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Russian Federation






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RU, Полукарова Галина Васильевна, 115597, Москва, Ясеневая улица, дом 42к1, квартира --.


115408, Город Москва, улица Борисовские пруды дом --, квартира --, Подшибнева Лолла Александровна



NICE Classification

  • буфеты;
  • вешалки для одежды [мебель];
  • вешалки для одежды [плечики];
  • витрины [мебель];
  • гардеробы [шкафы платяные];
  • дверцы для мебели;
  • держатели для занавесей, за исключением текстильных;
  • диваны;
  • жалюзи внутренние [мебель];
  • жалюзи внутренние бумажные;
  • жалюзи внутренние из плетеного дерева;
  • жалюзи внутренние текстильные;
  • зеркала;
  • зеркала ручные [зеркала туалетные];
  • карнизы для занавесей;
  • кресла;
  • кровати;
  • кровати водяные, за исключением медицинских;
  • кровати надувные, за исключением медицинских;
  • кроватки детские;
  • лестницы приставные деревянные или пластмассовые;
  • мебель;
  • мебель металлическая;
  • мебель надувная;
  • мебель офисная;
  • мебель школьная;
  • плитка зеркальная;
  • подголовники [мебель];
  • подставки [мебель];
  • столики туалетные;
  • столики умывальные [мебель];
  • столы;
  • умывальники [мебель];
  • фурнитура дверная неметаллическая;
  • фурнитура для кроватей неметаллическая;
  • фурнитура мебельная неметаллическая;
  • фурнитура оконная неметаллическая;
  • ширмы [мебель];
  • шкафы для документов;
  • шкафы для лекарств;
  • шкафы для раздевалок;
  • шкафы для хранения пищевых продуктов;
  • шкафы книжные;
  • шкафы кухонные;
  • шкафы платяные;
  • шкафы стенные;

NICE Classification

  • смешиватели бытовые неэлектрические;
  • стекло алебастровое, не для строительства;
  • стекло кварцевое [частично обработанный продукт], за исключением используемого для строительных целей;
  • стекло листовое [необработанное];
  • стекло матовое;
  • стекло необработанное или частично обработанное, за исключением строительного;
  • стекло опаловое;
  • стекло с введенными внутрь тонкими электрическими проводами;
  • стекло эмалевое, не для строительства;
  • стекловата, за исключением используемой для изоляции;
  • стекловолокно кварцевое прозрачное нетекстильное;
  • стекловолокно, за исключением используемого для изоляции или как текстиль;
  • сушилки для белья;
  • тарелки;
  • тряпки для мытья полов;
  • тряпки для уборки;
  • утварь бытовая;
  • утварь кухонная;
  • утварь кухонная для приготовления пищи неэлектрическая;

NICE Classification

  • белье для домашнего хозяйства;
  • белье из узорчатого полотна;
  • белье постельное;
  • белье столовое, за исключением бумажного;
  • занавеси для душа текстильные или пластмассовые;
  • занавеси текстильные или пластмассовые;
  • занавеси тюлевые;
  • материалы нетканые текстильные;
  • материалы пластмассовые [заменители тканей];
  • материалы текстильные;
  • одеяла;
  • покрывала постельные;
  • покрытия для мебели пластмассовые;
  • полотенца текстильные;
  • пуховики [одеяла пуховые];
  • ткани;
  • ткани обивочные для мебели;

NICE Classification

  • газоны искусственные;
  • ковры;
  • ковры для ванных комнат;
  • ковры, препятствующие скольжению;
  • материалы драпировочные настенные, нетекстильные;
  • обои;
  • обои текстильные;
  • плитка линолеумная [напольные покрытия];
  • подложки для ковровых покрытий;
  • покрытия виниловые напольные;
  • покрытия для полов;
  • покрытия напольные из линолеума;
  • покрытия настенные текстильные;
  • половики для вытирания ног;

NICE Classification

  • реставрация мебели;
  • строительство;
  • услуги по сборке мебели, связанные с ее установкой;
  • услуги столярные [ремонт изделий из дерева];
  • установка дверей и окон;
  • установка и ремонт отопительного оборудования;
  • установка и ремонт печей;
  • установка и ремонт холодильного оборудования;
  • установка и ремонт электроприборов;
  • установка кухонного оборудования;
  • установка, ремонт и техническое обслуживание офисной техники и оборудования;
  • уход за мебелью;

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Tamica Lee, host and matchmaker of “Ready to Love: Make a Move,” joins us to talk about the new spin-off show, which premieres October 13th on OWN.
The courtroom drama premiered in 2019 on CBS, where it aired for two seasons before being canceled. OWN then picked up the series for a 20-episode third season, the first half of which aired in 2022.
Season 4 of All Rise premieres Sept. 16 on OWN. In its final 10 episodes, All Rise will pick up in the aftermath of last season’s chaotic smash-and-grab case.
The life coach and OWN star confirmed the death of her daughter Nisa Vanzant on Instagram, Sunday. No further details on the circumstances surrounding Nisa's death have been shared.
Erik Logan, the chief executive of professional surfing’s World Surf League, has left the company effective immediately. No reason for the abrupt departure was given, and Logan, a former president of Oprah Winfrey's OWN television network, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Erik Logan, the chief executive of professional surfing's World Surf League, has left the company effective immediately. No reason for the abrupt departure was given, and Logan, a former president of Oprah Winfrey's OWN television network, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The event will commemorate the federal holiday that marks the emancipation of enslaved people in the United States. Vice President Kamala Harris will deliver special remarks during the event, which will be broadcast on CNN and OWN at 8 p.m. ET on June 19.
"Juneteenth: A Global Celebration for Freedom" will be broadcast on CNN and OWN at 8 p.m. ET on June 19. The event will commemorate the federal holiday that marks the emancipation of enslaved people in the United States. Vice President Kamala Harris will deliver special remarks during the event.
“Mike Judge’s Beavis and Butt-Head’ returns to Paramount+ for its second season. “The Big Door Prize’ will premiere on March 29, followed by a new episode each Wednesday until May 17. Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) announced its five-part docuseries “Time of Essence”
James Timothy “Tim” Norman was sentenced to life in prison for arranging the murder of his 20-year-old nephew. Prosecutors say Norman hired people to kill him for insurance money. Norman and Andre Montgomery Jr. had appeared on the reality show “Welcome to Sweetie Pie’s,” which aired for nine seasons on OWN.
If you’re fan of the OWN series Queen Sugar, you're well aware how much a will can make all of the difference when it comes...
James "Tim" Norman did not speak on his own behalf at the sentencing hearing in the March 2016 killing of his 21-year-old nephew. Both men had starred in the long-running OWN reality show about the family's soul food business in the St. Louis area.
James “Tim” Norman did not speak on his own behalf at the sentencing hearing. Both men had starred in the long-running OWN reality show about the family’s soul food business. Norman took out a life insurance policy worth $450,000 on his nephew.
Former "Welcome to Sweetie Pie's" star James "Tim" Norman was sentenced to life in prison Thursday in St. Louis. Norman was found guilty of arranging the murder of his nephew, Andre Montgomery Jr, in order to collect a life insurance payment. The 43-year-old starred alongside Montgomery in the long-running OWN reality show about their family’s soul food business. Norman did not speak on his own behalf at the sentencing hearing.
James “Tim” Norman did not speak on his own behalf at the sentencing hearing in the March 2016 killing of his 21-year-old nephew, Andre Montgomery Jr. Both men had starred in the long-running OWN reality show about the family’s soul food business. Prosecutors said Norman took out a out a life insurance policy worth $450,000 on Montgomery.
James "Tim" Norman did not speak on his own behalf at the sentencing hearing. Both men had starred in the long-running OWN reality show about the family's soul food business. Norman was convicted in September of conspiracy to commit murder-for-hire.
James "Tim" Norman did not speak on his own behalf at the sentencing hearing in the March 2016 killing of his 21-year-old nephew, Andre Montgomery Jr. Both men had starred in the long-running OWN reality show about the family’s soul food business in the St. Louis area. Norman took out a out a life insurance policy worth $450,000 on Montgomery.
James "Tim" Norman did not speak on his own behalf at the sentencing hearing. Both men had starred in the long-running OWN reality show about the family's soul food business. Norman's attorneys submitted several letters from family and friends asking for leniency.
Former "Welcome to Sweetie Pie's" star James "Tim" Norman was sentenced to life in prison Thursday. He was found guilty of arranging the murder of his nephew, Andre Montgomery Jr, in order to collect a life insurance payment. Norman starred alongside Montgomery in the long-running OWN reality show about their family's soul food business in St. Louis.
Tim Norman, 43, is the son of Robbie Montgomery, a former backup singer for Ike and Tina Turner. Montgomery opened a soul food restaurant in St. Louis that became the subject of a show on OWN.

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