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RU, Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Астраханские смеси", 414024, г. Астрахань, ул. Менжинского, зд. --, помещ. --.


414040, г. Астрахань, ул. Адмиралтейская, д. --, Ишмеева Ольга Михайловна



NICE Classification

  • продукты химические, предназначенные для использования в промышленных целях и в строительстве;
  • смолы искусственные необработанные;
  • необработанные пластмассы;
  • препараты для отпуска и пайки;
  • вещества клеящие для промышленных целей;
  • клеи для плиток;
  • вещества абсорбирующие влагу;

NICE Classification

  • краски, политуры, лаки;
  • средства защитные, предохраняющие металлы от коррозии и древесину от разрушения;
  • вещества красящие;
  • протравы;
  • мастики [природные смолы];
  • вещества связующие для красок;
  • препараты антикоррозионные;
  • грунтовки;
  • грунтовочные краски;
  • грунтовочные покрытия;

NICE Classification

  • каучук, резина, гуттаперча, асбест, слюда и товары из этих материалов, включенные в 17 класс;
  • пластмассы в экструдированной форме, используемые в производстве;
  • материалы для конопачения, уплотнения и изоляции;
  • гибкие трубы неметаллические;
  • материалы уплотняющие герметические;

NICE Classification

  • материалы строительные неметаллические;
  • трубы жесткие неметаллические для строительных целей;
  • шпаклевочный малярный состав;
  • растворы строительные;
  • цементные строительные растворы;
  • бетон;
  • цемент;
  • гипс для внутренних работ;
  • битумы;
  • составы для выравнивания пола в строительстве;

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A Russian multipurpose module attached to the International Space Station started leaking coolant from a backup cooling system. The crew and station were not in danger from the leak, Roscosmos, the Russian Federation’s space corporation, said. This is the Russian third coolant leak in less than a year after the Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft leaked coolant in December, and an uncrewed Progress MS-21 cargo spacecraft had a leak in February.
SpaceX readied a Falcon 9 rocket and Crew Dragon spacecraft for a deep overnight launch. Forecasters predicting a 90% chance of good weather, liftoff is targeted for 3:50 a.m. EDT Friday. A Russian Progress cargo ship blasted off Tuesday from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
The Progress version emerged out of identitarian leftist campaigning in 2018. It sports pink and blue lines for “trans pride’, black and brown for ‘black and brown’ people and a purple circle on yellow for intersex people. It signifies a constantly changing game of progressive one-upmanship and inclusivity bingo.
So far more than 35 businesses are known to have been hacked. Data obtained through a vulnerability in MOVEit, a widely distributed piece of software from Progress, a US developer.
The Progress flag was raised next to the US flag over a county jail in San Francisco, California. Conservative activist Graham Allen posted a link to the clip in a tweet. San Francisco Sheriff’s Office responded: ‘The only flag we salute and wear on our uniform is the American flag’
The San Francisco Sheriff's Office posted a video on social media of their third annual Pride flag-raising ceremony on Monday. This year, law enforcement chose to fly the Progress variation of the Pride flag. The Progress Pride flag adds racial and transgender elements to the regular rainbow flag.
'Our enemies are laughing at us,' wrote conservative activist Graham Allen on Twitter when posting a link to the clip. The footage shows two deputies bringing out the Progress version of the Pride flag alongside Old Glory to be flown above county jail three.
'Our enemies are laughing at us,' wrote conservative activist Graham Allen on Twitter when posting a link to the clip. The footage shows two deputies bringing out the Progress version of the Pride flag alongside Old Glory to be flown above county jail three.
Pride groups, political parties, police and more raised the Progress Pride flag in St. John's. Events were also held in other towns to mark the start of Pride Month in Canada.
Proceed, a specialist Ukrainian state defence importer, has failed to fulfil contracts under which it should have supplied the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine with American HMMWV vehicles worth US$300,000 each. In May 2022, Progress received 1.3 billion hryvnias [about US$34.5 million – ed.] from the state as an advance payment under a contract to supply 15,000 122-mm rockets for the Grad MLRS.
The Progress cargo craft climbed away atop a Soyuz 2a.1 booster at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. "Just because I was missing my family and I knew I was going to miss some pretty big milestones, for my (four) kids, especially," Rubio said.
Italy's Marco Mengoni made his Eurovision entry with a Pride flag. The 34-year-old singer shot to fame in 2009 winning Italy’s version of The X Factor. The Progress flag places greater emphasis on ‘inclusion and progression’ Meanwhile, the Princess of Wales made a surprise appearance.
Progress PHL is an interactive dashboard that tracks and evaluates whether the city is making good decisions when it comes to resources.
The Maxus T90 is the first all-electric battery-powered pick-up to appear on the UK market. The 88.5kWh battery pack and 174hp should be sufficient for most applications. Progress is mostly as quiet as any BEV, with only an artificially generated low-speed whine to alert pedestrians.
NASA is looking to develop a space tug that will safely deorbit the International Space Station come 2030. In the White House's 2024 federal budget request, the administration requested $27.2 billion in discretionary budget authority for the fiscal year. The current plan for bringing the orbital laboratory down relies upon engine burns by robotic Progress cargo vehicles.
US budget allocation worth $27.2 billion to NASA for the year 2024 includes $180 million to develop a "new space tug" that would help deorbit the ISS. The current plan for bringing the station down relies upon Progress cargo vehicles that are provided by Russia.
JBM Institutional Multifamily Advisors has exclusively listed Progress Village, a Class A multifamily community in Tampa, Florida. The seller is Orlando-based developer, MMI Development. Progress...Go to Publisher's website for more information.
Russian news agencies quoted Roscosmos as saying a decision had been made to bring the Progress MS-21 cargo ship out of orbit on Sunday. The Soyuz craft are used to ferry crew to and from the ISS. The Progress vessels deliver equipment and supplies.
The Progress MS-21 cargo vessel was seen to lose pressure on February 11. The issue arose mere weeks after a similar coolant leak developed on the Soyuz MS-22 crew capsule. Roscosmos had attributed the December leak to a tiny impactor penetrating the capsule's exterior radiator.
A coolant leak from an uncrewed Russian supply ship docked at the International Space Station resulted from an external impact. The leak from the Progress MS-21 cargo ship was spotted on Feb. 11 and followed a similar leak from a Soyuz crew capsule in December. Russian space officials said that December's leak was caused by a tiny meteoroid.

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