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Expiration 14.04.2033


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Хурматуллина Светлана Анатольевна, 450054, Республика Башкортостан, г. Уфа, Октябрьский р-н, ул. Шафиева, --, кв. -- (RU)


121151, Москва, а/я --, ООО "Онлайн патент"



NICE Classification

  • ароматизаторы [эфирные масла];
  • бальзамы, за исключением используемых для медицинских целей;
  • басма [краситель косметический];
  • вазелин косметический;
  • вата для косметических целей;
  • вата, пропитанная препаратами для удаления макияжа;
  • вещества клейкие для косметических целей;
  • вода ароматическая;
  • вода жавелевая;
  • вода лавандовая;
  • вода мицеллярная;
  • вода туалетная;
  • воск для удаления волос;
  • воск для усов;
  • гели для массажа, за исключением используемых для медицинских целей;
  • депилятории;
  • жиры для косметических целей;
  • карандаши для бровей;
  • карандаши косметические;
  • клеи для прикрепления искусственных ресниц;
  • клеи для прикрепления накладных волос;
  • кондиционеры для волос;
  • красители для бороды и усов;
  • красители косметические;
  • кремы для кожи;
  • кремы для отбеливания кожи;
  • кремы косметические;
  • кремы на основе эфирных масел для использования в ароматерапии;
  • лаки для волос;
  • лосьоны для волос;
  • лосьоны для косметических целей;
  • лосьоны после бритья;
  • маски косметические;
  • масла косметические;
  • масла туалетные;
  • масла, используемые как очищающие средства;
  • масло бергамотовое;
  • масло гаультериевое;
  • масло жасминное;
  • масло лавандовое;
  • масло миндальное;
  • масло розовое;
  • молоко миндальное для косметических целей;
  • молочко туалетное очищающее;
  • мыла;
  • мыла дезодорирующие;
  • мыла для бритья;
  • мыло миндальное;
  • накладки для глаз гелевые косметические;
  • наклейки для создания двойного века;
  • препараты для бритья;
  • препараты для ванн косметические;
  • препараты для выпрямления волос;
  • препараты для завивки волос;
  • препараты для обесцвечивания;
  • препараты коллагеновые для косметических целей;
  • препараты с алоэ вера для косметических целей;
  • препараты солнцезащитные;
  • средства для бровей косметические;
  • средства для окрашивания волос;
  • средства для перманентной завивки нейтрализующие;
  • средства для ресниц косметические;
  • средства для ухода за кожей косметические;
  • средства косметические;
  • средства моющие, за исключением используемых для промышленных и медицинских целей;
  • средства фитокосметические;
  • хна [краситель косметический];
  • шампуни;
  • шампуни сухие;
  • наборы косметические, включенные в 03 класс;
  • средства косметические для окрашивания ресниц и бровей;
  • средства обесцвечивающие [деколораторы ] для косметических целей;

NICE Classification

  • бритвы электрические и неэлектрические;
  • изделия режущие [ручные инструменты];
  • инструменты для депиляций неэлектрические и электрические;
  • инструменты для прокалывания ушей;
  • лезвия бритвенные;
  • машинки для стрижки бороды;
  • машинки для стрижки волос электрические и неэлектрические для личного пользования;
  • несессеры для бритвенных принадлежностей;
  • ножницы;
  • приборы для плетения волос электрические;
  • приспособления для завивки волос ручные неэлектрические;
  • ремни для правки бритв;
  • футляры для бритв;
  • щипцы;
  • щипцы для завивки волос;
  • щипчики для загибания ресниц;
  • утюжки для выпрямления волос неэлектрические;
  • утюжки для выпрямления волос электрические;
  • утюжки для завивки волос, электрические;

NICE Classification

  • аппараты для дезинфекции;
  • лампы для завивки;
  • сушилки для волос;
  • умывальники [части санитарно-технического оборудования];

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Eurocamps is offering up to £75 extra off selected holidays in April, May and June 2024. Black Friday discount is valid on stays between March 22 and June 30, 2024, for a minimum of two nights. Haven and Parkdean are also offering discounts for Black Friday.
Tomorrow is Black Friday 2023 and we'll be bringing you the best deals, tips, tricks and advice over the next four days until the event ends on Cyber Monday. There are huge deals dropping at Amazon, Marks and Spencer, Boots, Xbox, Parkdean, Haven, PS5, and more already. Stick with us as we start rolling in the deals.
Craig Tara Holiday Park has raised £11,401 for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. Haven has raised more than £175,000 for the RNLI in 2023, supporting lifesaving work every day. RNLI offer a 24/7 search and rescue lifeboat service and seasonal lifeguard service.
Temperatures should be reaching highs of 32C from today through to this weekend. The biggest bargain comes from Haven, with three-night stays costing from £110. All the deals depart within the next couple of days, so the cheapest deals will likely sell out fast.
Joe Swash is a two-time competitor on the ITV show. He first jetted to Australia in 2008 and later to South Africa for the all-stars show last year. He would welcome any time out that lets him sleep past 3am. Joe has his sights set on a UK staycation to Haven’s holiday park.
A clever holidaymaker took to social media to share how she saved almost a hundred pounds by simply keeping an eye on the price of her holiday. She explained on the 'Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK' Facebook group that her Haven holiday was initially priced at £519. However, the price kept going down until the day before her departure, when it reached £429. All she had to do to was contact Haven and show the price difference to get a refund.
A clever holidaymaker took to social media to share how she saved almost a hundred pounds by simply keeping an eye on the price of her holiday. She explained on the 'Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK' Facebook group that her Haven holiday was initially priced at £519. However, the price kept going down until the day before her departure, when it reached £429. All she had to do to was contact Haven and show them the price difference to get a refund.
Skegness Holiday Park was previously known as Richmond Holiday Centre. Was bought by holiday park operator Haven last year. New developments include an outdoor piazza, a new restaurant, a fully refurbished arcade, and a brand-new Marina Bar.
Jonty Gorley says the future of Whitehaven is under threat. Neither Gorley nor his staff and players have been paid, as Haven try to address their financial situation. Gorley has praised his players for their efforts while dealing with such challenges.
Jonty Gorley says the future of Whitehaven is under threat. Neither Gorley nor his staff and players have been paid, as Haven try to address their financial situation. Gorley has praised his players for their efforts while dealing with such challenges.
fixed and variable rates for AIB, EBS and Haven borrowers will rise by up to 0.7 percentage points. Bank accused of discriminating against buyers of secondhand homes.
AIB has increased its fixed and variable rates for AIB, EBS and Haven borrowers. The increases are up to 0.7 percentage points, some of the biggest rises seen since the rate-hiking cycle started last summer. But the banking group has not increased fixed rates for those who qualify for a green mortgage.
AIB Group has reacted to this month’s rise in European interest rates with a huge hike in fixed and variable mortgage interest rates. The new fixed mortgage rates are effective from tomorrow, June 30. Variables at AIB, Haven and EBS will go as high as 4.15pc. There is no change to the green mortgage fixed rates.
Jade Secker and Chloe Evans will be taking part in the Welsh Three Peaks Challenge between Saturday, July 8 and Sunday, July 9. They will cover 17 miles in distance and 2,334 metres total ascent. The Haven supports women and children affected by domestic abuse and homelessness.
From Friday until Sunday, southern parts of England should enjoy 23C in the late afternoons. We rounded up the cheapest deals still available to book this weekend to take advantage of the sunny days. The deals come from many UK holiday companies, including Haven, Parkdean Resorts, Pontins and more.
From Friday until Sunday, southern parts of England should enjoy 23C in the late afternoons. We rounded up the cheapest deals still available to book this weekend to take advantage of the sunny days. The deals come from many UK holiday companies, including Haven, Parkdean Resorts, Pontins and more.
The woman was raped by an "unkempt" stranger in a south London park. She was sexually assaulted and raped before the man made off on foot. Officers say the woman has been taken to a Haven and is being supported by specialist officers.
The cost of one midweek midwinter break at Center Parcs could easily cover three staycays elsewhere. My family of five has since stayed at Haven, Butlins, Away Resorts and independents like Ribby Hall.
The half-term holidays should start on May 29 until June 2. Many UK holiday companies still have deals available, including Haven, Pontins, Park Holidays and Travelodge. Pontins has the cheapest breaks, with seven-night stays starting from £189.
Jessup Partnerships delivered new beds, sofas, wardrobes, drawers, televisions, tables and chairs to The Haven, based in Waterloo Road, Wolverhampton. Haven aims to help women and children at risk of homelessness.

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