off his new watch. One viewer replied: "Don't get that watch robbed too."
Amir Khan, 36, was forced to hand over his Franck Muller Vanguard Chronograph. He left the Sahara Grill restaurant in Leyton, east London, with his wife. Dante Campbell, 21, ran at Khan and yelled at him to "take off the watch" Ahmed Bana, 26, was jailed for nine years and eight months.
Dante Campbell, 20, and Ahmed Bana, 26, robbed Amir Khan at gunpoint. Khan, 36, was forced to hand over £72,000 Franck Muller Vanguard Chronograph. Bana was jailed for nine years and eight months, while Campbell was locked up for seven years and nine months.
Amir Khan is auctioning off £70,000 diamond-encrusted watch robbed at gunpoint. Bolton-born 2004 Olympic silver medallist, 36, was targeted as he and his wife, Faryal Makhdoom, 31, left the Sahara Grill restaurant in Leyton, east London, on April 18 last year. Khan was forced to take off the bespoke, rose gold Franck Muller watch, a gift following a boxing match, by gunman Dante Campbell, 20. Campbell, of Hornsey, and getaway driver Ahmed Bana, 25, of Tottenham, both in north London, admitted conspiracy to commit robbery and possession of an imitation firearm. Ismail Mohamed, 24, of Edmonton, and Nurul Amin,25, of Harringay, unanimously acquitted by a jury of conspiracy to rob.
Amir Khan was targeted as he and his wife, Faryal Makhdoom, 31, left the Sahara Grill restaurant in Leyton, east London, on April 18 last year. A trial at east London’s Snaresbrook Crown Court heard how he was forced to hand over his bespoke, rose gold, diamond-encrusted Franck Muller watch. The Bolton-born boxer retired last year with a professional record of 34 wins from his 40 fights.
Amir Khan, 36, was targeted as he and his wife, Faryal Makhdoom, 31, left the Sahara Grill restaurant in Leyton, east London, on April 18 last year. He was forced to hand over his bespoke, rose gold, diamond-encrusted Franck Muller watch, a gift following a boxing match, worth between £60,000 to £70,000, by gunman Dante Campbell, 20.
Amir Khan was targeted as he and his wife, Faryal Makhdoom, left the Sahara Grill restaurant in Leyton, east London, on April 18 last year. The 36-year-old was forced to hand over the bespoke, rose gold, diamond-encrusted Franck Muller timepiece - reportedly worth £72,000. The Bolton-born boxer opened up about the ordeal in an interview with The Sun on Sunday.
Ismail Mohamed, 24, and Nurul Amin, 25, were accused of acting as "spotters" Mr Khan was forced to hand over his £70,000 bespoke rose gold diamond-encrusted Franck Muller watch by gunman Dante Campbell, 20. The 2004 Olympic silver medallist, 36, was targeted as he and his wife, Faryal Makhdoom, 31, left Sahara Grill restaurant in Leyton, East London.
Ismail Mohamed and Nurul Amin were unanimously found not guilty. They were accused of plotting an ambush with others in which Khan was forced to hand over his bespoke rose gold diamond-encrusted Franck Muller watch by gunman Dante Campbell, 20.
Amir Khan, 36, was targeted as he and his wife left a restaurant in Leyton. He was forced to hand over his £70,000 diamond-encrusted Franck Muller watch. Ismail Mohamed, 24, and Nurul Amin, 25, are accused of being "spotters"
Amir Khan, 36, was targeted as he and his wife left a restaurant in Leyton. He was forced to hand over his £70,000 diamond-encrusted Franck Muller watch. Dante Campbell, 20, and Ahmed Bana, 25, have admitted their roles in the plot. Ismail Mohamed and Nurul Amin both deny being "spotters"
The 2004 Olympic silver medallist, 36, was targeted as he and his wife, Faryal Makhdoom, 31, left the Sahara Grill restaurant in Leyton, east London, on April 18 last year. Khan was forced to hand over his bespoke rose gold diamond-encrusted Franck Muller watch by gunman Dante Campbell, 20, Snaresbrook Crown Court heard. The robbery, which lasted just seconds, was captured on CCTV played to the jury at the trial of Ismail Mohamed, 24, Ahmed Bana, 25, and Nurul Amin, 25.
Amir Khan, 36, was targeted when he and his wife left a restaurant. He was forced to hand over his £72,000 Franck Muller watch by gunman. Dante Campbell, 20, has pleaded guilty to the charges at Snaresbrook Crown Court.
Amir Khan, 36, was targeted when he and his wife left a restaurant. He was forced to hand over his £72,000 Franck Muller watch by gunman. Dante Campbell, 20, has pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy to rob.
Amir Khan, 36, was targeted when he and his wife left a restaurant. He was forced to hand over his £72,000 Franck Muller watch by gunman. Dante Campbell, 20, has pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy to rob.
Amir Khan was robbed of his £70,000 Franck Muller watch in April last year. The 36-year-old was shopping in Knightsbridge with his wife Faryal Makhdoom. He said: 'When the gun was put to my face I literally saw down the barrel. I was really scared' Dante Campbell, 21, has admitted conspiracy to rob and possession of an imitation firearm. Ahmed Bana and Nurul Amin, 25, and Ismail Mohammed, 24, all from London, deny conspiracy to robbery and imitation gun charge.
Amir Khan, 36, was targeted for the diamond-encrusted Franck Muller Vanguard Chronograph as he went for a meal with wife Faryal, 31, and friend Omar Khalid at the Sahara Grill in Leyton, east London. Ahmed Bana, Nurul Amin and Ismail Mohammed, all 25, deny conspiracy to commit robbery. Dante Campbell, 21, has previously admitted conspiracy to. commit robbery and possession of an imitation firearm.
2004 Olympic silver medallist, 36, said his wife, Faryal Makhdoom, 31, was ‘screaming and crying’ as they left the Sahara Grill Restaurant in Leyton, east London. He was forced to hand over his bespoke, rose gold, diamond-encrusted Franck Muller watch. Ismail Mohamed, Ahmed Bana and Nurul Amin deny conspiracy to rob.
Amir Khan was eating with wife Faryal at Sahara Grill in Leyton, East London. Armed robber ran at Khan with a gun and demanded: "Take off the watch" Franck Muller wristwatch has estimated value of between £70,000 to £100,000. Dante Campbell has previously admitted to being the gunman.

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