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Expiration 18.10.2001


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Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Пост", Рига (LV)



NICE Classification

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  • устройства для игр и развлечений с обязательным использованием телевизионных приемников;
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NICE Classification

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NICE Classification

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  • видеооборудования;
  • ремонт электронных приборов;
  • видеооборудования;

NICE Classification

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  • организация развлечений;
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  • проведение художественных выставок и салонов;

NICE Classification

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  • реализация товаров;
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Contestants from "Squid Game: The Challenge" are considering legal action against Netflix and producers, alleging they experienced hypothermia and nerve damage during filming. A representative for Netflix, Studio Lambert, and The Garden responded to The Post on Friday, stating:"None of the Squid Game competitors have filed a lawsuit. We take the welfare of our contestants extremely seriously"
Journalists attending a hearing for a person of interest in the baby Ru homicide were targeted outside court in Wellington today. It’s understood a police complaint has been made after journalists were allegedly pushed into bushes by supporters of Rosie Morunga. Two staff members from Stuff Ltd's The Post newsroom were also present.
Courtney Casgraux, 41, worked as a dominatrix in her 20s and 30s, charging clients $500 per hour. She was horrified when a clip of her working at a Midtown BDSM dungeon was anonymously posted to Reddit on Aug. 31. She also told The Post that she’s using this as an opportunity to “reclaim her sexuality” by creating a Playboy profile and selling racy photos of herself for $150 a pop.
The far-left Washington Post is whining over the corporate media losing its influence to mislead the public on Xwitter. Merely doing business with Tucker Carlson is problematic to the Post for no reason other than his political beliefs. None of the dozens of popular liberal and left-wing accounts examined by The Post show the same pattern.
A twisted new phone scam where thieves use artificial intelligence to simulate a desperate child begging their parent for help is now hitting New York City. An Upper West Side mom told The Post she picked up the phone last week to what she thought was her 14-year-old daughter’s voice screaming and crying, “Mommy, I just got arrested. I’m so sorry.” The mom was then transferred to a “police officer,” who spun an elaborate tale about how the girl was busted for driving underaged, rear-ending a pregnant woman's car, and sending the “victim” to the hospital. The mom needed to hand deliver $15,500 in cash to Manhattan Central Booking to bail her daughter out.
The Navy will begin randomly testing its special operators for performance-enhancing drugs. The move comes after a series of exclusive stories by The Post highlighting the potential role of PEDs in the February 2021 death of SEAL trainee Seaman Kyle Mullen. Mullen, 24, died after he was found unresponsive following his completion of the Navy SEAL training program’s grueling “Hell Week.
D.C.-based body language expert Chris Ulrich exclusively told The Post that the best indicators of leadership potential have little to do with words spoken. Candidates at the second Republican debate of the 2024 campaign were challenged to balance two key factors: confidence and likability.
Al Di Meola, 69, was onstage with his band when he started grabbing his chest, then had difficulty getting offstage. He was admitted to Bagdasar-Arseni hospital in Bucharest, where it was revealed that he was experiencing a segment elevation myocardial infarction. His wife, Stephanie, confirmed to The Post that her husband was in stable condition and would be resuming his tour next year.
La Perla has not paid its US employees since Aug. 25, The Post has learned. The Italian luxury lingerie brand is popular with A-list celebs like Jennifer Lopez.
Lil Tay’s management is speaking out for the first time since her bizarre death hoax and recent Los Angeles airport sighting. “We can confirm that the posts coming from her accounts this week are in fact her doing, and videos of her at the airport are real. In light of recent events, we want to be transparent and cooperative with you to avoid false information and inaccurate reporting,” a statement to The Post said.
“They’re going to remember how you spoke, how you showed up and how your presence was in those particular moments,” said body language expert Chris Ulrich in an exclusive with The Post.
Former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio was grinning from ear to ear Tuesday morning, a day after it was revealed he was hooking up with a mystery flame. The Democrat flashed a big smile outside his Park Slope, Brooklyn, home when The Post tried to question him about his paramour. De Blasio is reportedly in an open marriage with longtime wife Chirlane McCray.
Border towns like Eagle Pass and El Paso, both in Texas, have seen mobs of more than 2,000 migrants at once turning themselves over to Border Patrol. “They’re using military tactics, the same way we do,” retired Border Patrol chief Thaddeus Cleveland told The Post.
Workers at the Big Apple’s Roosevelt Hotel migrant shelter abruptly blacked out the windows of its former bar-turned-intake area Tuesday. The Post spotted dozens of migrants holed up inside the former bar early Tuesday — including several asylum seekers curled up on dining chairs. City Hall did not immediately respond to The Post on why it was suddenly blocking the migrants from street view.
Joe Jonas and his estranged wife Sophie Turner’s two daughters will remain in New York as their messy divorce court battle rages on. In an interim consent order filed in Manhattan federal court and obtained by The Post, the Jonas Brothers musician and the “Game of Thrones” actress both agreed that their children will stay in the state. On September 4, Jonas, 34, officially filed for divorce from Turner after four years of marriage.
Vivek Ramaswamy would require the executive branch to adopt zero-base budgeting. “Start from zero for every department and ask what (if any) spending is required,” he argued in a policy proposal shared with The Post.
The Labor Department confirmed to The Post that it's probing a Tyson plant and a separate Perdue plant in Virginia. The investigation was launched following an exposé in New York Times Magazine last week.
The New York Post sent reporter Jon Levine to area restaurants dressed in Fetterman’s trademark hoodie, sloppy gym shorts and sneakers. Levine quickly learned that the disrespectful attire gained him scorn and mockery, but not admission. At famed Le Bernardin, a suited maître d named Julien served up an amuse bouche of stink-eye when The Post arrived.
Migrants staying at a pair of Staten Island shelters have turned the neighborhood into a demolition derby, fed-up neighbors told The Post. “It’s like the Wild West,” said nearby resident John Aspinall, who heads the Travis Neighborhood Watch group.
J.J. Williams emerged outside his home Friday, and was seen speaking with an unidentified man in photos obtained by The Post. The 53-year-old Williams, who wore a long-sleeve shirt and jeans with a Nike hat, appeared to be involved in a serious conversation with someone near a vehicle. He resigned from the Bears, citing health and family issues following nearly a week away from the team.

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