Trademark Status DEAD
Expiration 13.04.2022


Russian Federation






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RU, Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ФКР Машинери", 127018, Москва, ул. Сущёвский вал, д. --, стр. --, пом. --, -- этаж


410018, Саратовская область, г. Саратов, ул. Усть-Курдюмская,д. --,а/я 4635, Постовалова Марина Сергеевна



NICE Classification

  • бульдозеры;
  • буры для горных работ;
  • головки буровые [детали машин];
  • грохоты [машины или детали машин];
  • катки дорожные;
  • краны подъемные;
  • манипуляторы автоматические [машины];
  • машины горные;
  • машины для земляных работ;
  • машины для измельчения;
  • машины для строительства дорог;
  • машины для строительства железных дорог;
  • молоты [детали машин];
  • снегоочистители, фильтры [детали машин или двигателей];
  • экскаваторы;
  • экскаваторы одноковшовые;
  • краны самоходные;
  • погрузчики [машины для земляных работ];
  • погрузчики фронтальные;
  • автокраны;

NICE Classification

  • шасси;
  • тракторы;
  • трансмиссии для наземных транспортных средств;
  • системы гидравлические;
  • грузовики;
  • погрузчики вилочные;
  • погрузчики портальные;

NICE Classification

  • продвижение товаров [для третьих лиц];
  • услуги снабженческие для третьих лиц [закупка и обеспечение предпринимателей товарами];
  • услуги интернет-магазинов;
  • услуги магазинов по оптовой продаже строительной техники;
  • услуги магазинов по розничной продаже строительной техники;

NICE Classification

  • восстановление двигателей, полностью или частично изношенных;
  • восстановление машин, полностью или частично изношенных;
  • восстановление протектора на шинах;
  • вулканизация покрышек [ремонт];
  • информация по вопросам ремонта;
  • обработка антикоррозионная;
  • обслуживание техническое транспортных средств;
  • прокат строительной техники;
  • прокат строительных транспортных средств;
  • ремонт транспортных средств;
  • смазка транспортных средств;
  • станции обслуживания транспортных средств;
  • установка, ремонт и техническое обслуживание машинного оборудования;

NICE Classification

  • хранение товаров на складах;
  • информация по вопросам хранения товаров на складах;
  • лизинг автомобилей;

NICE Classification

  • инжиниринг;

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Traton's (ETR:8TRA) return on capital employed (ROCE) is 9.4%. In absolute terms, that's a low return, but it's around the Machinery industry average of 11%. Traton has rewarded shareholders with a 28% return over the last three years. We think it would be worth your time to check if these trends are going to continue.
Mueller Water Products has an ROCE of 9.6%. In absolute terms, that's a low return but it's around the Machinery industry average of 12%. The company has only returned a total of 25% to shareholders over the last five years. If you're looking for a multi-bagger, we'd propose looking at other options.
There are a few key trends to look for if we want to identify the next multi-bagger. First, a growing return on capital employed (ROCE) and secondly, an expansion in the company's amount of capital employed. Mpac Group has an ROCE of 1.9%, which is below the Machinery industry average of 14%. The data shows that returns on capital have increased substantially over the last five years. It's worth researching the company further to see if these trends are likely to persist.
Aumann's (ETR:AAG) return on capital employed (ROCE) is 1.0%. In absolute terms, that's a low return. It also under-performs the Machinery industry average of 11%. If these trends continue, we wouldn't expect Aumann to turn into a multi-bagger. If you want to search for solid companies with great earnings, check out this free list of companies.
Return on capital employed (ROCE) measures the'return' (pre-tax profit) a company generates from capital employed in its business. Lincoln Electric Holdings has an ROCE of 26%. In absolute terms that's a great return and it's even better than the Machinery industry average of 11%. If you'd like to see more, check out our free list of companies earning high returns.
RATIONAL's (ETR:RAA) ROCE is 34%. In absolute terms that's a great return and it's even better than the Machinery industry average of 11%. The company has employed 58% more capital in the last five years, and the returns on that capital have remained stable. If these trends can continue, it wouldn't surprise us if the company became a multi-bagger.
Morgan Advanced Materials's (LON:MGAM) ROCE is 20%. In absolute terms that's a great return and it's even better than the Machinery industry average of 12%. Since the total return from the stock has been almost flat over the last five years, there might be an opportunity here if the valuation looks good. If you'd like, you can check out the forecasts from the analysts covering Morgan Advanced Materials here for free.
Fu Yu's (SGX:F13) return on capital employed (ROCE) is 10.0%. In absolute terms, that's a low return, but it's much better than the Machinery industry average of 5.8%. While the company has kept capital employed relatively flat over the last five years, the ROCE has climbed 60% in that same time. While it's great that the business is more efficient, it might also mean that going forward the areas to invest internally for the organic growth are lacking.
Cummins has an ROCE of 17%. In absolute terms, that's a satisfactory return, but compared to the Machinery industry average of 11%. Over the past five years, Cummins has remained relatively flat at around 17%. The business has deployed 55% more capital into its operations. It appears the market might expect this trend to continue, so we think this stock is worth looking into further.
ASL Marine Holdings has an ROCE of 0.5%. That's a low return and it under-performs the Machinery industry average of 6.3%. The company was generating losses five years ago, but now it's turned around. Given the stock has declined 39% in the last five years, this could be a good investment if the valuation and other metrics are appealing.
Mueller Industries has a Return On Capital Employed (ROCE) of 46%. In absolute terms that's a great return and it's even better than the Machinery industry average of 11%. Over the last five years, returns on capital employed have risen substantially to 46%. If you want to continue researching Mueller Industries, you might be interested to know about the 1 warning sign our analysis has discovered.
Illinois Tool Works has an ROCE of 35%. In absolute terms that's a great return and it's even better than the Machinery industry average of 11%. The data shows that returns on capital have increased by 41% over the trailing five years. If Illinois Tool Works can keep these trends up, it could have a bright future ahead.
Mueller Water Products has an ROCE of 9.9%. In absolute terms, that's a low return but it's around the Machinery industry average of 11%. The stock has only gained 35% over the last five years. If you're looking for a multi-bagger, the underlying trends indicate you may have better chances elsewhere.
Snap-on's (NYSE:SNA) ROCE is 21%, which is better than the Machinery industry average of 11%. The company has consistently earned 21% for the last five years, and the capital employed within the business has risen 45% in that time. If Snap-on can keep this up, we'd be very optimistic about its future. If you want to search for more stocks that have been earning high returns, check out this free list of stocks.
Astec Industries's (NASDAQ:ASTE) ROCE is 1.6%. That's a low return, and it under-performs the Machinery industry average of 11%. If these trends continue, we wouldn't expect Astec Industries to turn into a multi-bagger. If you want to search for solid companies with great earnings, check out this free list of companies with good balance sheets.

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