Trademark Status DEAD
Expiration N/A


Russian Federation







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RU, Азарян Ашот Овикович, 238130, Калининградская область, Озерский р-н, пос. Отрадное, ул. Лесная, 3/2


420021, Республика Татарстан, г. Казань, а/я --, ООО "Бизбренд"



NICE Classification

  • бронирование мест в гостиницах;
  • бронирование мест в пансионах;
  • агентства по обеспечению мест [гостиницы, пансионы];
  • аренда временного жилья;
  • аренда диспенсеров для питьевой воды;
  • аренда помещений для проведения встреч;
  • базы отдыха;
  • бронирование мест для временного жилья;
  • гостиницы;
  • дома для престарелых;
  • закусочные;
  • информация и консультации по вопросам приготовления пищи;
  • кафе;
  • кафетерии;
  • мотели;
  • пансионы;
  • пансионы для животных;
  • прокат кухонного оборудования;
  • прокат мебели, столового белья и посуды;
  • прокат осветительной аппаратуры;
  • прокат палаток;
  • прокат передвижных строений;
  • рестораны;
  • рестораны самообслуживания;
  • службы приема по временному размещению [управление прибытием и отъездом];
  • создание кулинарных скульптур;
  • украшение еды;
  • украшение тортов;
  • услуги баз отдыха [предоставление жилья];
  • услуги баров;
  • услуги детских садов [яслей];
  • услуги кальянных;
  • услуги кемпингов;
  • услуги личного повара;
  • услуги по приготовлению блюд и доставке их на дом;
  • услуги ресторанов вашоку;
  • услуги ресторанов лапши "удон" и "соба";
  • услуги столовых;

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Ukraine said it recaptured Black Sea drilling rigs in a daring raid. Russian fighter jets shot at a Ukrainian boat, and one soldier fell overboard. The soldier told Ukrainian Pravda that he urged the crew to escape. He was recued 14 hours later.
"The aggressor is not giving up hope of taking Bakhmut at any cost, despite losses in manpower and equipment," Oleksandr Syrskyi, Commander of the Ukrainian Ground Forces, said in a Telegram post translated by Pravda. The majority of the Russian forces fighting in the region continue to be Wagner mercenary troops.
"The aggressor is not giving up hope of taking Bakhmut at any cost, despite losses in manpower and equipment," Oleksandr Syrskyi, Commander of the Ukrainian Ground Forces, said in a Telegram post translated by Pravda. "Sparing no expense, they are taking considerable losses and running out of breath," he said.
Hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers may be trapped in tunnels in an industrial zone of Bakhmut, according to Russian media reports. Kremlin-friendly newspapers Rossiskaya Gazyeta and Pravda were among the outlets saying that Ukrainian troops were in the underground corridors. The reports have not been independently verified, and Newsweek has contacted the Ukrainian Defense Ministry for comment.
Wagner Group has struggled to recruit more fighters to support Russia in the Ukraine war. The group is now turning to Pornhub to lure in more soldiers, a report by the Ukrainian Pravda said. "Don't whack off, go work for PMC Wagner," an advert on Pornhub said.
Hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers may be trapped in tunnels in Bakhmut, according to Russian media reports. Kremlin-friendly newspapers Rossiskaya Gazyeta and Pravda were among the outlets saying that Ukrainian troops were in the underground corridors of the Vostokmash building. The reports have not been independently verified.
The Russian military is forcing university and college students to enlist, Sky News reported quoting a local news agency. A report by Pravda suggested that the Russian army is convincing students to take exams early in April. This comes as Russia said it had broken through two fortified defence lines in Ukraine.

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