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Expiration 29.11.2026


Russian Federation







Russian Federation






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Пархомов Павел Владимирович, 664039, г.Иркутск, ул.Пушкина, --, кв.28 (RU)


ООО "ИННОТЭК", Б.Семеновская ул., --, оф.404, Москва, 107023



NICE Classification

  • шарниры;

NICE Classification

  • вентили [детали машин];
  • вентиляторы для двигателей;
  • двигатели для транспортных средств [машины], компрессоры [машины];
  • коробки передач;
  • магнето зажигания;
  • магнето зажигания в двигателях;
  • насосы [части машин или двигателей];
  • оси машин;
  • поршни [детали машин или двигателей];
  • опоры, опоры для подшипников;
  • опоры шаровые;
  • подвески [детали машин];
  • поршни амортизаторов [детали машин];
  • поршни двигателей;
  • поршни цилиндров;
  • преобразователи каталитические выхлопных газов;
  • преобразователи крутящего момента;
  • преобразователи топлива для двигателей внутреннего сгорания;
  • радиаторы охлаждения для двигателей;
  • диффузоры радиаторов;
  • регуляторы давления [детали машин];
  • регуляторы скорости [числа оборотов] для машин и двигателей;
  • ремни для машин;
  • ремни приводные для двигателей;
  • ремни фрикционные для шкивов;
  • ремни приводные вентиляторов для двигателей;
  • сальники [детали машин];
  • свечи зажигания для двигателей внутреннего сгорания;
  • свечи предпускового подогрева для дизельных двигателей;
  • тяги соединительные для двигателей;
  • устройства для зажигания в двигателях внутреннего сгорания;
  • фильтры [детали машин или двигателей];
  • фильтры [устройства, аппараты];
  • фрагменты тормозные;
  • цапфы [осей и валов];
  • шарниры универсальные, карданы, в том числе шарниры равных угловых скоростей;
  • щетки генераторов постоянного тока;
  • эжекторы;
  • экономайзеры топливные для двигателей;

NICE Classification

  • помпы;
  • приборы и инструменты для сигнализации;
  • сигнализация световая или механическая;

NICE Classification

  • антиобледенители для транспортных средств;
  • лампы для указателей поворота для автомобилей;
  • лампы для указателей поворота для транспортных средств;
  • обогреватели стекол транспортных средств;
  • осветительные приборы для транспортных средств;
  • осветительные приборы и установки;
  • отражатели для ламп;
  • отражатели для транспортных средств;
  • оси, полуоси;
  • противоослепляющие приспособления для транспортных средств [ламповые аксессуары];
  • приспособления противоослепляющие для автомобилистов [осветительное оборудование];
  • рычаги;
  • фары для автомобилей;
  • фары для транспортных средств;
  • противотуманные фары;
  • фонари;
  • фонари для автомобилей;
  • фонари для велосипедов;
  • фонари для транспортных средств;

NICE Classification

  • амортизаторы для автомобилей;
  • амортизаторы подвесок;
  • багажники;
  • бамперы;
  • бамперы автомобилей;
  • валы карданные;
  • двигатели;
  • зеркала заднего вида транспортных средств;
  • приспособления солнцезащитные для автомобилей;
  • пружины амортизационные;
  • редукторы;
  • ремни безопасности для сидений;
  • рессоры подвесок;
  • рули;
  • рулевые наконечники;
  • сигнализации;
  • сигнализации противоугонные;
  • сигнализация заднего хода;
  • стекла ветровые;
  • стеклоочистители для ветровых стекол;
  • тормоза;
  • трансмиссии для наземных транспортных средств;
  • указатели поворотов для транспортных средств;
  • капоты двигателей;
  • колодки, кузова, кузова для автомобилей;
  • подушки безопасности для автомобилей воздушные, автоматические надуваемые;
  • преобразователи крутящего момента для наземных транспортных средств;
  • приспособления противоослепляющие для транспортных средств;
  • приспособления противоугонные для транспортных средств;
  • шасси;
  • шасси автомобилей;
  • шейки осей;

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Justice Tarun Agarwala, the presiding officer and judicial member of the tribunal, is expected to retire in December. Rules do not permit SAT to pass orders without the presence of a judicial member. The vacancy could impact many cases that are pending before the tribunal right now.
Shares of Zee Entertainment rose as much as 3.7% post the order. The SAT’s verdict on Chandra was not announced by 12 pm. Zee Group had announced a merger of ZEE with Sony's Indian business in 2021.
The Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) on Monday set aside an order by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) that had barred Zee promoters Subhash Chandra and his son Punit Goenka from holding any key position. The SAT has directed the father-son duo to cooperate in the investigation.
The Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) on Monday set aside an order of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) barring Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd. CEO Punit Goenka from holding any key managerial position in the media house or any other company. However, the SAT directed Mr. Goenkas to cooperate with SEBI in its investigation.
The Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) on Monday set aside an order of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) barring Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd. CEO Punit Goenka from holding any key managerial position in the media house or any other company. However, the SAT directed him to cooperate with SEBI in its investigation.
Florida adopted the Classic Learning Test (CLT) as an alternative to the SAT and ACT. Zach Marschall: The SAT is a barometer for an education system that has lost its way. He says the CLT is the remedy we need to redeem our failing education system.
Stanley Zhong, 18, from Palo Alto, California, scored 1590 out of 1600 on the SAT. He applied to 18 universities in total, only to be turned down by almost all of them. Internet comes in support of the Asian American teen who was hired by Google.
The Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) quashed a SEBI order that barred NDTV founders Prannoy Roy and Radhika Roy from the securities market for two years. However, the appellate tribunal partly set aside an order against Vikramaditya Chandra, the group's chief executive officer.
The Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) quashed a Sebi order that barred NDTV founders Prannoy Roy and Radhika Roy from the securities market for two years. However, the appellate tribunal partly set aside an order against Vikramaditya Chandra, the group's chief executive officer during the relevant period.
Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) quashes SEBI's insider trading order against former NDTV promoters Prannoy Roy & Radhika Roy. In November 2020, Sebi had investigated two separate cases against promoters of NDTV.
The Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) has set aside capital markets regulator Sebi's order that imposed a penalty of Rs 5.25 crore. Cairn India was accused of making a misleading public announcement designed to influence investors' decisions. The bench noted that the company utilised Rs 1,225.45 crore in the buyback process, "which is not a paltry sum to invest"
The Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) quashed a SEBI order that barred NDTV founders Prannoy Roy and Radhika Roy from the securities market for two years. The appellate tribunal partly set aside an order against Vikramaditya Chandra, the group's chief executive officer during the relevant period.
Sebi’s comments came while arguing in the Bombay Dyeing matter before the Securities Appellate Tribunal. A bench led by Justice Tarun Agarwala was hearing the petition challenging Sebi's order against the company. The SAT, however, stayed the operation of the Sebi whole-time member's order.
Sebi’s comments came while arguing in the Bombay Dyeing matter before the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) A bench led by Justice Tarun Agarwala was hearing the petition challenging Sebi's October 2022 order against the company. The SAT, however, stayed the operation of the Sebi whole-time member's order.
The Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) Wednesday quashed the order passed by Securities and Exchange Board of India imposing a fine of ₹65 lakh on Apollo Tyres. The SAT directed the market regulator to refund the deposited penalty amount within four weeks. It was alleged that 36.90 lakh shares were bought back by the company and its promoters in contravention of the relevant section of the Companies Act.
The Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) on Wednesday reserved its order in the matter pertaining to Zee’s former chief Punit Goenka. A bench led by Justice Tarun Agarwala, reserved his verdict and held that written submissions, if any, should be submitted within a week. The two were allegedly involved in a fund diversion case, according to Sebi.
The Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) on Wednesday reserved its order in the matter pertaining to Zee’s former chief Punit Goenka. A bench led by Justice Tarun Agarwala reserved his verdict and held that written submissions, if any, should be submitted within a week. The two were allegedly involved in a fund diversion case, according to Sebi.
The Securities Appellate Tribunal has raised concerns about the credibility of Securities and Exchange Board of India. SAT’s observation follows the confirmation order by Sebi chief Madhabi Puri Buch, prohibiting Goenka from holding important managerial roles in ZEE group companies.
Sebi directed Brickwork Ratings to broadbase its board, three months after the appellate tribunal quashed its order to cancel the credit rating agency’s licence. On 6 June, Justice Tarun Agarwala of Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) had provided relief to the ratings agency.
The Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) has granted an interim stay on a Sebi order that slapped a penalty of Rs 2 crore on Yes Bank's former MD Rana Kapoor. Kapoor has been in jail since March 2020 in connection with the DHFL money laundering case.

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