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Expiration 13.06.2027


Russian Federation







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Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Азия-Моторс", 115280, Москва, Велозаводская ул., --, стр.48а (RU)


121609, Москва, Осенний б-р, --, -- отделение связи, ТИА "ВИС"



NICE Classification

  • баки расширительные [части машин];
  • барабаны [детали машин];
  • валы кривошипные, коленчатые;
  • валы передаточные;
  • вентили [детали машин];
  • вентиляторы для двигателей;
  • вкладыши подшипников [детали машин];
  • генераторы переменного тока;
  • генераторы постоянного тока;
  • глушители для двигателей;
  • головки цилиндров двигателей;
  • двигатели;
  • диафрагмы, мембраны для насосов;
  • домкраты [машины];
  • домкраты реечные;
  • инжекторы для двигателей;
  • карбюраторы;
  • картеры моторов и двигателей;
  • клапаны давления [детали машин];
  • клапаны откидные [детали машин];
  • колеса машин;
  • колеса свободного хода;
  • колодки, башмаки тормозные;
  • кольца для шариковых подшипников;
  • кольца поршневые;
  • компрессоры для холодильников;
  • коробки передач кривошипы [детали машин];
  • магнето зажигания в двигателях;
  • маховики;
  • механизмы пневматические управления моторами и двигателями;
  • муфты сцепления;
  • насосы [части машин или двигателей];
  • насосы вакуумные [машины];
  • насосы воздушные;
  • насосы масляные;
  • насосы центробежные;
  • опоры для подшипников [детали машин];
  • оси машин;
  • патрубки выхлопные для двигателей;
  • передачи зубчатые;
  • передачи редукционные понижающие;
  • подвески [детали машин];
  • подшипники антифрикционные [детали машин];
  • подшипники роликовые;
  • подшипники самосмазывающиеся;
  • подшипники трансмиссионных валов;
  • подшипники шариковые;
  • подшипники, втулки подшипников, поршни [детали машин или двигателей];
  • поршни амортизаторов [детали машин];
  • поршни двигателей;
  • поршни цилиндров;
  • преобразователи каталитические выхлопных газов;
  • преобразователи крутящего момента;
  • приводы [трансмиссии] для машин;
  • пружины [детали машин];
  • радиаторы охлаждения для двигателей;
  • регуляторы давления [детали машин];
  • регуляторы скорости [числа оборотов] для машин и двигателей;
  • ремни для машин;
  • ремни приводные вентиляторов для двигателей;
  • ремни приводные для генераторов постоянного тока;
  • ремни приводные для двигателей;
  • сальники [детали машин];
  • свечи зажигания для двигателей внутреннего сгорания;
  • свечи предпускового подогрева для дизельных двигателей;
  • стартеры для двигателей;
  • статоры [части машин];
  • сцепления;
  • теплообменники [части машин];
  • трансмиссии;
  • тросы управления машинами или двигателями;
  • турбокомпрессоры;
  • устройства для зажигания в двигателях внутреннего сгорания;
  • устройства для очистки выхлопных газов двигателей;
  • устройства для управления машинами или двигателями;
  • фильтры [детали машин или двигателей];
  • фильтры для очистки охлаждающего воздуха в двигателях;
  • цапфы [осей и валов];
  • цилиндры двигателей;
  • шарниры универсальные, карданные;
  • шкивы [детали машин];
  • щетки [детали машин];
  • щетки генераторов постоянного тока;
  • щетки угольные для электрических машин;

NICE Classification

  • амортизаторы для автомобилей;
  • амортизаторы подвесок;
  • бамперы автомобилей;
  • валы карданные;
  • гудки сигнальные;
  • двери;
  • двигатели;
  • зеркала заднего вида;
  • капоты двигателей;
  • катера;
  • коробки передач для наземных транспортных средств;
  • крепления для ступиц колес;
  • крышки топливных баков;
  • муфты сцепления для наземных транспортных средств;
  • подушки безопасности для автомобилей воздушные, редукторы;
  • ремни безопасности для сидений;
  • рессоры подвесок;
  • рули;
  • сиденья;
  • ступицы колес;
  • сцепления для наземных транспортных средств;
  • тормоза;
  • торсионы;
  • трансмиссии для наземных транспортных средств;
  • турбины для наземных транспортных средств;
  • указатели поворотов для транспортных средств;
  • шасси автомобилей;
  • щитки противогрязевые;

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The Sims Limited (ASX:SGM) share price is up 21% in the last three years. On the other hand, the returns haven't been quite so good recently, with shareholders up just 14%, including dividends. To paraphrase Benjamin Graham: Over the short term the market is a voting machine, but over the long term it's a weighing machine.
Sims Limited (ASX:SGM) has announced that on 18th of October, it will be paying a dividend ofA$0.21. Based on this payment, the dividend yield will be 2.6%, which is lower than the average for the industry. However, Sims' earnings easily cover the dividend, meaning most of its earnings are being retained to grow the business.
Sims Limited (ASX:SGM) is owned by institutional and retail investors. The institutional investors own 47% of the company. The general public, mostly comprising of individual investors, holds 52% of Sims. This suggests that the key decisions are influenced by shareholders from the larger public. It's a good practice to research analyst recommendations to get a deeper understand of a stock's expected performance.
Sims Limited (ASX:SGM) has announced that on 18th of October, it will be paying a dividend ofA$0.21. The dividend yield is 2.3%, which is a bit low when comparing to other companies in the industry. Sims has grown distributions at a rapid rate despite cutting the dividend at least once in the past. We would be a touch cautious of relying on this stock primarily for the dividend income.
Sims Limited (ASX:SGM) is reducing its dividend from last year's comparable payment to A$0.21 on the 18th of October. The annual payment is 2.3% of the current stock price, which is lower than what the rest of the industry is paying. The company's dividend history has been marked by instability, with at least one cut in the last 10 years.
SGM's financial characteristics indicate limited near-term opportunities for shareholders. Annual earnings are forecast to decline for the next 3 years. Earnings growth over the past year underperformed the Metals and Mining industry. Low debt, high returns on equity and good past performance are fundamental to a strong business.
Sims (ASX:SGM) has undergone a massive growth in earnings per share over the last three years. The company has seen insiders buying shares even though they already own plenty. With a whopping AU$117m worth of shares as a group, insiders have plenty riding on the company's success. This is a good look for the company as it paints an optimistic picture.
BCCI SGM to take place on May 27 with working group for ODI World Cup 2023 among core agendas. BCCI media rights is also expected to be discussed at the SGM. The tender for rights of India cricket home series will be ruled out next month.
The BCCI secretary Jay Shah’s office has circulated a notice for the special general meeting to all of its affiliates on Thursday. A five-point agenda set to be discussed in the SGM which will take place in Ahmedabad on May 27. An internal working group for the upcoming ODI World Cup 2023 which will be hosted in India, and the formation of a Women's Premier League committee are among the top priorities.
Sims (ASX:SGM) has had a rough month with its share price down 9.7%. If you pay close attention, you might gather that its strong financials could mean that the stock could potentially see an increase in value in the long-term. Particularly, we will be paying attention to Sims' ROE today.
Insiders who purchased Sims Limited (ASX:SGM) shares in the past 12 months are unlikely to be deeply impacted by the stock's 4.2% decline over the past week. The biggest single purchase by an insider was when Independent Non-Executive Director Philip Bainbridge bought AU$100k worth of shares at a price of AU$12.95 per share. We do like to see buying, but this purchase was made at well below the current price ofAU$15.65. Because it occurred at a lower valuation, it doesn't tell us much about whether insiders might find today's price attractive.
The Sims Limited (ASX:SGM) share price is 136% higher than it was three years ago. Also pleasing for shareholders was the 12% gain in the last three months. Sims moved from a loss to profitability. That kind of transition can be an inflection point that justifies a strong share price gain.
The Galeries Lafayette group, owner of the famous Bazar de l'Hôtel de Ville, has entered exclusive negotiations with the SGM group. The value of the transaction between the two family-owned companies will remain confidential.
Sims Limited's (ASX:SGM) dividend is being reduced from last year's payment covering the same period to A$0.14 on the 22nd of March. The annual payment will be 6.3% of the current stock price, which is in line with the average for the industry. The company has a long dividend track record, but it doesn't look great with cuts in the past.
The intrinsic value of Sims Limited (ASX:SGM) is calculated by taking the expected future cash flows and discounting them to today's value. We use the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) model. The total value is the sum of cash flows for the next ten years plus the discounted terminal value, which in this case is AU$2.7b. Compared to the current share price of AU$13.1, the company appears about fair value at a 10% discount. The cost of equity is used as the discount rate, rather than the cost of capital, which accounts for debt. In this calculation we've used 8.7%, which is based on a levered beta of 1.219. Beta is a measure of a stock's volatility, compared to the market as a whole.

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