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Expiration 24.06.2027


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Полароид Корпорейшн, корпорация штата Делавэр, Соединенные Штаты Америки (US)


ЕВРОМАРКПАТ, Малый Златоустинский пер., д.10, кв.15, Москва, 101000



NICE Classification

  • химические продукты;
  • светочествительные фотоматериалы;
  • включая светочуствительную фотобумагу и фотопленку;

NICE Classification

  • машинное оборудование и части к нему;

NICE Classification

  • приборы и интрументы для научных целей, морские, геодезические, электрические, фотографические, кинемотографические, оптические, для взвешивания измерения, сигнализации, контроля (проверки), спасани и обучения;
  • фотографические камеры, их части и принадлежности;
  • фотовспышки, включая оборудование и устройства электронной вспышки;
  • очки, солнцезащитные очки и оправы;
  • стекла и футляры для очков и солнцезащитных очков;
  • оптические линзы и фильтры;
  • светооляризирующие материалы;
  • приборы для записи, передачи, воспроизведения звука или изображений;
  • гибкие диски и магнитные носители информации;
  • диски и ленты для записи информации звука или изображения;
  • торговые автоматы и механизмы для аппаратов с предварительной оплатой;
  • кассовые аппараты, счетрные машины, оборудование для обработки информации и ЭВМ;
  • компьютерные перифери;
  • огнетуштели;
  • фотокопировальные устройства, устройтва для записи изображения компьютерных или видеосигналов, слайды, панели преобразователей и ультрозвуковых схем;
  • видеокассеты;
  • части и фитинги для всех перечисленных товаров;

NICE Classification

  • печатные материалы;
  • бумага и бумажные изделия;
  • картон и изделия из картона;
  • фотографии, фотоснимки, увеличенные фотографии, фотографические транспаранты;
  • фотоальбомы и все другие фототовары, включенные в 16 класс;

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Find fabulous deals on Amazon under $100 during Cyber Week 2023. Polaroid Hi-Print - Bluetooth Connected Pocket Photo Printer $99.99, now $69.99. Mini Claw Machine for Kids Adults with Prizes is excellent for at-home entertainment.
Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Matt LeBlanc and David Schwimmer have all paid tribute to Matthew Perry. The actor, who played Chandler Bing in the mega-popular US sitcom, was found dead in his home in Los Angeles aged 54. Kudrow shared a Polaroid photo of her and Perry on Instagram on Wednesday.
Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Matt LeBlanc and David Schwimmer have all paid tribute to Matthew Perry. The actor, who played Chandler Bing in the mega-popular US sitcom, was found dead in his home in Los Angeles aged 54. Kudrow shared a Polaroid photo of her and Perry on Instagram on Wednesday.
Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Matt LeBlanc and David Schwimmer have all paid tribute to Matthew Perry. The actor, who played Chandler Bing in the mega-popular US sitcom, was found dead in his home in Los Angeles aged 54. Kudrow shared a Polaroid photo of her and Perry on Instagram on Wednesday.
Collection of more than 200 lots was assembled by a French collector. Auction traces Prince’s evolution in music and fashion from his Purple Rain to his death. Auction includes original Polaroid photographs, master tapes of hit albums and official documentation about his films and music videos.
Vintage electronics are suddenly all the rage again. The original Apple iPod can fetch up to $20,000. Polaroid Instant Cameras can sell for $50 to $200. Sony Trinitron TVs range in price from $100 to $500.
Walter Glenn Primrose and Gwynn Darle Morrison had been living under the names Bobby Fort and Julie Montague, respectively, for decades. Primrose went on to spend 20 years working for the U.S. Coast Guard under the name Fort, where he obtained secret-level security clearance. Prosecutors revealed that police had seized faded Polaroid photos from the couple’s home in whichPrimrose and Morrison are posing in uniforms of the KGB, the former Russian spy agency.
Paul Foreman and Billy Mayhew finally got their church dream on Coronation Street. But after the ceremony, Billy was shocked to discover his new husband had been keeping a secret from him. A Polaroid photo that Summer took of Billy and Paul exchanging vows, was left forgotten on the floor. And it's going to lead to trouble for Billy as the polaroid ends up in the worst possible hands.
In Monday night's episode, Billy married Paul - not once but twice. Paul then told Billy he had found a vicar willing to marry them in a secret wedding. Summer Spellman proudly snapped away with her Polaroid camera. It was the first gay wedding that has ever gone ahead in the soap.
Amma Antwi took to the streets at the Caribbean carnival in August. The 32-year-old also sold bundle deals charging £10 for three Polaroid pictures. In total, Amma said she made £900 and sold more than 200 pictures.
Zayn Malik has marked his daughter Khai's third birthday with a heartwarming Instagram message. The former One Direction singer, 30, shared a collage of Polaroid photos from Khai’s birthday celebrations on social media. Gigi Hadid also shared a series of snaps taken during a week of birthday celebrations.
Lucy Letby, 33, was found guilty of murdering seven infants and attempting to murder six more between 2015 and 2016. Following the verdict, the mum unearthed a Polaroid picture taken by Letby of her baby sleeping in a hospital cot. On the back of the photograph, which was dated October 25, 2014, Letby wrote: "Caught in the act! [Baby's name] deciding she is a big girl now and doesn't need to be tube fed anymore! X"
Lucy Letby left a Polaroid photo of her baby in a hospital cot with a feeding tube detached from her nose. On the back of the picture are the chilling words: "Caught in the act!" The words now appear grimly ironic after Letby was herself caught, and brought to justice.
Amma Antwi took to the streets at the Caribbean carnival over August bank holiday weekend. The 32-year-old also sold bundle deals charging £10 for three Polaroid pictures. In total, Amma said she made £900 and sold more than 200 instant pictures.
2,500-year-old amphora depicting Greek champion Heracles fighting mythical Nemean lion. Italian police discovered an old Polaroid photo of the Heracles vase while investigating an unnamed art thief. A stolen red fish plate from the Italian region of Apulia was traced to American art trafficker David Holland Swingler.
Sydney Sweeney celebrated her 26th birthday with an 80s theme party. The Euphoria actress went with a prom theme for her big day. She wore a bright pink mini dress and huge, voluminous curls. The party was sponsored by Revolve and Polaroid.
The Polaroid I-2 is a brand-new instant camera from Polaroid. The big difference between it and most instant cameras is its ability to be manually controlled via a lens ring and a single button.
Polaroid has announced a new high-end instant camera dubbed the Polaroid I-2. The $599.99 camera boasts a three-element autofocusing lens that Polaroid claims should produce sharper photos than any of its other instant cameras.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle dated in secret before the world found out. They took a three-week African safari during their early dating days. intimate Polaroid photos were revealed in their Netflix docuseries, Harry & Meghan.
Christopher Tsai is the son of Wall Street titan Gerald Tsai, who helped build Fidelity Investments in the 1960s. Jerry Tsai famously bought hot stocks like Xerox, IBM and Polaroid as the market swooned during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.

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