Trademark Status DEAD
Expiration 31.03.2021


Russian Federation







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RU, Индивидуальный предприниматель Сакалова Пятимат Курейшевна, 386000, республика Ингушетия, город Назрань


105082, город Москва, улица Новая Переведеновская, дом --, строение --, офис 2-2, Агаджанян Манвел Арсенович



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  • муслин [ткань];
  • наволочки;
  • наматрасники;
  • одеяла;
  • байка [ткань];
  • баннеры текстильные или пластиковые;
  • бархат;
  • белье для домашнего хозяйства;
  • белье из узорчатого полотна;
  • белье купальное [за исключением одежды];
  • белье постельное;
  • белье столовое, за исключением бумажного;
  • бортики-бамперы для детских кроватей [постельное белье];
  • бортовка;
  • бумазея;
  • вкладыши для спальных мешков;
  • войлок;
  • вымпелы текстильные или пластиковые;
  • газ [ткань];
  • дамаст [ткани камчатные];
  • джерси [ткань];
  • дорожки для столов не из бумаги;
  • дрогет [ткань с рисунком];
  • занавеси для душа текстильные или пластмассовые;
  • занавеси текстильные или пластмассовые;
  • занавеси тюлевые;
  • зефир [ткань];
  • канва для вышивания или ткачества;
  • кисея;
  • класс 24;
  • конверты для новорожденных;
  • креп [ткань];
  • крепон;
  • марабу [ткань];
  • материалы для обивки мебели текстильные;
  • материалы для текстильных изделий;
  • материалы для фильтрования текстильные;
  • материалы драпировочные для стен текстильные;
  • материалы нетканые текстильные;
  • материалы пластмассовые [заменители тканей];
  • материалы текстильные;
  • маты на стол текстильные;
  • мешки бивуачные, являющиеся защитными чехлами для спальных мешков;
  • мешки спальные;
  • мешки спальные для новорожденных;
  • молескин [ткань];
  • одеяла для домашних животных;
  • парча;
  • пеленки тканевые для младенцев;
  • платки носовые из текстильных материалов;
  • пледы для пикника;
  • пледы дорожные;
  • поддонники текстильные;
  • подзоры для кроватей;
  • подкладка [ткань];
  • подкладка для шляп текстильная;
  • подхваты для занавесей текстильные;
  • покрывала постельные;
  • покрывала постельные бумажные;
  • покрытия для мебели пластмассовые;
  • полотенца для лица текстильные;
  • полотенца текстильные;
  • полотно;
  • полотно из пенькового волокна;
  • полотно прорезиненное, за исключением используемого для канцелярских целей;
  • полотно текстильное для печатных машин;
  • портьеры [занавеси];
  • простыни;
  • пуховики [одеяла пуховые];
  • рукавицы для мытья тела;
  • саваны;
  • салфетки для протирания стеклянной посуды [полотенца];
  • салфетки для снятия грима текстильные;
  • салфетки под приборы текстильные;
  • салфетки столовые текстильные;
  • сетки противомоскитные;
  • ситец;
  • скатерти клеенчатые;
  • скатерти, за исключением бумажных;
  • сукно бильярдное;
  • тафта [ткань];
  • тик [полотно матрацное];
  • тик [ткань льняная];
  • ткани;
  • ткани бельевые;
  • ткани газонепроницаемые для аэростатов;
  • ткани джутовые;
  • ткани для обуви;
  • ткани из волокна рами;
  • ткани из дрока;
  • ткани из искусственного шелка;
  • ткани из стекловолокна текстильные;
  • ткани клейкие, приклеиваемые при высокой температуре;
  • ткани льняные;
  • ткани обивочные для мебели;
  • ткани пеньковые;
  • ткани подкладочные для обуви;
  • ткани с узорами для вышивания;
  • ткани синельные;
  • ткани ситцевые набивные;
  • ткани трикотажные;
  • ткани хлопчатобумажные;
  • ткани шелковые для типографских шаблонов;
  • ткани шерстяные;
  • ткани эластичные;
  • ткани, имитирующие шкуры животных;
  • ткань волосяная [мешковина];
  • ткань хлопчатобумажная для обертки сыров;
  • тюль;
  • флаги текстильные или пластиковые;
  • фланель;
  • холст [ткань];
  • чехлы для диванных подушек;
  • чехлы для крышек туалетов тканевые;
  • чехлы для мебели;
  • чехлы для подушек;
  • шевиот [ткань];
  • шелк [ткань];
  • этикетки из текстильных материалов;

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Ben Roberts-Smith to pay legal cost of publishersEstimates have the costs at more than $25 million. Nine-owned titles The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, as well as The Canberra Times, reported allegations the SAS soldier was involved in four unarmed prisoners.
Federal Court judge orders disgraced former SAS corporal Ben Roberts-Smith to pay a greater proportion of the legal costs incurred by The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald. Justice Anthony Besanko ruled that Roberts- Smith should also bear the costs of the litigation from August 2018 – when he launched the case. The total cost of the case is estimated at $25 million.
Federal Court judge orders disgraced former SAS corporal Ben Roberts-Smith to pay a greater proportion of the legal costs incurred by The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald. Justice Anthony Besanko ruled that Roberts- Smith should also bear the costs of the litigation from August 2018 – when he launched the case. The total cost of the case is estimated at $25 million.
NationalFormer SAS soldier Ben Roberts-Smith has been ordered to pay the costs of the media outlets he unsuccessfully sued for defamation.November 28, 2023 — 6.52pm
Former SAS sergeant Christian Craighead was awarded the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross for the bravery he displayed in the attack on the Dusit D2 Hotel complex in Nairobi in January 2019. He has published a book for children entitled The Wrong Wolf.
Mark 'Billy' Billingham took a call from his furious commanding officer as he sat at the Hollywood couple's Chateau Miraval in the South of France. He had taken a fortnight's leave from the Army to earn some extra money and do a favour for a friend. After shouting a string of expletives, his SAS boss eventually calmed down and asked him whether after 27 years' service in the Army, his new job made him happy. Billingham, 57, is now the chief instructor on Channel 4's SAS: Who Dares Wins.
Mark 'Billy' Billingham took a call from his furious commanding officer. He had taken a fortnight's leave from the Army to earn some extra money. He was moonlighting as a bodyguard to supplement his meagre SAS wages. He earned £10,000 a month – three times what he was earning in the military.
Mark 'Billy' Billingham is now chief instructor on the TV series SAS: Who Dares Wins. He first started off moonlighting as a bodyguard to supplement his meagre SAS wages. Princess Diana's niece, 31, wore a pair of ornate diamond bracelets by Boodles.
Scandinavian airline SAS said on Tuesday it received U.S. bankruptcy court approval for 13.2 billion Swedish crowns ($1.3 billion) The company also received final approval for its new debtor-in-possession financing credit agreement.
The story behind the story is being told in Truth, a documentary for Nine-owned Stan. The collaboration between the two journalists led to a series of explosive stories about Afghan prisoners of war being executed in cold blood by SAS corporal Ben Roberts-Smith or by soldiers under his command. The story dragged out for years, at enormous personal and financial cost for everyone involved. The case and its reporting have drawn praise and opprobrium for the journalists.
The story behind the story is being told in Truth, a documentary for Nine-owned Stan. The collaboration between the two journalists led to a series of explosive stories about Afghan prisoners of war being executed in cold blood by SAS corporal Ben Roberts-Smith or by soldiers under his command. The story dragged out for years, at enormous personal and financial cost for everyone involved. The case and its reporting have drawn praise and opprobrium for the journalists.
David McBride was a lawyer in the army who leaked classified information to the ABC that revealed war crimes by special forces in Afghanistan. The allegations were backed up by the Brereton Inquiry, which found evidence of war crimes committed by Australian SAS personnel during their service. On Friday, McBride made the guilty plea because the law as it stands left him with no other choice.
Norwegian Air's bid for domestic rival Wideroe could lead to fewer and more expensive flights. Allowing the merger would leave only two carriers, Norwegian Air and SAS, to compete for customers. The companies have until Dec. 8 to respond to the regulator's statement.
Gen Gwyn Jenkins warned in writing in 2011 that SAS soldiers were claiming to have executed handcuffed detainees in Afghanistan. But instead of referring the evidence to military police, Gen Jenkins placed it in a classified dossier. The dossier remained locked in the safe for four years as Gen Jenkins rose through the ranks of the armed forces.
General Gwyn Jenkins allegedly received written accounts in 2011 of conversations in which SAS members described extrajudicial killings. But rather than handing evidence to military police, he put it in classified dossier and locked it in a safe. Gen Jenkins made the classified dossier in April 2011 after briefing his superior, former head of special forces Gen Jonathan Page, about the nature of the evidence.
Flow Navigation Centre works across Lanarkshire to identify the pathway most suited to a patient’s needs. This reduces the need for the patient to be brought to accident and emergency and offers the patient the care they need as close to home as possible. Over the course of a month the team can expect approximately 6,000 calls from GPs, ANP's, care homes, SAS, Police Scotland and other community services.
Unit 669 combines medical expertise with SAS-level infantry prowess. Its motto quotes Psalm 50: “Call upon me in times of trouble, I will be there for you and rescue you’
Colonel Tim Collins is a former British Army officer. He served with the SAS and later as commander of the Royal Irish during the invasion of Iraq in 2003. His before-battle speech to his soldiers made headlines around the world.
The loan to SAS will paid out between Nov. 15-17, the court was told by lawyers representing the airline. SAS last month announced that Air France-KLM and U.S. investment firm Castlelake would become new major shareholders.
The last five competitors took part in a'resistance to interrogation' challenge - a key stage of SAS selection. They were subjected to punishing interrogation techniques by a specialist team. Matt came up with an elaborate backstory that prompted the umpire to say: 'The reality of it is, he's really good at lying'

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SAS 32
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