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WELL in the Wheatbelt is a new campaign to encourage conversations on mental health. It comes after founder Elyssa Giedraitis' 10-year battle with mental health issues.Statistics show just 1 per cent of the population is accessing psychological support through Medicare.
As the end of current year 2023 quickly approaches, the federal government once again is abusing the Social Security (SS) and Medicare systems. Don Smith has 45 years of experience in financial analysis and financial services. He wrote his book Social Security: The Great Ponzi Scheme as part of his commitment to fix the broken system.
It took more than 18 months for Mariam Mukhtar's 14-year-old son Raamiz to be seen by a specialist to diagnose him. He was diagnosed with level 2 autism spectrum disorder, which requires ‘substantial’ support, anxiety and ADHD. Medicare data shows the number of people aged under 25 who saw a Medicare-funded paediatrician for a diagnosis or treatment plan for a complex neurodevelopmental disorder hit record highs in the October quarter.
It took more than 18 months for Mariam Mukhtar's 14-year-old son Raamiz to be seen by a specialist to diagnose him. He was diagnosed with level 2 autism spectrum disorder, which requires ‘substantial’ support, anxiety and ADHD. Medicare data shows the number of people aged under 25 who saw a Medicare-funded paediatrician for a diagnosis or treatment plan for a complex neurodevelopmental disorder hit record highs in the October quarter.
Long-term care insurance is for people who may develop permanent cognitive problems. It can help pay for personal aides, adult day care, or institutional housing. Medicare does not cover such costs for the chronically ill.
One in 10 men have sexually abused children and teenagers, including online offences. Many survivors of child sexual abuse only report years or decades later. Medicare requires you to repay the benefits or subsidies for relevant medical treatment.
Interest payments on US debt could soon surpass Medicare payments, strategists wrote. The Fed's rapid interest rate hikes have pushed down US growth, meaning higher rates are now required to keep inflation in check.
One in 10 men have sexually abused children and teenagers, including online offences. Many survivors of child sexual abuse only report years or decades later. Medicare requires you to repay the benefits or subsidies for relevant medical treatment.
Health workers are lobbying to strip bulk-billing rights from doctors who charge more than double the Medicare rebate. Half of union members surveyed said they couldn’t afford to pay for their own medical care. 80 per cent of HSU members believe NSW Health is wasting money, and are particularly concerned about overuse of medical imaging tests.
Health workers are lobbying to strip bulk-billing rights from doctors who charge more than double the Medicare rebate. Half of union members surveyed said they couldn’t afford to pay for their own medical care. 80 per cent of HSU members believe NSW Health is wasting money, and are particularly concerned about overuse of medical imaging tests.
The Australian Medical Association has recommended doctors raise their fees for a standard GP consultation to $102. This change marks the third time that recommended fee has gone up in 2023, after it went up to $90 in March and then $98 in July. Medicare rebate is also set to go up - but only by 20 cents.
The federal health department will consider an application from the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons. It seeks to establish 21 Medicare items for gender-affirming surgeries. The procedures include feminising chest surgery and genital reconfiguration.
The federal health department will consider an application from the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons. It seeks to establish 21 Medicare items for gender-affirming surgeries. The procedures include feminising chest surgery and genital reconfiguration.
Are you approaching age 65? Michigan Medicare specialist Debbie Stroup shares more on how to prepare for Medicare open enrollment.
About 70% of people need some form of long-term care by the time they're 65. Long- term care expenses "are out-of-pocket costs typically not covered by Medicare or Medicaid," says Arvette Reid. Will you be able to afford the cost of care when that need arises?
Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley’s lack of respect toward U.S. secretary of Homeland Security was another grandstanding play to the extreme base of the Republican Party. In reality, it is when the wealthy and big corporations pay less in taxes that the deficit goes up. Save Social Security and Medicare.
Michigan Medicare specialist Debbie Stroup talks more about Medicare coverage for snowbirds heading south.
Net interest costs soared to $659 billion in fiscal year 2023, the Treasury Department says. That’s up $184 billion, or 39%, from the previous year. Interest payments now ranks fourth in spending, behind Social Security, Medicare and defense. If rates remain high, as expected, interest payments could overtake defense within a few years.
MemorialCare offers a helping hand with Medicare questions in real-time. If you’re signing up for Medicare for the first time or wanting to switch plans during the open enrollment period, navigating all the requirements and options can prove overwhelming.
The number of Americans with irregular heartbeats, known as atrial fibrillation, is expected to top 12 million people by the end of the decade. UnitedHealth pushed employees to follow an algorithm to cut off Medicare patients’ rehab care.

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